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Election 2006

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Old 10-Jan-2006, 01:11 AM
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I also watched the debate tonight. I thought it was good.
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 09:17 AM
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voting Green is not a wasted vote. sure they probably won't get in. but at the same time a vote for the green party will give them $1.75 per vote per year. your vote is worth $1.75 don't give it to a party that won't actually change anything. also the more votes the green party gets the more national prime time tv coverage they get and the more chance we get of seeing them in the leaders debate.

so vote green!
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 12:27 PM
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Saw the debate as well and it was probably the best one yet... lots of good debating and arguments being flung around. As far as the green Party goes I hear a lot from stupid youth voting for them only because they think they are going to legalize marijuana. If anything that's a nothing but a wasted vote.
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 12:43 PM
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I'll save the youth the trouble.. Here is a simple site that lays out the issues for each politcal party.

Scroll down and click on "Party positions: compare and contrast"
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 02:40 PM
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yeah, also the ndp is more for changing the enviroment over the green they want to do more from what the websites have said. The problem with the green party is that although they have some good policies.. they really do have some dumb ones that will never fly, for example trying to eliminate candy by adding a large tax to it and things of that nature.
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 03:40 PM
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Originally posted by climax
trying to eliminate candy by adding a large tax to it and things of that nature.
LMAO say it isn't so..... There are atleast 1 or two things I like from each party. SO for me it comes down to.. whose the least biggest *****.
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 04:50 PM
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yeah each party to me has there good things and bad.. imo I dont think the liberals shoud win though because of the whole scandal thing. I mean they stole money and admitted it and apologized, but even so they still stole. If they get voted back in it kind of shows that parties can get away with stealing and still get supported. I guess the point of the thread wasnt to argue for the parties anyways..Just seeing who tcc is going for
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 06:51 PM
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Originally posted by climax
yeah each party to me has there good things and bad.. imo I dont think the liberals shoud win though because of the whole scandal thing. I mean they stole money and admitted it and apologized, but even so they still stole. If they get voted back in it kind of shows that parties can get away with stealing and still get supported. I guess the point of the thread wasnt to argue for the parties anyways..Just seeing who tcc is going for
you forgot the hrdc (a billion gone there..)
no cancellation of the gst, tho repeatedly promised
used subs and defaulting costs on the helicopter contracts (again in the billions of dollars)
2 billion on the gun laws (which was originally quoted to cost maybe a million)
heritage canada mis-spending (ooh, and without any records of it???)

adscam is minor compared to the rest

cretien said, when the hrdc thingy was going on "it's only a billion dollars"..
cool, then i'll take my portion back, ya slack-jawed *******

Jason, if things were "counted" differently in parliment then ya, you're right..
but it's not different.....
all this party BS makes many vote against their concience and follow party status quo, regardless of what their constituents want
Old 10-Jan-2006, 07:37 PM
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You cannot get rid of the GST...and Paul Martin was exonerated by Judge Gomery, I guess that really hard for people to accept.

Anyone who catched the debate would noticed that Duceppe and Layton questioned Harper on his sketchy campaign. Accepting money from various people and what not. Harper once said he would never used government cars; he does, he said he would never live in the opposition leader house; he does, he also said he would never accept pention fund from the government, neither would any of his cabinet; he does and so does his cabinet.

Anyways, Haper and his policies are far from perfect. I predict this to be like when Joe Clark (conservative) came into power and held it for about 8-9 months before Trudeau brought the Government down. The conservatives are incompitent.

My votes Liberal, as they seem to be the only ones capable of running the country. Actually do some research other then "Gomery"
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 08:57 PM
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I watched the debate and thought harper did the best job, the only bad thing was after everything he said he had this phony smile but on the other hand he was saying that he wasnt trying to sell his party but trying to get his points across which was good. Layton kept trying to "sell" his party and it really did get annoying and repetitive. Duceppe did pretty well I thought as well.
The problem with Martin was every time someone called him out on something he would just say infact and then say the total opposite of it every time. You could see through him like a ghost lol. I liked it when Duceppe called him a liar it was good stuff. When they were talking about one of the topics (cant remember which one) and Duceppe was saying that he and the other parties were pressuring liberals to accept it and it took all day.. then martin is like well we accepted it but that wasnt even the point.. the point was the fact that it took all day to do it and they were against it it took all that pressure.
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 09:23 PM
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Originally posted by Italia311
You cannot get rid of the GST...

Why can't you get rid of GST? it didn't used to be there....
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 09:42 PM
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gst and income tax were suppose to be temporary taxes.. i mean are temporary taxes.. they will go away soon
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 10:50 PM
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Originally posted by Italia311

My votes Liberal, as they seem to be the only ones capable of running the country. Actually do some research other then "Gomery"
let them go run the Barbados..
then Paul can be close to all his ships that fly under their flag so he doesn't have to pay Canadian taxes..

guess you missed the rest of my examples too..??

as per the Gomery Inquiry.... odd he wasn't actually allowed to name names tho, merely say that Martin personally wasn't at fault.... tho he did point out negligence on Martin's part for not knowing what the finance minister SHOULD HAVE KNOWN
and golly, all that money shows up in the Liberal coffers mysteriously, shyt we got caught, better pay it back

oh, what's that i hear?? must be the RCMP on their way to another liberal fundraiser again
Old 10-Jan-2006, 11:40 PM
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Yeah man...I ignored your examples because they're are gettin old and mean nothing when it comes to the incompatance of the other parties.

The fact is, that after all of these investigations by the RCMP that have not been proven yet, the country is still doing fine. You see, those are the things that actually matter.

The fact that Stephan Harper is willing to go to bed with the president of the United States, and is really great friends conservative republicans in the United States, which might I add, play a big influence in the way he runs his party, doesn't make him a suitable Prime Minister for this country.

There is a reason why the Liberals have been in power for 13 yrs. I can't see the conservatives doing a better job than that and if they do win the election, it will be a minority government and I give them not even a year before we're back at an election.

How are we to pay for our social programs, or give money to provinces for Health Care and Education, or even roads for our precious civics we always complain about? Without GST, those things cant happen. Everything is getting more expensive, GST was suposed to be a temporary thing, but evidently to have a half decent Health Care system or Education, it costs a little money.
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Old 10-Jan-2006, 11:48 PM
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no voting for me
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Old 11-Jan-2006, 12:04 AM
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Originally posted by nashall
no voting for me
no voting = your opinion on politics is worthless...
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Old 11-Jan-2006, 12:12 AM
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Originally posted by Italia311
Yeah man...I ignored your examples because they're are gettin old and mean nothing when it comes to the incompatance of the other parties.

The fact is, that after all of these investigations by the RCMP that have not been proven yet, the country is still doing fine. You see, those are the things that actually matter.

The fact that Stephan Harper is willing to go to bed with the president of the United States, and is really great friends conservative republicans in the United States, which might I add, play a big influence in the way he runs his party, doesn't make him a suitable Prime Minister for this country.

There is a reason why the Liberals have been in power for 13 yrs. I can't see the conservatives doing a better job than that and if they do win the election, it will be a minority government and I give them not even a year before we're back at an election.

How are we to pay for our social programs, or give money to provinces for Health Care and Education, or even roads for our precious civics we always complain about? Without GST, those things cant happen. Everything is getting more expensive, GST was suposed to be a temporary thing, but evidently to have a half decent Health Care system or Education, it costs a little money.
The examples that you ignore show the incompatance of the liberals...and even if the liberals win.. it will be minority.. and an election will come in another year. The fact is every party has its good and its bad and you choose liberal.. thats your beliefs and nothing wrong with that.
But imo paul martin is an admitted liar... and a judges aquittal doesnt mean anything.. hes still an admitted liar and some silly apology doesnt mean anything...
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Old 11-Jan-2006, 12:13 AM
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ya....but im stuck with everyones choice
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Old 11-Jan-2006, 12:20 AM
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Originally posted by Italia311

The fact is, that after all of these investigations by the RCMP that have not been proven yet, the country is still doing fine. You see, those are the things that actually matter.

The fact that Stephan Harper is willing to go to bed with the president of the United States, and is really great friends conservative republicans in the United States, which might I add, play a big influence in the way he runs his party, doesn't make him a suitable Prime Minister for this country.

There is a reason why the Liberals have been in power for 13 yrs. I can't see the conservatives doing a better job than that and if they do win the election, it will be a minority government and I give them not even a year before we're back at an election.

How are we to pay for our social programs, or give money to provinces for Health Care and Education, or even roads for our precious civics we always complain about? Without GST, those things cant happen. Everything is getting more expensive, GST was suposed to be a temporary thing, but evidently to have a half decent Health Care system or Education, it costs a little money.
I don't understand where this connection between the Conservative party and Americans comes from?? (besides the fact that Bush is a conservative) if you could fill me in on this I'd appreaciate it, what evidence is there of this? seems like people just talking to me...I don't know

we have too many social programs that are a waste of money, i'd rather see more money in my pocket, and less programs that are inneficient and waste money (gun registry, is a prime example). There is no need for GST.

Besides the Liberals are clearly small C conservatives, Paul Martin has always been. Financially I doubt there would be a huge change going from conservatives to liberals because of this, we would still see balanced budgets, just there would be potentially a cut of waste of time social programs, and lower taxes.....

Plus, I hate the way the Liberals are campaining, anybody see the commercials they were showing on CTV news tonight? the Conservatives seem to be the only party (with the exception of maybe the Bloc) that in thier campaining is primarily focusing on the issues at hand....

plus I don't think its a good idea for a government to be in power for too long, leads to innefficient behaviours....
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Old 11-Jan-2006, 12:41 AM
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It's all a joke anyways
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