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Old 27-Jun-2005, 12:12 PM
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Im telling you, we all should go down to this gay pride with girls, and chop them on the street while on the little drag queens watch.
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Old 27-Jun-2005, 12:18 PM
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Originally posted by GinoLicious
Im telling you, we all should go down to this gay pride with girls, and chop them on the street while on the little drag queens watch.
chop them on the street? WTF
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Old 27-Jun-2005, 02:24 PM
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chop aka pull yoru **** out and slap their faces with it...chop
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Old 27-Jun-2005, 02:34 PM
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Old 27-Jun-2005, 02:39 PM
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No one understands my terminology....
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Old 27-Jun-2005, 03:23 PM
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i love gay people!!

keiran, we love you!!!!!!!
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Old 27-Jun-2005, 03:41 PM
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I wouldn't agree with disrupting their parade... they're having a party which they're allowed to have... just cause you don't like it, doesn't mean you should fxck with it.

it's the government that sucks!
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Old 27-Jun-2005, 04:01 PM
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Re: gay pride

Originally posted by Bruce Fee
why is gay pride promoted and seen as a good thing, but things like white pride aren't?

i'm not into white pride, i'm also not in gay pride.

i'm having trouble grasping the fundamental difference... the legal right... some hill billy running around yelling he likes white people is no worse then some guy in leather assless pants running around yelling that he likes *****.
OH MAN YOU READ MY MIND!!! I said this same point to my family to...I think its all bull****...

This is almost as bad as Women's only fitness clubs...If a guy was to open an "All Male Fitness Club" then all the feminist women would be off the wall and raising legal hell...ahhh im not even going to waste any more bandwith on this thread...its a lost cause....
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Old 27-Jun-2005, 05:28 PM
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what about a smokers club? for us smokers to get together and smoke cigarettes indoors and inside of a bar.... if you don't support it, you don't have to come that weekend.
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Old 27-Jun-2005, 06:53 PM
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Originally posted by dingus88
chop aka pull yoru **** out and slap their faces with it...chop
thats called "pistol whipping"
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Old 27-Jun-2005, 09:10 PM
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why there is no White Pride.. or straight pride.... or I drive a normal unmodified car pride day

By Jason...

it's simple no one is ever proud to be normal. to be considered the average. Gay pride and parades like that (you could argue that Carabana is Carribenian (spelling is wrong I know) pride...they are different, the Minority... and so since they are not the average they have a parade to show others that are hiding that it's ok to join their ranks...

I want to start a Under 50 IQ Pride Parade.. Whose with me?
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Old 27-Jun-2005, 09:19 PM
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Originally posted by gatherer
why there is no White Pride.. or straight pride.... or I drive a normal unmodified car pride day

By Jason...

it's simple no one is ever proud to be normal. to be considered the average. Gay pride and parades like that (you could argue that Carabana is Carribenian (spelling is wrong I know) pride...they are different, the Minority... and so since they are not the average they have a parade to show others that are hiding that it's ok to join their ranks...

I want to start a Under 50 IQ Pride Parade.. Whose with me?
you smell as if you didn't wipe your *** this morning!!! whose with me?...

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Old 27-Jun-2005, 09:20 PM
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Old 28-Jun-2005, 12:14 AM
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ok lets honestly look at the bigger picture: sorry this may be harsh but like someone above said: thats life, deal with it.

the majority of us are sickened by ******* who prance around in their skin tight outfits talking about how they are in love w/ some transvestite or queer.
however there are a minority.. mostly **** and fat people who want to fit in somewhere who support this stuff. good for you if you think your cool b/c of it (ps: your not).

ok so someone made an interesting point how people are getting more liberal and accepting this which is true. 100 years ago, those ******* would still be in the closet. now they dance in our streets. they shut down ROADS so these people can ****** prance around in their tutus.

so lets see now: we *** opposite sex, we *** our own sex. can we start ****** animals now?
i would not be surprised if down the road now, some hill billy wants to wed his cow or horse (i think this already happened?) and at first it will be shock, then the whole ****** roads will be shut down and they will be sucking off their horses in the street,

what is this world coming to honestly?
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Old 28-Jun-2005, 01:33 AM
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Some billy wants to wed his cow?!? Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

VikJae, I like how you've chosen to become the self appointed spokes person for your perception of the "majority", but sorry no dice. I certainly am not buying into your hate mongering.

I'm shocked that such a hateful person manages to exist in a multicultural society. Did gays kill your parents or threaten you when you were growing up? Did some man touch you in an inappropriate way?

I want to know why you've come to hate gays so much?
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Old 28-Jun-2005, 01:46 AM
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People are people..

We ALL breathe, hurt, cry, laugh, live and die..

I think the parade is actually a mass dating conspiracy myself..

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Old 28-Jun-2005, 01:57 AM
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lol ok... first of all, multicultural society is if you break it down: MULTI (many) - CULTURAL (culture related). meaning it has many cultures... being gay / straight / bi or whatever doesnt have anything to do with it.
secondly, i never once said i hate or like ****. i merely stated what the majority thinks/feels.
i dont think that they deserve a day or a blockage of a road b/c they like their sex. thats ridiculous.
thats like making AUG14th (random day) "ANIMAL LOVER DAY" so that all the hill billys can come out w/ their sodomized animals.

if we want equality and all, lets make everything equal. why do they get a special day and parades and what not to celebrate? why cant we have a "STRAIGHT AND LOVING IT" day?

get what im saying now?
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Old 28-Jun-2005, 02:52 AM
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You're partly right, Multicultural is a related meaning to many cultures, but it also means many cultures within a society rather than in only a mainstream culture.

Don't try to back down now on saying you didn't say you hate "****" If you want to have an opinion, atleast stand your ground. You even go as far to say that anyone who supports them must be **** or fat people. When you say "the majority of us" and how "they sicken you", you're not expressing what the majority thinks, you're expressing what you think and trying to disguise it as the popular consensus.

I've attached an article from Rosie Dimano and her take of the Pride Parade, taken from the Toronto Star, Monday June 27 2005

A thigh is quite a thigh, as Pride goes by

Equality doesn't mean Homogeny where everyone has to be exactly the same as everyone else, and Equality doesn't happen by snapping your fingers and saying, hey you're equal now. Equality happens over time by developing awareness and respect for each other differences. If they want to have a parade and everyone accepts it so be it.

I can think of so many other things to get passionate about, such as stomping out intolerance and hatred, which is what the parade is about, and not a bunch of "******* who prance around in their skin tight outfits" The reality is that there is large number of gays that dress quite sensible and represent that at the parade, and there are other more flaboyant ones that attract all the attention.

Think of it as the uneducated public thinking that everyone who modifies cars is going to paint it a crazy flamboyant colour, cover it with stickes and slap on a big wing. The reality is that there is quite a strong number of people that modify their cars and have their car retain their stock appearance.

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Old 28-Jun-2005, 11:52 AM
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OK, so Gay Pride weekend finished up. How many people were forced to see something they didn't want to because of it?

I live downtown and the only time I could even tell that it was on when when I had to make a trip to Jarvis & Bloor on Sunday afternoon. I was confused by and old dude in a mesh tanktop and a young guy in a sailor hat. Then I realized what was happening and was really impressed by the fact that traffic on Jarvis was about the same as during rush hour. Well organized and you don't have to look at anything you don't want to.

As I said before, grow up, it has no effect on your life unless you want it to. As long as you let people "prance around" whenever, however, and with whomever they want to, you don't have to worry about people telling you what to do, outside of legal arguments of course.
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Old 28-Jun-2005, 01:38 PM
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jsut last week, there was some sort of gay party at some ryerson bar or somehting.

i am not gay, but i checked it out. looks really cool, all those gay people were havin a good time and it seemed like a pretty damn fun party.
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