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Old 16-Feb-2006, 11:15 PM
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 01:20 AM
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just for the ppl that dont know.

-there are over 600 diff. version christian beliefs just in the US

- the bible has been tampered with edited so many times that u have numerous version's like NJB new jerusalem bible, NRSV new revised standard version, NIV New international version,NKJ New King James Version, LB The Living Bible, RS Revised Standard Version, NAS New American Standard Version,NC New Century Version and tons more...
from my point of view the true meaning of the bible including the Old test. (TORAH) has been lost due to the dissections, studies and diff. sects made by christians

- from what i think Jesus was not sent to create a new religion he was a jew himself and came to get the jews of jerusalem to the right path and they themselves crucified him.

- if 2.1 billion christian can keep thier cool it can also mean they dont care anymore, im not saying they dont but that could be a possible reason. i hope im not offending any christian's from TCC

-anyway the cartoons were published i think in sep. the denmark authorities were confronted abt it, what did they do they did not listen. They published them again giving it the name of "freedom of speech" (not when you are making fun of one's beliefs.)

- the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) is a figure in islam that every muslim follows or atleast tries to follow. he is the last prophet(P.B.U.H.) from the many Allah (god) had sent which includes Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and many more.

- i dont think its wrong for the muslim's to protest against drawing cartoon's but it should be done in a peacefull manner not burning buildings.

mad respect goes to szuberi from me for sticking up for the UMMAH!!

if anyone is opposed of the the danish newspaper drawing the cartoons call 416 870 4444 CITYTV poll line

you can also sign a petition at:
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 01:59 AM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
Another Good read.... the enemies of freedom of expression are my enemies.

Hitler was more tolerant.

"Protesters called for the death of anyone who insults Muhammad..."
1st of all
this is written by "WESTERN MEDIA" who thinks everything bad happens due to muslims.

and u mentioned that "Protesters called for the death of anyone who insults Muhammad..."
but what about
this statement made by a MUSLIM who said:

“Islam says it’s all right to demonstrate but not to resort to violence. This must stop,” senior cleric Mohammed Usman told The Associated Press. “We condemn the cartoons but this does not justify violence. These rioters are defaming the name of Islam.”

ppl (authorities of the west) need to realize that no one likes to die they are ppl gettin killed in the protest's so when u think about it there must be a pretty good reason for these ppl to protest.
stupid newpapers authorities like the denmark Jyllands-Posten and the other european newspaper's.
i think these ppl (the ones who published the cartoons) should have been smarter.i think they knew that muslim's were goin to react in this and they still did it what's it to them there newpapers are gonna sell for all that they give a **** about.

i dont know man this world's becoming a mess.
cant wait till summer, so i can work on my car!!
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 02:05 AM
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Originally posted by J
they are uncivilized, it's that simple.

they don't even act like humans, more like primates who don't know how to control their temper.

i mean come on, some of those drawings were funny......stop, stop, we ran out of virgins....that's comedic gold

woah bud,

what abt the newspaper publisher he is not a small kid who doesnt know anything about this issue as i said b4 they probably knew it was gonna lead this way.

for all i know and think they instigated this issue so that they could get some stories to fill in thier newspapers.

and i think that who ever comes with some idiotic bull like the danish newspaper's, are just ignorant **** heads, its just that simple..
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 02:10 AM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
you should specify who "they" are before you get accused of something you don't want to be associated with.

I'm assuming you mean closed minded fundamentalists with are intolerant and unaccepting of anything other than their primitive beliefs.

any woman who supports it should give up her drivers license, cause in places like Saudi Arabia, where this is the belief many have, women are not allowed to drive, nor are they allowed to travel with males who they are not married or related to.

Their sexist views should alienate 50% of north american society right there.. the ladies.. (some guys might argue that women not driving is a good thing). then take every guy who likes to drink, and have premarital sex without the risk of being stoned to death.. all of you should dislike this group.. what does that leave? sexist men with no flare for life or respect for freedom of thought.

if i lived such a life, i too, would probably strap up some bombs. what the point if that is the case? at least i'll get sexed by virgins in the afterlife.

that confuses me too.. if you're gonna be getting laid in the afterlife.. don't you want someone experienced who knows how to work it? it's not like you have to be scared of getting HIV.. you're already dead!
women over there dont drive cuz most of them are pretty rich to afford DRIVER'S!!!

and this is what the western media does to the brain's of ppl like you who think SUICIDE=VIRGINS.... WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think every single person b4 concluding a statement about islam or any other religion should study the religion or study islam b4 writing anything whatsoever.
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 02:14 AM
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Originally posted by Mischev

i agree, the muslims around toronto have done what should have done in the 1st place, boycott them, and bruning embassies doesent help, just cut off the oil to europe and they will feel it.

yes there are a lot of extremists running around the middle east but i'm a muslim my self, and i'm not running around shooting jews and burning flags.

i'm not here to defend my religion as i dont not feel qulified to do so

there is a peaceful way to resolve issues AS MANY OF THE ARAB LEADERS HAVE SAID.

there has been many calls by islamic leaders to stop the violence.

i understand arabic, and my dad watches al jazeera at home, and they even sent out a plea for every1 to stop, and resolve it peacfully.

i must admit i was very angry when i saw the cartoons, but even our prophet beleived in forgiveness and its up to us as human beings to try to live with each other in as peacful a manner as possible.

the people on this board can sit infront of the computer and call muslims barbaric based on what they see on CNN, but until u go through what these poeple go thru every day please refrain from insulting them.

i dont agree with what the extemists are doign as it is against out religion to kill the innocent, women and children...but i dont understand their frustration as i'm not living their life, i have it easy here in canada, where i can send my parents to jail, and make money on the internet doign nothing

bro i totally agree with you
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 10:05 AM
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94 SI

I actually wanted to talk about the various versions of the Bible in my posting but i refrained because i thought it might upset some ppl here. None the is true while the Holy Quran is the only book which is still present in its original form to this day.

There were are a few ppl who passed some direct and inappropriate remarks against muslims and Islams in general earlier on in this forum. I wanted to respond but didnt because i dont want confrontation. This is not a religious forum or site.....but it just shows their hypocricy and im sure they will say...its freedom of speech bulls**t.

I openly challenge anyone to have a convincing and respectful argument on this topic. I will try my best to explain the facts and urge everyone to refrain from getting emotional (although this is hard) and have a meaningful debate.

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Old 17-Feb-2006, 10:25 AM
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94-SI-COUPE, My mom is from Palestine (now Israel), my dad is from Iran, my friend grew up in Bagdad, my ex-girlfriend's parents are in Dubai, I can go on.

I cannot appreciate or respect a culture where a woman will be stoned to death for having premarital sex. I am not saying the religion condones it, I am not sure, I am saying a number of the followers of the religion do condone and practice it.

I don't think suicide=virgins, I'm not a jihard guy.

So going back to the Saudi thing, here are some links about Women's rights in Saudi Arabia.

ABC News "One day women will drive, Saudi king says"

CS Monitor "Saudi women get license to speak, but not to drive"

BBC News "Driving ban stays for Saudi women"

These are just the first three hits off of google I got by putting in "women drive saudi". I was originally told about the laws there by my friend's dad who was a civil engineer contractor there for 10 years or whatever.

You can talk all you want about theories and belief systems, what matters is the reality of the situation.

actions speak louder than words.
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 10:56 AM
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That was cool Bruce...i agree that action speaks louder than words and you actually did some research finding the links. Now lets look at some facts.....

All your links are from the western that is only one side of the coin. Restriction on women to drive in Saudi has nothing to do with Islam. While i agree that they should be able to drive, it does not mean this restriction mirrors something that the religion signifies. The two are unrelated and it is the law of the land.

While Saudis restrict women to drive, the morons in Washington spy on their own citizens and then justify it. You tell me what is worse??
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 11:19 AM
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Some of the cultures that are formed by the followers of Islam are the problem, not the religion.

I never said the cultures formed by Christianity are ideal, keep that in mind.

I would rather my government spy on me (which I assumed they already did) instead of them hang me for being raped Like in Iran, or kill me for adultry, like in some Muslim countries.

I appreciate the fact that I can put cigarettes out on the bible, and tell people I have a very dismal view of their religion in my country, and I will not have people trying to kill me right, left, center.

This is freedom of expression. I should be allowed to speak my mind, regardless of how offensive it may be to you. All these guys running around with signs saying death to the infidels for the cartoons I think should be mowed down with machine guns.

At the very least they should be charged.

Protesting is one thing, calling for the death of people for offensive jokes is another.

I view it as an act of war.

This isn't a view just on Islam, don't take it that way. Anyone making any threats should just be taken out.

I like the way Russians have always handled these types of things.

Kill 'em all.


Until people learn we're all the same, and our world culture evolves to that of the animal kingdom, where there will not be any bickering or damaging exploitation, we will always have this sort of BS.

All I do is try to ignore it and let them kill eachother.

in the end, leave me alone, and I don't care what you do.

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Old 17-Feb-2006, 11:24 AM
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I do have to Agree with Szuberi on the Driving thing...

it's the country that is restricting them from driving not the religion...

however I think spying on your citizens and Women's right are 2 separate evils that really can't be compared.
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 11:50 AM
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Well, if God created human, then he sure played one helluva joke by making us different colour.

I feel sorry for those who are being good to others because their religion tells them to do so; not because they think it is the right thing to do fundamentally.
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 12:05 PM
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Originally posted by Nova_Dust
Well, if God created human, then he sure played one helluva joke by making us different colour.

I feel sorry for those who are being good to others because their religion tells them to do so; not because they think it is the right thing to do fundamentally.
The first part of your qupte makes no sense...what do you mean by that?

Secondly, I think the basic principals of christianity, love your neighbour, yadda yadda...are good things. Where do you think fundamental thoughts of mutual respect came from anyways? I believe it is large influence. I dont think its wrong to be good to others based on their religion telling them, its simply how they were brought up.

I used christianity because, I wont speak on behalf of another religion.
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 12:07 PM
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the basis of christianity is be good or you will suffer eternal damnation at the hands of one who unconditionally loves you.

why not teach, be good, and that is better.

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Old 17-Feb-2006, 02:06 PM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
the basis of christianity is be good or you will suffer eternal damnation at the hands of one who unconditionally loves you.

why not teach, be good, and that is better.
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 05:36 PM
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to be like Christ is the goal of Christianity. if you have the love of Christ in your heart and are changed by it than it is only natural that you will do things for the good of others. Christ came to be a servant that we would follow His example and love others more than ourselves. i will look up the beattitudes in Matthew so you can see.
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 06:02 PM
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Originally posted by 94-SI-COUPE

bro i totally agree with you
thanks! least i finally got some
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 06:05 PM
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as you posted the cartoon, it demonstrate's that burning builiding's is wrong i agree with that but i am pretty sure they tried other way's before burning a building. when they could not achieve what they expected from the danish embassy like an apology.. led to frustration and then they started bieng violent. as i said b4 the cartoons were posted in sep... and then reposted again and again by european newpapers and now in feb. you get all the protests violent ones / peacefull ones..
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 06:43 PM
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^ there is a peacefull rally this weekend at queens park
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Old 17-Feb-2006, 07:23 PM
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Originally posted by 94-SI-COUPE
as you posted the cartoon, it demonstrate's that burning builiding's is wrong i agree with that but i am pretty sure they tried other way's before burning a building. when they could not achieve what they expected from the danish embassy like an apology.. led to frustration and then they started bieng violent. as i said b4 the cartoons were posted in sep... and then reposted again and again by european newpapers and now in feb. you get all the protests violent ones / peacefull ones..

Well, just because they didnt get their way, they decided to blow **** up? I give that an 8 on the "You fail at life O-Meter"
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