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Old 22-Mar-2005, 10:28 AM
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Originally posted by spracingsports
if i hear they blame this one on grand theft auto im gonna flip
me too
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 11:34 AM
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That nut's
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 11:35 AM
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Originally posted by 99blacksi
yes cause it could only happen in america

and not really comparable to reach that status he would of had to peg off atleast more 6 people
Um... you are forgeting the big shooting in Montreal.

***EDIT*** rant deleted... not interested in starting a political debate on these forums.

Basically... people are just violent and if you get somebody who is wired wrong... bad things happen.
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 11:44 AM
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well, USA has about 10X the population of Canada, therefore there is bound to statistically be 10X the amount of 'crazy'. plus add the stress factors of low social nets, high income differential, and hectic, busy lives... there is bound to be some isht going down... not to mention ethnic mixing and whatnot... that can cause some stress too... maybe someone made fun of him for being native or something.
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 11:48 AM
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Originally posted by bbarbulo
shut up you hippie. it's our land now.
before us was the british and the french.
eh watch it, i might go dances with wolveson ur *** lol....
the world is messed up, he killed his grandparets first and the grandfather was an ex cop thts where he got all the guns from...
crazy people, no one just kills themselves n e more, now they fell they gotta take a portion of the town out with them geeeze...
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 12:06 PM
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Originally posted by bbarbulo
... maybe someone made fun of him for being native or something.
on a reservation????
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 01:45 PM
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the only reason stuff like that isnt happening as much in canada is because we have WAY better gun laws... if everyone in canada had the right to bear arms and keep guns and stuff in the house, you know many more murders and stuff would be occuring?
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 01:58 PM
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i don't think gun laws have much to do with anything but cause problems for people who like guns.

what percentage of gun related violence involves registered guns?

why does sweden have a higher percentage of guns per household than the US yet not only gun related, but violence related crimes are far lower based on population percentage?

you don't need a gun to kill a lot of people. gasoline, sawdust, and manure is readily available. you can drive your car into a parade of people. you can get a freaking chainsaw at home depot without any problems.

people are stupid, people do stupid things. north american society is too busy crying about their rights to wear turbans as rcmp officers and to let homosexuals get married.

when your children look up to some guy rapping about murdering and raping underage girls to get mad dollars you have things to consider that don't involve the decriminalization of marijuana.

people need a wake up call, but i don't think the masses will receive it before it is too late.

i'm ready for the fall of society. whether it's at the hands of high school kids listening to marilyn manson, religious fundamentalists, or zombies, i'm waiting.
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 03:34 PM
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hey guys, sorry i didnt mean to offend anyone by the statement i made earlier. i guess i didnt make myself very clear. sorry.
what i meant was, in canada it is harder to get guns then in the US therefore gun related deaths are obviously higher in the US. im also not talkin about legal firearms, im talking about getting guns by walking downtown NY or something and buying them from some guy.
the media does have ALOT to do with it (mostly degenerate rap music) and thats probably why other countries do not have the same problem as the US.
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 04:10 PM
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never worry about offending me. I couldn't care less what people have to say.

I know it's not that hard to get guns in Canada.. at least not in the GTA.. and getting those has nothing to do with gun laws.

The media has nothing to do with it, I don't think.

I would put my finger on two things.

1. Parents who do not put enough time into their children, regardless of the surrounding circumstances. Neglect with an excuse is still neglect.

2. kids are stupid. kids have always done stupid things, now it's just easier for kids to cause more harm... because kids get access to things much quicker than they used to.

I listen to DMX, and my reference to raping an underage girl was from his first album, X is coming. There is a difference between listening to entertainment, and looking up to a celebrity. You don't have to believe or support anything you are listening to.

KoRn... all 5 of their albums.. or 4 or whatever... they never evolved in terms of lyrics... it's always been the 'no one liked me as a kid.. they called me ***... blah blah blah.. why...'... i used to listen to korn... did i relate? no. it's music. it's entertainment. you don't read a stephen kind novel because you can relate or you support a paranormal evil being killing children.

I listened to NWA when I was six... my old cousin would give me tapes... **** the police... straight out of compton.. blah blah blah.. you think i wanted to be a gang banger? no.. i just liked listening to it. my parents taught me the difference between right and wrong without sheltering me from the godless evils of society.

i think i turned out okay.

although they would agree with most people my sense of humour is probably a little twisted, but i blame them and the genes they gave me for that.

my solution is a little cold hearted.. but in the long run.. i think it's better.

purge all absolute disease from society.

i would not call this guy a neo-****... regardless of what he calls himself. the ***** were organized, efficient, and had a goal. they did not commit thoughtless action such as this.

i think this kid's actions were closer to that of George Bush. I'm not condoning the ****'s... I'm just saying Hitler should be given a little more credit than this idiot who got nowhere with his cause.
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 04:25 PM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee

I would put my finger on two things.

1. Parents who do not put enough time into their children, regardless of the surrounding circumstances. Neglect with an excuse is still neglect.

2. kids are stupid. kids have always done stupid things, now it's just easier for kids to cause more harm... because kids get access to things much quicker than they used to.
if i had to edit your long-*** essay posts, i'd just leave that above.

it's clear and concise that way.

the rest is just filler!

just kidding. good points though.
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 04:25 PM
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the ***** were organized, efficient, and had a goal. they did not commit thoughtless action such as this.
Bwahaha...Hitler was a coke head! He was a political assassin before coming into power. He realized that it is easier to unite people under any given flag if there is a common enemy. The **** party was organised... Hitler was an idiot. A charismatic idiot, but idiot none the less. Don't beleave me? He broke the TWO most known rules in warfare... Rule One... Never fight a war on two fronts. Rule Two.. NEVER and I mean NEVER invade Russian in the winter! LOL There is a reason Hitler's own generals tried to assassinate him. But then, I'm a history buff. I don't expect many to know what I'm talking about... i gotta stop these rants... LOL
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 04:34 PM
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hitler a coke head? i'd like to see where your historical data was gotten on that.. he supposedly didn't drink much... a coke head? oh man... hitler an idiot? from a country torn apart.. he was able to create an enemy and amass a country into a world power.. the treaty of versailles is to blame if you want to look at things historically for the **** Party being created.. hitler was not an assassin, he was a messenger when he was in the army... i highly doubt anyone without an agenda could claim hitler to be an idiot.

it's okay to say he went mad with power.. and perhaps made a few mistakes.... but to call him an idiot... wow... never heard that from anyone with any historical knowledge.

look how hitler use ernst rohm and the munich SA.... that's pure genius... twisted.. but genius...

all men who have been the figureheads of evil have been very intelligent.... stalin was in the most powerful position and no one had noticed his climb from secretary.... hitler created problems which he was the solution too... vlad the impaler committed great atrocities but accomplished ALL of his goals... bill clinton got laid a lot.
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 04:54 PM
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on the topic of hitler, i agree with Bruce,
i do not think hitler was an idiot at all. he was anything but an idiot. in my social psychology class and i think one other one, we actually had a talk about hitler and the man was a genius.. u have hitler, who himself is full of problems and disorders (he was a neat freak, obsessed with his mother, and.. i guess a coke head to top it off) in a broken country that is falling apart. this guy managed to create a scapegoat and muster enough courage and hope in his army that they will succeed and triumph.
humanly speaking, the guy was sick and i am in no way saying what he did was right but he did what no other german politian leader could do: bring the country together and motivate them...
that part about him is genius how he was able to pull that off
one could also argue that bush is doing the same thing with afghanistan and iraq but thats a whole other topic...

anyways back to the main thread...
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 05:13 PM
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Hitler was not a cokehead. How can you believe something you read off a forum so easily? If I told you Michael J Fox stuck gerbils up his @ss would it be accepted as the truth?

I've studied **** Germany more than most people have studied history.

I take interest in human depravity. It seems like a cartoon when the governmenr commissioned soldiers wear skulls.

Pretty bad what humanity can succumb to.

The most interesting historical figure for me has be Vlad Tepes.... He has been the main inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula.

anyway, parental neglect and proper guidance is the cause of things like this i would believe.. in most cases.... a small percentage of people really are fscked up
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 06:03 PM
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what a foul
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 06:03 PM
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if i said ice cube i the best actor ever, would you believe me??? you should... CUZ HE IS!!! HAHAHAHAHA
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 06:11 PM
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BBarbulo got it right. I'm not telling you what school I go to. It's for obvious reasons. No offence intended.
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 06:15 PM
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I used to go in to school after hours and watch old war footage of world war two with a couple of my history teachers. I will research a little more about Hitler being addicted to coke. I know it's true, I just don't remember where I read/saw it. I still talk to my old history teachers, so it shouldn't take too long.

Oh, and before you give credit to Hitler, you need to remember something that everybody seems to forget. "Hitler" did not do these things... Hitler was only the head of the political party that did these things. Everything that was bad, wasn't Hitler's fault, and everything that was positive hitler can't take credit for. he was only one man standing in the center of the party.

But Hitler is one of the two main reasons that the ****'s lost the war. The two MAIN reasons the Allies won is because A) Hitler insisted that a war be fought on two fonts which depleted the resources of the armed forces, and B) we had cracked their enigma coding machine, so we knew when and where they were going to do things.

But I will research Hitler's cocaine addiction and get back.

***EDIT*** this link is the first hit on a google search...

here's another...
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Old 22-Mar-2005, 07:27 PM
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Horrible..... school should be a safe place...

It's good (or at least better) that Canada has more restriction on guns.
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