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Advice after rolling

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Old 30-Jan-2006, 02:30 AM
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So first and foremost, here's the URL to the pics:

Originally posted by CyniKal.Mindset
well how old are you? and what are u paying now for insurance...and I think accidents technically stay on record for 9 years but you are free'd from any "punishment" after 5-6 years...either way expect premiums to go up
I'm 21. I'd be paying about $225/mo for insurance if my parents weren't helping me out while I'm looking for a job now that I've graduated from college. That's with one "at fault" accident 5 years ago the upcoming September. I see about the records. How do these records affect me?

Originally posted by Buddah
GEEZUS!!! O....M....G....!!! *speechless*

Well, holy crap..I dunno man...good luck trying to find parts for it man...everything on this thing is back ordered even the whole car. Remember, they are still trying to produce the thing so that orders are filled. Spare parts on this thing is super limited. I hope it works out for you. Good luck.

Pay the 5g''ll be your safer bet.

Originally posted by truluder
just like buddah said, i work for honda's bodyshop there are minimal parts avail. rite now. i mean all parts, and for the most the parts that your gonna neeed. currently we have a 06 sedan with sideimpact and we have had for about 1.5 months and most of the parts just came in. and the customer is gettin pretty mad... if u have those currant(sp?) air bags, enjoy lookin for a new roof liner. so enjoy the wait for your parts, but it is better if you do pay the 5gs in my opinon.
Thanks for the luck. I was actually really surprised when the only body shop I've got the chance to get an estimate at told me that he would be able to get the parts in a day and would be able to fix it in a week. I confirmed that it's a brand new design and all, and this guy deals with Hondas all the time. And I already knew the deal about getting a newly redesigned car fixed up, seeing as my prev accident was with my parents' Camry which had also just been redesigned when we bought it and the accident didn't follow too long after we bought it.

Originally posted by doggy69247
yea i know state farm dont do not at fulat we went over a cliff in a car with black ice and nobodyys insurance would pay the owner of the car or the drivers insurance the owner of the car with state farm ended up getting ****ed
That's pretty crazy. Sorry to read about your accident, and glad you survived it.

Originally posted by LEITNER
you wanna fix a rolled car? regardless of insurance, your gonna fix a rolled car. just stupid. just my opinion.
Originally posted by Gallagher

My advice is to smoke it
Guys, easy there. There's nothing but body damage on my car. All that's affected is the mainly the roof (the biggest damage), the passenger-side fender, the passenger door, and some smaller dents on the rear right door and panel on the back. There are also some scratches on each side of the frame next to the roof. There isn't even a scratch on the hood let alone any internal parts. The car was still running while I was upside-down, and despite everyone's surprise whom I spoke to before getting it turned right-side up, it ran beautifully all the way back to London (with the help of some masking tape covering the gaps between the huge dent on the roof and my moon roof). I guess as quite a few ppl said, I was quite lucky. I have no doubt that that moon roof helped support my roof from caving in further btw, since my roof is dented all around it.

Originally posted by Thrill_House
One question, isnt any one the least bit curious on exactly how this guy mananged to roll an eigth gen? I know I am. And I want to know every detail.
Originally posted by italstallion
am i the only one that wants to know how in the hell did you roll your car and yes i would like pics!!!
K, well here's what happened. I went to Montreal last week to go skiing and to visit some places I used to go to when I used to live there. Actually, on our attempt to find the mountain, I slightly fell off the road while backing up to see a sign that I thought I had missed. The directions to the mountain (on the road) were terrible, and my GPS didn't help :-( Either way, while I was backing up, I slightly fell off the road (have pics of this too if anyone wants to see 'em), and when I attempted getting my right tires out of the ditch, it only went further in. Within the next few mins, two ppl stopped to try and help. One was driving a Beatle, and one a V6 Murano with a hitch. The guy with the Murano tried pulling us out, but due to the lack of good ropes was unable to. My Fido cell had no reception, so I borrowed his Telus one to call Honda Plus. I got winched out of that no prob.

So then my friend and I finally found the mountain and went skiing as we had initially planned. Then on the way back, the roads seems only a bit wet even tho I believe it was snowing lightly. So on this one corner, my car began swirving, and due to my panicking, I guess, I touched on the breaks which made my car cross the opposite direction lane of the sub-devided highway we were on and go into the ditch. All that I could see was this electrical pole that we were heading for, and my friend could only see these trees that were ahead of us as I screamed, "Noooooooooooo!" The next thing we knew, we were hanging upside-down from our seatbelts and we head a few crunches from the roof that I thought were my moon roof breaking as we slowed down to a stop (which seemed to be very nice and slow). No airbags deployed and no windows were broken on any side of the car. After asking my friend if she was OK (who was fine and seemed to be more worried about putting my laptop away that she initially had in her lap than anything) I released my seatbelt and lightly fell onto the roof. I believe I supported my fall with my left arm a bit, but since part of the roof was caved in, the fall wasn't that bad. Plus I'm a pretty tall guy, so over-all there wasn't all that much room between my head and the roof. I had a bit of a headache most likely due to my head lightly hitting the dent on my roof. I then turned my engine off, took my key, and put my four-ways on. As soon as I got out of my car through my door, there were two ppl outside who had pulled over, asking if we're ok and how many ppl are in the car. One of them then offered to drive us somewhere where there was cell reception, and the other mentioned that there was a coffee shop right across the street. My friend got out without my help, and we then headed to the coffee shop to call Honda Plus for the second time that day. I was told that I had to call the cops and my insurance as supposedly when a call is rolled, there was no way that the damage could be "minor" or whatever. While I was on hold for over 20 minutes (my call over-all was just under a half an hour), people kept stopped and trying to see if there was anyone in my car, setting my alarm off once or twice, which I had activated once I got out of my car. Also while I was on the phone, a cop stopped in front of my car and inspected it. He then came to the coffee shop just as I was done my call with Honda Plus. The cop said that I did not have to make a report since there was no property damage as per his inspection. I asked him if it made a difference insurance-wise if I did not make a report. He said that if I did not make a report, I would not be able to claim it, but I wouldn't necessarilly need to make a claim had I made a report. So I decided to make a report just in case. The cop had his dispatch double-check to make sure that a tow truck was on its way, and got a confirmation that it was. While the cop was making out the report, a tow truck stopped in front of my car for a few seconds, and then came over to the parking of the coffee shop across the street. He asked if I needed some help with my car. It turned out that he was not the one being sent to help me get my car "back on its feet," but he worked for the same company, so he saved me some time for the guy who was on his way. As soon as the cop was done making the report, he began to re-route traffic and the tow truck guy moved his truck to the side of the road, next to my car. He then asked me, "Didn't I tow you earlier today?" Hehe, there was a strap left on my car that the guy with the Murano used in attempt to pull me out, and the idiot in the tow truck had noticed it earlier, but I thought that he would've removed it, where-as he did not, so that's how he recognized my car. Either way, he rolled my car back right-side up via the passenger-side, where we heard a few more crunches. He was surprised to hear me start it when I got in it, as before he had turned it right-side up, he had told me that it was no helicopter, and once it's up-side down, it would need major repairs (whatever he meant about that "not a helicopter" line). Since the passenger-side mirror was foldable, it survived the accident with just some scratches. The passenger door no longer opened however. The pics that I took were right before, during, and after I got towed. Didn't have time to take any before that. So you might see some snow on the road, which was not there before and/or during the accident. So there's my detailed story for ya :-)

Originally posted by bbarbulo
sell it cheap and let someone else worry about it.... nuff ppl fix rolled cars... take the proceeds from that sale and the $5K saved from the fix and buy another one.
Hmm, well if I can get $20000 for it or more (altho I guess that wouldn't quite be cheap), then I'm all up for selling it :-D Hehe, don't quite see that happenning tho.

Originally posted by kwasley
ill give you 5 grand for it
5 grand for a $25000 car with $5000 of damage on it? :-o Hehe, I'm not that crazy :-)

Originally posted by bevboyy
Part it out bro....
Don't quite see why I would do that.

Originally posted by Team Rukus

whats so bad about fixing a rolled car?
i would much rather fix and own a rolled car then a car that was t boned or rear ended.

and 98 percent of the rolled over cars are not like the ones you see in the movies that turn out to look like mush.

with a rolled car usually the only parts that HAVE to be changed are mirrors, windows, suspension. everything else can be fixed assuming there is no parts available to purchase new or used.

if the shop you are taking it to knows what they are doing and are willing to gurantee their work i would have it fixed and not go thru insurance. Because if you do most likely it will be a write-off OR you will be out of a car for a long time and you will run out of a rental car too because insurance wont pay for a long time.

also did any of your airbags blow up? ie side curtain airbags? seatbelt restraint? etc.... if it did then your looking at a very costly fix up.
Thanks for the advice. I dunno about your stats, since everyone was and is quite surprised about my car being in the shape it is after being rolled.

None-the less, the repairs you have listed there are well above and beyond what my car needs. there isn't one broken window on it, and the only mirror that would've been affected was saved due to the fact that they fold :-)

As for the shop knowing what it's doing, I will run my car by several shops. Just got the chance to get through one so far, since I got back from Montreal on Friday night, and working hours are very limited for those guys on Saturdays.

I don't need to worry about a rental, as even if my car needs to sit in the body shop's lot for a while, I still have my '94 Civic that I've been driving the past two days.

As already mentioned in my detailed story, there were no airbags deployed. Had no prob with the seatbelts. Not too sure wha you mean by "seatbelt restraint," but we were both hanging upside-down by them.

Originally posted by alwaysoverkill
i'd go through insurance. Even if your rate goes up $100 a month, its still only $6000 anyways, and thats if it goes up $100 a month. Depending on your age, etc. $90 a month over 5 years, is easier to swallow then $5000 up front. Plus what if once working on the car, something else not noticed was found to be busted...that estimate could grow.

But seperate note. You have to love how insurance has ****ed us so much, we worry about making a claim on the sole item we are paying incase we ever need to make a claim. They are ****ing us in the ***, no kiss and not even saying thank you after.

Oh, and sorry to hear about your luck, atleast you were ok, the car can be fixed.
Hmm, well see someone I know mentioned exactly what you did in your first paragraph which made me wonder what kind of experience you guys have had here, prompting me to make my original post :-)

Yea, the way insurance works is pretty ****ty, but if you think about it, they've gotta make some cash too, right? :-(

Thanks for the empathy :-)

Originally posted by Team Rukus

insurance after a claim tends to double. not go up 100 a month.
Not quite sure I'd agree with that one. My first accident only bumped my insurance up by a bit, and to my understanding, you have 2 chances when it comes to "at-fault" accidents, where your insurance goes up by a bit, but after that, most insurance companies won't even cover you. Only insanely expensive ones. That's why my dad doesn't think that it's worth wasting this chance over such a "smaller" claim.

Originally posted by 92extremehatch
ya man for 5 grand part out your ride or take all the good parts off of it and keep them and pick up another ek for that price they are going pretty cheap now. dont fix a roll over if will never be the same as it was before, dont chance any issues later on down the road it could be dangerous
Well, I see how that would work with an older car, but with my brand new '06 Civic that I got 2 months ago? Living in London, I went all around Toronto trying to get the best deal. I had been saving up for years for my down payment and everything. My purchase really wasn't that simple, if you know what I mean. I really don't see there being a way for me to be able to make it worth my while to part out a $25000 vehicle and buy a new one with whatever is left from it. I just graduated from college and while I am looking for a real job, I am not making very much money at all. It's enough to be paying off my car while living with my parents in the meanwhile, but paying two off would be pretty insane, if you know what I mean.

Originally posted by gatherer
all insurance companies write off rolled vehicles regardless of cost to fix them the reason why is there is roof structural damage that permanently weakens the roof .. I wouldn't want to be in a second roll if a car had one roll already...
Yea? Hmm, well I would've thought that the body shop would safety my car. Hell, they'd be the first ones in court if anything were to happen (assuming I survived another such accident, which hopefully never happens again).

Now see, peeps, I think my main concern is finding a good body shop. Who cares if I pay a few extra bucks. The one I got an estimate from only has one location which means that if it goes down under, this lifetime warranty he's giving me goes down the drain. Gunna find out what Car Star for example is wanting for the repair. Anyone have any advice on any bigger body shops in the GTA? Thank you for all of your feedback :-)


EDIT: Just fixed some typos.
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 03:07 AM
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Oops, not sure how I missed this, but my bumper cover also needs replacing. Just thought I'd add that :-)

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Old 30-Jan-2006, 04:30 AM
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ahahhahah, i just laughed at those pics cuz absolutely no windows looked broken....not even the sunroof..hehehe, it just looks like someone did a huge bum drop on the roof of the car
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 04:31 AM
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damn..definitely fix it up..(not threw insurance)
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 05:04 AM
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gatherer, it's not true, I've seen insurance fix really expensive rollovers, like brand new jeeps and trucks... I mean replacing a $50K truck is harder to swallow than paying $8K to have it fixed.
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 06:11 AM
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Originally posted by bbarbulo
gatherer, it's not true, I've seen insurance fix really expensive rollovers, like brand new jeeps and trucks... I mean replacing a $50K truck is harder to swallow than paying $8K to have it fixed.
also the roof is not part of the structure. its the pillars that are.
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 08:25 AM
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Originally posted by Fug
ahahhahah, i just laughed at those pics cuz absolutely no windows looked broken....not even the sunroof..hehehe, it just looks like someone did a huge bum drop on the roof of the car
Yes, just like I mentioned, no broken windows. Not quite sure how the side would be affected by a bum drop, but ok.

Originally posted by dvdrsi
damn..definitely fix it up..(not threw insurance)
K, thanks.

Originally posted by bbarbulo
gatherer, it's not true, I've seen insurance fix really expensive rollovers, like brand new jeeps and trucks... I mean replacing a $50K truck is harder to swallow than paying $8K to have it fixed.
Originally posted by Team Rukus

also the roof is not part of the structure. its the pillars that are.
Makes sense :-)

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Old 30-Jan-2006, 12:40 PM
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Two car crashes because of the winter weather. You need to invest $600 in some good snow tires and practice snow/ice driving, IMO.

BTW, the car looks great, considering it was rolled over, props to Honda.
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 04:30 PM
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Originally posted by Team Rukus

also the roof is not part of the structure. its the pillars that are.
so you think that the pillars are structurly fine after having 2500lbs roll over on them, not to mention the force that came with the roll? just silly. glad im not gonna be driving it and i hope you dont roll it again if you do fix it. i guess i like life.
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 04:44 PM
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Originally posted by LEITNER

so you think that the pillars are structurly fine after having 2500lbs roll over on them, not to mention the force that came with the roll? just silly. glad im not gonna be driving it and i hope you dont roll it again if you do fix it. i guess i like life.
well if you knew how the new ACE chassy's work then you would know yes they are fine.
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 04:47 PM
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i guess i dont. even still, i wouldnt drive it.
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 05:24 PM
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ohh well guess I was misinformed...

but a new car like this I'd still be insisting they get me a new one.... it's like it lost it's virginity...
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 06:26 PM
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Originally posted by BlazeInEk
Two car crashes because of the winter weather. You need to invest $600 in some good snow tires and practice snow/ice driving, IMO.

BTW, the car looks great, considering it was rolled over, props to Honda.
Hmm, I wonder the best jus isn't good enuf eh (my Michelin X-Ice)?

Originally posted by LEITNER
i guess i dont. even still, i wouldnt drive it.
Originally posted by gatherer
ohh well guess I was misinformed...

but a new car like this I'd still be insisting they get me a new one.... it's like it lost it's virginity...
Do you guys really think that my insurance company would agree to total a car that drives perfectly? And as far as I am aware, the body shop is responsible for the repair of the vehicle and if something is wrong with it post-repair, especially if something ended up to be fatal or even near fatal, I am sure that there would be consequences. There's just no way.

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Old 30-Jan-2006, 07:04 PM
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^good thing your alright.

post the pics of when it came out of them shop
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 08:41 PM
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Originally posted by 8thGenCivic

Hmm, I wonder the best jus isn't good enuf eh (my Michelin X-Ice)?

Do you guys really think that my insurance company would agree to total a car that drives perfectly? And as far as I am aware, the body shop is responsible for the repair of the vehicle and if something is wrong with it post-repair, especially if something ended up to be fatal or even near fatal, I am sure that there would be consequences. There's just no way.

what good are concequences if your dead? just saying i wouldnt risk it. so it drives perfectly huh? why get it fixed then?
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 09:02 PM
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just because it drives properly doesnt mean it looks good.
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Old 30-Jan-2006, 09:24 PM
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Originally posted by Mischev
^good thing your alright.

post the pics of when it came out of them shop
Thank bro. I will indeed get some pics up once it's all been fixed up :-)

Originally posted by LEITNER

what good are concequences if your dead? just saying i wouldnt risk it. so it drives perfectly huh? why get it fixed then?
Well, for whatever my life might be worth, at least it would make the people closest to me rich and the person who was responsible pay for it :-D

Originally posted by Team Rukus
just because it drives properly doesnt mean it looks good.
Hehehe. Got that right. It also doesn't mean that it's too comfortable driving it headroom-wise.

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Old 10-Mar-2006, 10:54 AM
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Just to keep you guys up to date, my last visit to my baby was on March 1 (two Wednesdays ago). I took some pics then, and at that point, they had realized that I needed a new moon roof glass. I've been waiting ever since for it to come in :-( Apparently those are pretty hard to find, although the local dealership said last Tuesday that it was supposed to arrive today and it still hasn't yet *sigh* Anyways, here're the pics:

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Old 10-Mar-2006, 11:35 AM
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looks good...nice work
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Old 10-Mar-2006, 11:36 AM
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Hmm it looks good, like its getting fixed
Did you decide to pay out of pocket or insurance?
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