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This Bulldog bull**** !

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Old 29-Aug-2005, 08:10 AM
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 09:22 AM
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This is all a bunch of BS!
What are they going to d once there's no more pit bulls and learn that Rotties are biting people.....exhile the Rotties???? Then when they're done with that they'll see that Black labs, or huskies are next...and so on..... It's a bunch of political BS!
I agree with charging the owner. It's all in the raising of the dog. My buddy has a Pit Bull named Lucky. The biggest issue I have with that dog is he thinks he's a lap dog and he weighs too much to crawl on my lap. I myself have a Black lab. Your typical family dog. She's a great dog. But to tell the truth, I'm more worried about my lab biting somebody than my buddy's Pit Bull.
I personaly think it's all political due to the press. People get bit by dogs all the time for many different reasons. It's just that nobody wants to read or see a story about a puddle or lab attacking somebody, but if it's a Pit Bull, it's a headliner because that's what the uneducated people view as an attack dog.
I'd like to know where PETA is for this? I'm sure there's something they have to say about this.
Uggghh......I think I'm done my rant now. There are only two reasons that you can agree to this law.
1. You or somebody you care about has been attacked by a Pit Bull. But you know's not that it's because it was a Pit Bull that it attacked you/them. Something made that Dog (or any dog) attack. Plus I was bitten by a german sheppard. To this day I'm a little nervous of them, but I don't hold it against the breed!
2. You are just simply reading the papers and agreeing with politicians because you don't have any of your own experience with the breed. Here's something you need to know....don't believe everything you read or see on the news. It's only one side of the story. Educate yourself and learn about the breed before you make your judgment.
Ok.....that's it for me. Have a good one. I actualy have to do some work now. :cry:
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 09:26 AM
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read this **** carefully
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 09:45 AM
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it's rarely the family dog that attacks the family children. It is alway someone elses kid that gets bit.

1. if you leave your 10 year old children to run around unsupervised you're a garbage parent.

2. if you haven't taught your 10 year old child to not touch or go near other people's dogs without asking, you're a garbage parent.

3. if you let own a dog and let him roam the streets free, you're a garbage owner.


I view havning a dog that can do damage like having a knife. It should be respected and handled properly. If the knife with a brain ends up stabbing someone, it is the owners fault, unless the idiot victim stuck his/her hand ontot he blade.

stupid little kids (much like we all were) poke dogs, pull their hair, stick fingers in their eyes... if someone did this to me and didn't stop, I'd punch them in the face myself.

If someone starting pulling a cops hair and saying "aren't you authoritative and cute".. and poking their eyes... the cops would act and act violently/physically. Should we have the police officers also put to sleep? Or should we punish the government for hiring people who will fight back we annoying/harmed?

I went camping with a group of people this weekend. Some guy was scared of my girlfriend's miniature schnauzer puppy. i think i realize the kind of person who wants to ban dogs now.

I originally thought he was a crackhead, but apparantly he was just high on life. His wiring wasn't right.. the kind of person who doesn't function well in society and you have a lot of people saing "he's a really nice guy."

maybe he should go into politics.
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 11:03 AM
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Re: This Bulldog bull**** !

Originally posted by Gallagher
This disgust me ! All the pitbulls that are in dog shlets are going to have to be put down because of this new ****ing law ! All these dogs have to be spade and neutered and have to wear mussels all the time !


I wanna protest !
thats just fuken sick i hate this stupid ban, and i hate the way how ppl look at pitbulls, for example if any watched yesterday evening news on cp24 the police had to get into a house and they claimed they were "held off" by a pitbull, it turns out that the pitbull was in the house wagging its tale with his friend right next to him a friggin CAT

I hate all the negative attention pitbulls have been recieving, so i guess its ok for other breeds of dogs to attack
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 11:19 AM
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doggy69247: you have the worst argument skills.

anyway, i really dont give a fvck what they do to the pitbulls.
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 11:42 AM
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I don't think it's the issue of how many pitbulls attack, I think it's that when a pitbull does attack, it's an absolute monster.

There may be other dogs higher on the list of bite reports, but it's when the pitbulls attack that they do the most damage.

One of the pitbull attacks, the dog was shot like 11 times and it still managed to run dog the street before collasping.

I have a malinois sheppard and I don't think this ban is necessary. Sure the dog have the potential to be dangerous, but I also agree it's the owners that are at fault.

That being said, how can we regulate the owners? Simpliest solution to the ignorance of owners (according to the gov.) is not let them have control of such a powerful animal.
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 12:01 PM
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Originally posted by Cablerat
I don't think it's the issue of how many pitbulls attack, I think it's that when a pitbull does attack, it's an absolute monster.

There may be other dogs higher on the list of bite reports, but it's when the pitbulls attack that they do the most damage.

One of the pitbull attacks, the dog was shot like 11 times and it still managed to run dog the street before collasping.

I have a malinois sheppard and I don't think this ban is necessary. Sure the dog have the potential to be dangerous, but I also agree it's the owners that are at fault.

That being said, how can we regulate the owners? Simpliest solution to the ignorance of owners (according to the gov.) is not let them have control of such a powerful animal.
Then why not make it that you have to register your dog like they do with guns.....oh wait....they if they ban pit bulls they need to ban guns.....make sense?????? Don't give the "ignorant owners" the chance to do any damage with them.
Granted Pit bulls do attack harder than other dogs......but does that mean that we need to euthanize the strongest of all creatures? In that case we need to say that boxers or Ultimate Fighters need to be killed and if your kid turns out to be one he has to be sent for research, out of the province, or killed.
Also, with guns you need a licence to own one......why not make it so you need a licence to own a dog? Any dog. Because all dogs need propper training. Plus the benifit to our retarded government is that it's simply another cash cow for them.
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 12:06 PM
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how many times has a dog just randomly bitten a kid?? prolly none. its probably provoked, like the kid was poking the dog with a stick, so it bit the little ****.

lol, and you guys think the american government has its head up their asses.........
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 12:17 PM
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i don't think you should put a human and a dog on the same level in terms of saying banning or killing them.

we are stronger, smarter, and higher up on the food chain. we pretend to respect eachother. everyone doesn't pretend to respect the life on a lesser animal.

i hear every morning that police are being shot at in the GTA and the main concerns are loud exhausts and dogs. we're becomming more and more like the US.

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Old 29-Aug-2005, 12:23 PM
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Originally posted by spracingsports
how many times has a dog just randomly bitten a kid?? prolly none. its probably provoked, like the kid was poking the dog with a stick, so it bit the little ****.
so are you saying we should hold the children responsible?

the only logical way that pitbulls can stay around is only if the owners sign an agreement that is kept on file with the police that states any attack committed by the dog will be their responsibility and will be punishable by the full extent of the law (and the dog gets killed too).

if the dog is so harmless like they claim, they should have no objection to signing something like that.
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 12:45 PM
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they have to do something, how many people were severly bitten last summer, way more then 10+ were talking kids with massive stitches in their top of the head, adults with leg and neck has to stop. and if owners are to dumb to have control over their dog, and the people of the province are at risk, the government has to step in. they are not banishing the breed, on your property they are good to go, but if you take it for a walk it needs a muzzle.

i like the law for that it protects kids more, but i don't like how now the toronto humane society is having a hell of a time getting these dogs adopted. they are friendly and can don't think the people that had their dog taken away and put down because it attacked some though, wow, it has never done that. there was also a pile of those stories last summer too, where owners said, he's friendly....well, obviously not in this case.

these dogs actually tore apart a small dog last summer...tore it apart alittle puddle or something right in front of the ya, something definately needed to be done and will be done in other provinces if it gets to the level it did here in ontario last summer. dumb**** owners cost all the good owners, same as all the dumb**** ricer racers cost the rest of us who just want to enjoy our cars...that life.
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 12:47 PM
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i think the whole thing is Bull sh**t, there are not really bad dogs out there just bad owners. Don't get me wrong there are a very few hand full od born bad dogs, but most of the time its the owners fault. Bad training or lack there of...........
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 12:48 PM
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Originally posted by t_dot_porkchop

so are you saying we should hold the children responsible?

the only logical way that pitbulls can stay around is only if the owners sign an agreement that is kept on file with the police that states any attack committed by the dog will be their responsibility and will be punishable by the full extent of the law (and the dog gets killed too).

if the dog is so harmless like they claim, they should have no objection to signing something like that.
Agreed....see my post on licencing and registering. But don't do it for ONLY pit bulls. We are always bichin about why discrimate against a specific breed when ALL dogs bite/attack. They are creatures of habit/instinct. Meaning that they don't bite just for the sake of biting. Any dog is capable of biting/attacking so make it so you need a licence to buy/own one and when you do, you have to register it.
Agree disagree? I think it's the most reasonable and benifitial for both sides of the argument. I said before.....the politicians can give themselves another fat raise......or if they were nice...use the money made in licencing and registration to lower gas prices.
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 01:20 PM
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How about banning shih tzu's because they have long hair ?

If I ever seen the person that made this law i'd pee on em and give them a facial ! This disgusts me !

AHHHHHHHHHHHH so mad I dont want to even talk !
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 01:28 PM
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Originally posted by Gallagher
How about banning shih tzu's because they have long hair ?

If I ever seen the person that made this law i'd pee on em and give them a facial ! This disgusts me !

AHHHHHHHHHHHH so mad I dont want to even talk !

Politician=====> <======I think most of us here
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 01:43 PM
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Originally posted by Cablerat
I don't think it's the issue of how many pitbulls attack, I think it's that when a pitbull does attack, it's an absolute monster.

There may be other dogs higher on the list of bite reports, but it's when the pitbulls attack that they do the most damage.

One of the pitbull attacks, the dog was shot like 11 times and it still managed to run dog the street before collasping.
Exactly. Pitbulls are just like any other dog, they are loving creatures and can be the kindest things in the world.


With pitbulls, their aggressiveness is a genetic characteristic. A good owner will prevent that part of the dog's personality from coming out, but it's always going to be there.

When a pitbull attacks it fights to the death, more or less. An owner can not easily restrain their pitbull if it decides to go off. You basically need to have access to a weapon to stop them from attacking whatever they have targeted before any damage can be done.

I can make bombs in my basement and as long as I'm a good bomb owner none of them will go off. Want to be my neighbour?

When I see a pitbull walking down the street I always look around for the nearest large stick than I could bash the thing's brain out with if it gets rowdy, because I'm not getting bitten and if I do, the dog's dead.
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 01:54 PM
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Originally posted by Gallagher
How about banning shih tzu's because they have long hair ?

If I ever seen the person that made this law i'd pee on em and give them a facial ! This disgusts me !

AHHHHHHHHHHHH so mad I dont want to even talk !

heres the dick that started all of this ****
his name is micheal bryant and if u see this man on the street spit on him
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 02:04 PM
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Old 29-Aug-2005, 02:53 PM
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no matter what you say, you have to remember...agression is a well known trait of pitbulls, they can be extremely violent dogs, not to say that they're the only ones but it is well known that some just snap for no reason.

like what kane2k said, if i see one while im walking i look for the nearest object to smack it with if it comes after me. And its not enough having the owner keep it on a leash, if those dogs are pissed there's no stopping them.

We haven't even given the new law a chance yet, maybe it doesn't seem like the right thing to do, and maybe it's a good decision. If you're obsessed with owning pissed off dogs you can still get a rottweiler.
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