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and the forgetting how to drive in snow begins

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Old 18-Nov-2005, 05:35 PM
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and the forgetting how to drive in snow begins

on the way home tonight, saw 3 accidents including a multi-car, this is just bathurst from king road to rutherford too.

every winter, for first 3-4 or more snow falls, people forget how to drive, never fails. then they act like they didn't know it was gonna happen, always " oh man, just slid into this or that" ya no ****, its snow...the white stuff we get every year here in Canada. Always have...always will.

boggles the mind, if you never got exposed to it, i can see...but year after year same story, many accidents first few snow falls, then they remember, hey...i can't corner like its july.
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 05:36 PM
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It makes me nervous that some idiot will slam into me.
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 05:40 PM
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i think its more people don't know how rather than they forget
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 05:46 PM
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i have already started the drifting season in the corvette until my civic is done this week...*sniff* i am gonna miss RWD
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 05:50 PM
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I think drivers should have to take their tests in the winter time only.

Last night on my way home there was black ice everywhere. I live out in the country so I tend to take my time at this time of year. Anyways i am doing 40 km/h with some yahoo on my *** in his fart can civic couldn't have been more then 18 anyways i hit black ice like atleast 75 feet of it so I put the clutch in and coast next thing I see the guys lights behind me spinning then yup there he goes into the ditch and over. So i get out as he's climbing out and he says "Man why were you going so slow?" I'm like "hmm I wonder" I asked him if he was alright he said yes so I left him there as he was asking to borrow a cell phone (he was definately dressed for the weather). Now if your going to be an idiot don't bother asking for help you get what you deserve.
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 06:11 PM
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i saw 11 accidents on hwy 7 and the 410 on my way home from markham to mississauga between 2 to 4pm. most of them were on the east bound side. i wish people would use their brains more when they drive.
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 06:12 PM
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omg i was just about to start a thread about this!!!

coming home on the 401 some ppl were driving like 60 with 10 care lengths infront of them... when i switched into their lane they hi-beamed me and honked at me like i was cutting them off...
heloooo it's not ice or snow or whatever u don't have to go 60...

and then there were others driving like 140 weaving in and out which is dangerous enough in regular traffic nevermind the fact that most ppl were driving 60 and it was wet out..

and then there were the random accidents... the cars that spun out into the guardrails and medians.. HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN? IT'S NOT EVEN THAT SLIPPERY OUT!

the gov't should really work on the driving education programs...
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 06:28 PM
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Originally posted by SilverSiG
omg i was just about to start a thread about this!!!

as i take the bus home (since i try not to drive in the winter time too much) i soo many ppl goin 60-70km on the road with rush hour traffic. then see these ppl slam on the brakes at a red light. altohugh i haven't seen a crash yet so that's good so far.
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 06:31 PM
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i went to get some pizza and i saw a bunch of police and newscrews
some guy got shot in the neck at the funeral of another guy that was shot
and i heard someone got stabbed at some school at the same time

looks like traffic isnt everyhting to be worried about.

u guys gotta worry about dangerous individuals such as myself
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 06:43 PM
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Originally posted by SilverSiG

omg i was just about to start a thread about this!!!
haha too slow

ya, i had alot of people doing 40 in a 70 and 60 in an 80. i have no problem if people want to drive slow in dry or snow, their choice, it in the right lane. it was slippery in certain spots but ya, for the most part treat it with caution, but its not ice or freezing rain, it was just snow so drive accordingly, meaning slow on turns and slow on braking, with caution on straights with some space to react.

either way, i'm always worried i'm going to do my thing only to see a damn truck sliding and me with nowhere to go
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 07:14 PM
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Originally posted by bdotdan
i think its more people don't know how rather than they forget
ya pretty much....and some people are just morons...
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 08:29 PM
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Last winter was my first. I think i did pretty damn well for someone who has never handled a car in snow. Plus I had all season tires at the time.
And somehow, I managed to survive. So it does boggle my mind when i see 40 year old drivers, swerving in and out of lanes, or 5 crashes on the way home from school.
It's not rocket science, however, i admit, it requires common sense. Maybe thats where some of these folks lack.
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Old 18-Nov-2005, 09:50 PM
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i agree on that statement some people jus had no common sence when it comes to driving wether it be winter or not... i jus got back from future shop and someone was going 40 in a 60 and the roads were clear in that area. I mean not even wet. then we get to the city and there are wet roads and this person speeds up to 50 (being the speed limit in that area) and the roads are a bit icy... tell me what's wrong with this picture????
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Old 19-Nov-2005, 07:08 AM
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yea i had some guy up my *** i was going the speed limit 2 he was in a big hurry ****ing *******

i couldent even se his headlights he was that close and i have a hatch he was weaving in and out so i thaught ok f u i went 40 in a 60 then im sat at a red light he was behind me and what do u know i forgot how 2 drive standers and i stalled it o man what a bitch eh

he gets all mad honking like **** at me he was 2 close 2 go around so he started 2 reverce and o my car started then changes lanes in2 the rurn right lane with no signals so just like him i did the same

if u are a ***** il **** u off so be a good boy and drive normaly and the world wilnot be out 2 get u

now winter is here i need 2 get my ebrake fixed mmm love winter driveing

i allways go practice drinfing and stopping and stuff in an empty parking lot its saved me a coupple of times from avoiding grashing wen people just start 2 pile up infront of u slowly turn the stearing and not 2 much brake if at all and go around if its unavoidable look 4 a nice place were u can just kinda slide the car in2 some nice deep snow so no dammage then its just a 60$ tow charge instead of boddy shop charges

so go practice
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Old 19-Nov-2005, 04:19 PM
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^ i love how you seem to think that since others around you drive like a$$holes, it gives you the right to do so as well.
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Old 19-Nov-2005, 07:10 PM
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Originally posted by bdotdan
^ i love how you seem to think that since others around you drive like a$$holes, it gives you the right to do so as well.
I love how he talks gangsta and expects people to be able to read it.
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Old 19-Nov-2005, 09:13 PM
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i just drive really slow and if someone wants to get smart and ride my assss then good for them because if they hit me i need a new bumper, maybe a new muffler...wheel alignment and balance would be nice...and oh damn, my neck is hurting hahaha
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Old 20-Nov-2005, 04:30 AM
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if your ******* driveing dosent efect me im not bothered but if u are up my *** better expect a brake comeing on prety soon and im not talking allittle close this guy must have beenn less than 1ft

im not trying 2 talk all gangster gangstar however u spell it
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Old 27-Nov-2005, 01:04 PM
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i bet there's a whole whack of aggressive drivers who think EVERYONE is stupid, but it's only because of people who love to give ******** a hard time.

i do it too. if someone is tailgaiting me, they expect me to break the speed limit so they can get somewhere 10 seconds faster, i just completely ignore them. i don't do anything dangerous though, **** them. i'm not gonna wreck my car to teach someone a lesson they won't even remember.. ******** are ******** for life!
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Old 27-Nov-2005, 01:21 PM
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Originally posted by viper_2_4

ya pretty much....and some people are just morons...

as if snow was just invented and they didnt even have a press confrence to tell all the CANADIANS.
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