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How Old is the Earth?

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Old 08-Apr-2006, 12:24 AM
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How Old is the Earth?

Question: "What is the age of the earth? How old is the earth?"

Answer: Given the fact that Adam was created on the sixth day of our planet’s existence, we can determine a Biblically-based, approximate age for the earth by looking at the chronological details of the human race. This of course assumes that the Genesis account is accurate, that the six days of creation described in Genesis were literal 24-hour periods, and that there were no ambiguous chronological gaps.
The genealogies listed in Genesis chapters five and eleven provide the age at which Adam and his descendants each begot the next generation in a successive ancestral line from Adam to Abraham. By determining where Abraham fits into history chronologically and by adding up the ages provided in Genesis chapters five and eleven, it becomes apparent that the Bible teaches the earth to be about 6,000 years old, give or take a few hundred years.

What about the popular age of about 4.6 billion years accepted by most scientists today and taught in the vast majority of our academic institutions? This age is primarily derived from two dating techniques: radiometric dating and the geologic timescale. Scientists who advocate the younger age of about 6,000 years insist that radiometric dating is flawed in that it is founded upon a series of faulty assumptions while the geologic timescale is flawed in that it employs circular reasoning [see our articles on radiometric dating and the geologic timescale]. Moreover, they point to the debunking of old-earth myths, like the popular misconception that it takes long periods of time for stratification, fossilization and the formation of diamonds, coal, oil, stalactites, stalagmites, etc, to occur. Finally, young-earth advocates present positive evidence for a young age for the earth in place of the old-earth evidences which they debunk [see our article on evidences for a young earth]. Young-earth scientists acknowledge that they are in the minority today but insist that their ranks will swell over time as more and more scientists reexamine the evidence and take a closer look at the currently accepted old-earth paradigm.

I dont know what to believe....haha
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Old 08-Apr-2006, 12:45 AM
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Thanks for the Geology lesson. Obviously, you're the only one who didn't fell asleep during "Rocks for Jocks". LOL!
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Old 08-Apr-2006, 11:03 AM
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10'000 years is not 1% of the earth's age.

anyone who tells you they don't believe in carbon dating... half-life, all all that other molecular science mumbo jump should think about how medicine is researched or what a nuclear bomb is.

science says god is dead.

get with the times.
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Old 08-Apr-2006, 06:49 PM
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that is the longest piece of writing, with the most mumbo jumbo bullsh!t ive ever heard in my entire life.

U wanna know wut i believe. I believe that the bible has alot of explaining to do since alot of it doesnt make sense, and sumwhat false facts. But i do beleive that there is a "God", wutever or whoever it\he is because i always think to myself sumone\thing must have created this whole phucking pile of rocks juggling in a circle for no apparent reason, cuz theres no way in hell all of this **** just poped outta no where. and not to mention that riduculous big bang theory. And the funny thing is, im catholic.
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Old 09-Apr-2006, 02:05 AM
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4 billion years old.

questions answered close thread plz thanks
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Old 09-Apr-2006, 11:27 AM
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I am not sure what kind of science relies on the bible.

However, it is interesting to note that our modern-day 7 day calendar was created more at the time of the pagan worshipers in what is now the United Kingdom. If you look to the origin of Christmas, it is not rooted in Christianity at all. Basically, the calendar we use today is not a biblical one.

Why is this important?

The book of Genesis was fabricated much earlier than was our modern calendar created. To use our current calendar as a measure of time according to the bible is ridiculous.


Your mom is so old she has a copy of the bible signed by Jesus!
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Old 09-Apr-2006, 11:46 AM
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On closer inspection, these are loafers...

I just went to the site where you got this information. I was not surprised to find that it was a Baptist Church's website.

How about a slam dunk for Jesus!
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Old 09-Apr-2006, 01:11 PM
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good job mike...keep on posting bullsh*t...hahahaha
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Old 09-Apr-2006, 01:25 PM
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religion = faith

science = research, observation, logic

you can't argue the two without conflict

you don't need to prove a faith, you need to relatively prove or prove as the most likely (no such thing as absolute truth) science to consider it a valid theory.
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Old 09-Apr-2006, 11:46 PM
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Originally posted by Old_skool4g
that is the longest piece of writing, with the most mumbo jumbo bullsh!t ive ever heard in my entire life.

U wanna know wut i believe. I believe that the bible has alot of explaining to do since alot of it doesnt make sense, and sumwhat false facts. But i do beleive that there is a "God", wutever or whoever it\he is because i always think to myself sumone\thing must have created this whole phucking pile of rocks juggling in a circle for no apparent reason, cuz theres no way in hell all of this **** just poped outta no where. and not to mention that riduculous big bang theory. And the funny thing is, im catholic.
Pretty much what he said, give or take a couple of things
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Old 09-Apr-2006, 11:59 PM
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I'm not really one to judge.. But.. If life began as the bible says it did.. Then where a buncha texas redneck inbread hicks. I for one do not think I am some inbread hick nore do I think it was all started by two hicks.
The bible is fiction.. A campfire story that someone told ages ago and ever since it's made it's way around and been changed and refined over the years.

Now here is where we pick things apart a little. According to the bible Adam was created and eve.. Well for all we know she was manifested from one of gods evil acid trips.. Who knows.. But they were both white. So where did black, brown, and all the other people come from? Second, if we all came from the same two people who believed in that one god.. Then why do so many different people believe in different gods. How many gods can we have?? People have been believeing in other religions as long as they have been believeing in any other. Next why do bible thumpers always need to quote the bible, according to them if it happend god made it happen or the answer is in the bible and feel the need to quote it.. Well if all the answers are their then WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE, answer me that one.. A true non-believer goes on fact rather then fiction.

Anyway thats about the end of my rant.. Feel free to add.. OHH befor I go.. A perfect example of how the bible is possiable a big hoax/campfire story I will refer you all to Scientology, a well knowin RELIGION based on the writings of a FICTION novel writer who made MILLIONS off stupid people who actually believed in that stuff..


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Old 10-Apr-2006, 12:03 AM
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yaaaa what he said...... makes a good point
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Old 10-Apr-2006, 09:09 AM
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Old 10-Apr-2006, 10:25 AM
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I visited my Grandpa at the cemetary over the weekend. Everytime I saw the tomb stones with cross on them, I wonder if they actually found what they believed in.
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Old 10-Apr-2006, 05:16 PM
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Originally posted by nnniiiccckkk007
If you look to the origin of Christmas, it is not rooted in Christianity at all.
Yaa Thats Trueeee Everyone knows where xmas came from !!
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Old 10-Apr-2006, 06:56 PM
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Originally posted by Old_skool4g
that is the longest piece of writing, with the most mumbo jumbo bullsh!t ive ever heard in my entire life.

U wanna know wut i believe. I believe that the bible has alot of explaining to do since alot of it doesnt make sense, and sumwhat false facts. But i do beleive that there is a "God", wutever or whoever it\he is because i always think to myself sumone\thing must have created this whole phucking pile of rocks juggling in a circle for no apparent reason, cuz theres no way in hell all of this **** just poped outta no where. and not to mention that riduculous big bang theory. And the funny thing is, im catholic.
You are reading the Bible the way it was never meant to be read. You are reading it from a worldly view without any understanding about anything.

Once you get deeper and actually try to learn it in-depth, you will answer all your past questions. The Bible has NO EXPLAINING to do whatsoever.

It's just ignorance that all these questions and now all this BS that Dan Browne caused. Now everyone can talk smack about the Bible without knowing anything.

BTW: Where are the false facts you are talking about? Also the Catholic teaching of the Bible in my opinion is the one that needs explaining to do as some things are black and white in the Bible and the Catholic's dont seem to see some of them.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. - Matthew 7:12-13

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ”- Romans 5:6-8
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Old 10-Apr-2006, 06:58 PM
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Originally posted by Nova_Dust
I visited my Grandpa at the cemetary over the weekend. Everytime I saw the tomb stones with cross on them, I wonder if they actually found what they believed in.
If they were a believer of Christ, you can be assured that they have found what they have been longing for.

I have a couple of passages that explain this if you are interested in it. PM me.
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Old 10-Apr-2006, 07:01 PM
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Originally posted by Cynikal.Mindset
My buddy is Christ. I talk to Him all the time, everyday, he guides me in righteousness, He does not forsake me, He leads me in His path.

"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain...having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better" (Philip. 1:21-23)
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Old 11-Apr-2006, 12:13 AM
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Worst topic ever, if you were all so smart, you wouldn't even debate this, because, I mean you're all so sure your point correct, right?

You are all smart, write books. Become a historian and proves facts instead of bringing up cases of probability.
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Old 11-Apr-2006, 12:21 AM
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Originally posted by Italia311
that the athiests in my philosophy classes were soooooo quick to jump on the God is Dead issue, they never actually thought about it, because they constantly talked about it. I mean, if you were so sure, so sure, you wouldn't even respond.
I'm glad you said that because there are alot of strongly religious people who are so quick to jump on ramming catholism down everyone elses throat.

I am in NO way saying you're one of those people, though. You're actually (appatantly) one of the proper minded ones, while you state there is no proof of non-existance, you do not have proof of existance. And that's admirable. Too bad there aren't more religious people with the state of mind like you.

Personally, science will make more sense to me than the biblical/faith based reasoning of the earth's age. To me, it's impossible that all of today's prooven facts (ex: Ice ages, Global warming) could have taken place within 6,000 years. Let alone events, how the broad number of strong cultures, forming in such a short amount of time? Economy, countries of development, there's no way any of this could have all happened 6,000 year from the beginning of the Earth.
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