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How Old is the Earth?

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Old 12-Apr-2006, 05:03 PM
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the phrase you are trying to say is the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know.

not the less you know.

there are things not noable to us.

i just like attacking people's belief systems cause they are most likely wrong and i'm bored at work.
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Old 12-Apr-2006, 05:13 PM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee

to my knowledge it is a sin to question god and his methods/answers, "he works in mysterious ways" and who are you to question the all mighty and most glorious lord, which is the creator of all?

i don't know it all, i know there is the absence of knowledge.
Well I can only speak from one religion so perhaps from where you have learned it could be. But I given the knowledge that a sincere questioning of God is not a sin The prophet Habakkuk had questions for God concerning his plan. Habakkuk, rather than being rebuked for his questions God answers them. However, questions from a hypocritical aspect are a different matter.

At first I took some of your attacks offensively Bruce, but its good because atleast it allowed me to answer some questions for myself or atleast seek some answers out.
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Old 12-Apr-2006, 05:19 PM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
the phrase you are trying to say is the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know.

not the less you know.

there are things not noable to us.

i just like attacking people's belief systems cause they are most likely wrong and i'm bored at work.
I wasn't trying to say the exact phrase since I couldn't remember.. but the meaning is still the same is it not? I can tell you love the attack! not just on religion on anything lol. I guess its easy to attack someone with a belief having no belief at all that way you can never be wrong. Not saying you have no belief since your agnostic.

So lets just say you believe God does not exist because the evidence is inconclusive and I can say you cannot prove God does not exist.

Unless of course your an Agnostic Theist and you believe in a God.
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Old 12-Apr-2006, 05:20 PM
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. oops repost
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Old 12-Apr-2006, 05:25 PM
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I am an agnostic ignoramus.

I believe in almost nothing, that includes believing in the absence of a god.

I believe in one thing if you really want to know.

Everything in the universe has an explanation, except that which has to explanation.

That is my definition of "God"

Anything added to it, has been added by humankind and I do not except as logical or as fact.

Because it is unknowable.

Offending you doesn't really concern me......

Bear the cross your lord gave you and do not ask for a lesser one. Consider me a test of your faith. haha
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Old 13-Apr-2006, 12:28 PM
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Even science is based on belief and faith. Not neccessairily in a God or religion, but in other supposed proven theories. If you don't have faith in what you are trying to prove, even after multiple failures, you'd probably quit.
There are Scientists that are using science to try and prove aspects of the Bible. If one can use Science to Prove "Miracles", why would anyone want to say that they don't mix. Hey, if you could use Science to prove the existence of a supreme being, wouldn't that be fantastic?
The fundemental problem with religion is that it allienates others. Just about everything that I've learned about religion(s) has shown me that they are fitted to a need and time. Religon seems to grow and change, splintering off in a new direction as the times change. Who is wrong? Who is right? What if we're all wrong and doomed to Hell, or wherever your religon puts you when you are damned? What if we are all right? Think about it. Every major religion, even Pagan ones, can be broken down to a basic set of rules. Islam, Bhuddism, Judeaism, Christianity.....they all pretty much believe that a basic goodness in your heart and in your dealings with others is what will secure your peace in death, whatever your respective faith tells you that is. Religion is flawed because it gives man a subconcious sense of superiorty. "I'm right and you're wrong."
Religion pits man against man. Societies have been built on and Wars fought over differences in Religion. It's Mans interpretation that becomes an issue.
Before anyone goes off about violent religions, Hey even Christianity has it's problems. Militia Groups and Neo ***** claim to be the only ones who know what the bible really means. God helps us all if they're right!!!
Hey if a belief in something more gets you through the day, all the power to you. If that belief brings you to harm others in the name of your God, then you should probably sit down and start with the basics of your "Religion". Taking passages out of context is where we all make mistakes. We all did this experiment at a young age. Take a group of children, whisper something in the first one's ear and get them to repeat that info to the next one and so on. Now ask the last child what they were told and see how far off from the original info. Same thing with religion, and that is why it is flawed. Faith need not be based on (a)religion but religion NEEDS to be based on faith.

Oh yeah, I remember someone saying the bible was way off because Adam and Eve were white and that there are so many different races. I'm not defending any certain writings but, you can't call something wrong if you don't read it. If you read it you would know that there is no reference to Adam and Eve being white or any other colour for that matter(maybe they were green).
As far as different races, you obviously don't know the story of the building of the stairway to Heaven. Mans attempt to reach Heaven by building a stairway is why God scattered mankind and made them different.
It is our inherent misstrust in that which is different and fear of the unknown that would keep mankind from getting together and attempting it again.
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Old 13-Apr-2006, 12:33 PM
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science has logic and observation as it's driving principle for information.

religion is morals put into something more and contains no real information.
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Old 13-Apr-2006, 12:42 PM
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the meaning of life is to pro-create

y'all better start banging ho's
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Old 13-Apr-2006, 12:49 PM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
science has logic and observation as it's driving principle for information.

religion is morals put into something more and contains no real information.

When proven.............yes Science is logical, but until it is proven, it is nothing more than faith that what you believe is correct.
I don't think that I quite understand your second comment.
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Old 13-Apr-2006, 01:14 PM
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Originally posted by vtec_boy
the meaning of life is to pro-create

y'all better start banging ho's

Isn't the meaning of life, the Universe, and everything, "42". LOL
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Old 13-Apr-2006, 02:15 PM
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sci·ence Audio pronunciation of "science" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sns)

1. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.
2. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena.
3. Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study.
2. Methodological activity, discipline, or study: I've got packing a suitcase down to a science.
3. An activity that appears to require study and method: the science of purchasing.
4. Knowledge, especially that gained through experience.


re·li·gion Audio pronunciation of "religion" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-ljn)

1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
2. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.


according to those two definitions, if you had to choose between two arguments, who would you side with? any given follower of science or any given follower of religion (not necessarily your own)

any two followers of science will give you the same 'facts' while two different followers of religion may give you entirely different 'facts'

if you still don't understand my point, don't worry about it. go watch some tv.
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Old 13-Apr-2006, 02:59 PM
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NAIROBI (AFP) - Four-million-year-old remains in Ethiopia have provided the first hard proof of a link between two key stages of human evolution by bridging the gap between pre-human species, paleontologists said.;_ylt=Apq73Z7wNWOFRgnKBqGgy9wDW 7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBhcmljNmVhBHNlYwNtcm5ld3M-


four million is a much bigger number than 10,000. And these guys know what a molecule is.
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Old 14-Apr-2006, 04:28 PM
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Here's a question: If the earth is only 6000 years old, and man was created from day one, why did the dinosaurs become extinct and not human beings? If the humans were around with dinosaurs like the flintstones, they would be running their asses off all the time. I don't care who you are or what you believe, but there is no way a human could take out a t-rex or dinosaur as big as a house.

Think about it.

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Old 17-Apr-2006, 03:01 PM
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Originally posted by Italia311
Well thank you, and thanks to everyone elses comments.

Having said that, I never said I did not believe in God. I never had doubts in God. God.

Also, God created man, he also gave man free will to think. If this is true, than God would have known, one day, that science would soon play a part in religion through evolution of intelligence. Because God is all knowing, he would know. Why does science and religion have to be separate??? Why is darwin right, and why is creation theory wrong, or vise versa...I believe they work together. In a sense, if God truely did create us (which I believe he did) don't you think there is an element of science involved??

Like I said, think of when the bible was written. Think about intelligence in that age, and technology. Was it normal back than to even think we came from apes? No, humans were thought of as the only race, the supreme race. How do we know Adam and Eve, were not apes?

Anyways, thats just brain goin of...thats alot of probability. Think about it though. These things aren't here for no reason, science, religion. Those are two very powerful tool of existence. Why do they have to work against eachother?
Wow this guy is a smart thinker. Lots of nice questions.
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Old 17-Apr-2006, 03:04 PM
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Originally posted by Napacap
Here's a question: If the earth is only 6000 years old, and man was created from day one, why did the dinosaurs become extinct and not human beings? If the humans were around with dinosaurs like the flintstones, they would be running their asses off all the time. I don't care who you are or what you believe, but there is no way a human could take out a t-rex or dinosaur as big as a house.

Think about it.

I have read evidence that dinosaurs were not that huge or what you have seen in Jurrasic Park. I have read evidence that the average dino was like human size. Only the rare ones were pretty tall.

Its like comparing humans. Most humans are maybe 5-6" tall. A few are taller, like basketball players.

Dinosaurs got extinct because they couldn't adapt to the environment they were in, or so I heard from people.

Dinosaurs didn't rule because God chose humans as His people. He gives us superority over animals.
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Old 17-Apr-2006, 03:19 PM
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How can He give us superiority over animals when we are animals ourselves?
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Old 17-Apr-2006, 03:25 PM
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I usually don't say this, nor do I make personal attacks, but wow.

you're either 16 years old or your entire thought process has some sort of down syndrome.
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Old 17-Apr-2006, 03:36 PM
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me? haha, I am pretty retarded.
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Old 17-Apr-2006, 04:04 PM
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no.... not you, you turkey

the guy who believes earth history from people who don't believe in electrons.

a tazer with prove you wrong.

molecular science wins over ignorant dreams built from the weak fearful minds of humanity.
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Old 17-Apr-2006, 09:30 PM
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yeah I'd love for someone to explain electricity to me without going into Molcular theory or mentioning electrons
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