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Italians SUCK...

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Old 20-Jun-2002, 02:26 PM
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Originally posted by OverKill_Si

However, as for Korea.. ROFLMAO, who do you think went over there and fought a war for them.. Canada...

Thats right folks! They might be able to play soccer, but they can't fight worth **** and when it comes down to it, soccer is just make believe battle...
now that was uncalled for. what the hell does this have to do with soccer???
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Old 20-Jun-2002, 02:54 PM
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Uncalled for? (chuckles)

hahaha...what a joke. that Luciano Gaucci sounds like a kid who just got his lollipop taken away from him. refusing to give the korean guy his contract just because he scored the winning goal against italy. hey i think i have a pic of this Gaucci guy...


yup, that's him alright.....

Just because the man isn't here means you can talk smack about him behind his back..

Its about time you realize that you have to be able to take what you dish out and if you wanna cut it on other people then you damned well better expect other folk to come back and dish it back at you..

I talked smack about England and got it handed to me on a plate by Cantona, do you hear me callin him names when he isn't looking? Of course you do, but thats because I know him.

As for the other **** about stop putting down Koreans..

If you took my comment as an insult.. then (shrugs) guess that is something you are gonna have to reconcile since it wasn't intended to be construed as a billigerant insult but again, refer to the stuff up top..

Oh and as for the guy talking about Italy switching back and forth between sides in WWII..

(chuckles again) At least Italy did it as a country and is not divided like SOME places one could name..

Won't mention any names or anything.

Anyways, one point was made which I agree with.. It IS just a game but when people start making comments like Italians Suck and all that kinda stuff, you can bet your *** I'm gonna start handing that stuff back..

So they over reacted, so even I am somewhat disappointed in their behavor, at least I know well enough to let THEM deal with it.

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Old 21-Jun-2002, 02:26 AM
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Actually, I should have stated that you shouldn't have brought that stuff about the Korean war up-you shouldn't be making comments about the nation as a whole just because of the game, it just doesn't seem appropriate...I was upset and brought all that history stuff up as well...I apologize.

I agree with you, I don't think the title of this thread is very nice either...if I was Italian, I'd be upset if I logged on and saw the title.

Oh well, anyone up for a game of soccer???
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Old 21-Jun-2002, 02:47 AM
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Originally posted by OverKill_Si

Just because the man isn't here means you can talk smack about him behind his back..

Its about time you realize that you have to be able to take what you dish out and if you wanna cut it on other people then you damned well better expect other folk to come back and dish it back at you..
LOL...are you saying i'm not allowed to voice my opinion about that guy? if you think gaucci isnt one of the most unsportsmanlike characters around then you're just fooling yourself. this has nothing to do with him being italian. this has everything to do with him acting like a 7 year old and one big *** cry baby.

it's pretty funny that you think i cant take what you "dished out". i'm not even korean buddy. it's not like i took your comment as an insult. i'm just pointing out how rediculous and TOTALLY off topic it was to bring wars into this discussion. but hey, whatever floats your boat man.
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Old 21-Jun-2002, 03:41 AM
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I could say a bunch of stuff right now about all of you but I won't cause Overkill is much bigger than me ha ha and we could fight about this forever. So I am going to stay
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Old 21-Jun-2002, 04:38 AM
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Originally posted by S@URN
I could say a bunch of stuff right now about all of you but I won't cause Overkill is much bigger than me ha ha and we could fight about this forever. So I am going to stay
buddie... we all know u can say a bunch of stuff... u always did...

ANYWAYS BRAZIL IS IN!!!!! ENGLAND GOES HOMe.... w/ nothing ONce again!!! :cry: poor GUys

WTF was that RED CARD FORE?? ?SERIOUSLY? that was Totally

pe@ce out...
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Old 21-Jun-2002, 05:54 AM
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Originally posted by SiR-Racer
LOL...are you saying i'm not allowed to voice my opinion about that guy?
I'm not saying that at all.. I am merely showing you that since you can spout your mouth off, I can do the same, regardless of the consquences.. For a long time here I tried to get people to behave a little better than this but after the last few incidents I realize that there will always be people who do not think before voicing their right to free speech, so instead of scolding them, throw some mud back their way.

Originally posted by SiR-Racer
if you think gaucci isnt one of the most unsportsmanlike characters around then you're just fooling yourself. this has nothing to do with him being italian. this has everything to do with him acting like a 7 year old and one big *** cry baby.
You mean kind of like you are acting now with the whole "Assault on Korea" mentality? I agree heartily however, he is acting like a child and Korea did need Canada to win the war. If neither are not historical fact then why are we having this conversation?

Originally posted by SiR-Racer
it's pretty funny that you think i cant take what you "dished out". i'm not even korean buddy. it's not like i took your comment as an insult. i'm just pointing out how rediculous and TOTALLY off topic it was to bring wars into this discussion. but hey, whatever floats your boat man.
Totally off topic? Now you are changing your angle of attack, I'll give you credit for being fast on your feet but your arguements are weak, unfounded and now totally transparent.

Stop trying to stir up trouble with a false sense of nobility.

You have voiced your opinion as is your right to do so, as I have voiced mine. Nuff said.

You are not Korean, therefor have no right to judge my comment as an insult or not, and until you find someone with a bigger torpedo then what you think you be haulin around, this'll float my boat just fine.

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Old 21-Jun-2002, 11:00 AM
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Originally posted by WhiteAznBoi

WTF was that RED CARD FORE?? ?SERIOUSLY? that was Totally

seriously, that call was brutal!! really too bad for ronaldinho...his goal was a pretty sweet even though the goalie might have misjudged it.
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Old 21-Jun-2002, 11:19 AM
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Originally posted by OverKill_Si

Totally off topic? Now you are changing your angle of attack, I'll give you credit for being fast on your feet but your arguements are weak, unfounded and now totally transparent.
ok sorry, this is just plain WEAK. notice in my first message i say "now that was uncalled for. what the hell does this have to do with soccer?" i'm in no way changing my "angle of attack". what i say is the same, your comments are ridiculous and off-topic. maybe YOU need a new angle of attack.

just because i'm not korean doesnt mean i cant judge your comments. saying stuff like "koreans cant fight ****" is pretty easy to see as degrading. if you think i need to be korean to realize this then you have some issues. also, if you think i'm acting childish by disagreeing with your comments, again, you have issues.

forget it, it's clear you are out of "torpedos" and firing blanks. but thanks for comin out. you can spew as much as you want about the war. i'm not going to be the one looking bad doing it.
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Old 21-Jun-2002, 11:39 AM
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I think these two quotes pretty much sum it up for you OverKill_Si.

Originally posted by D-Type

Its funny how my girlfriend was telling about this guy (gino of course) at her school was going around asking every ***** if they were korean, and if they replied "yes" he would harrass them. Such a pathetic individual, taking out his anger on the korean society as a whole. I know this isn't just happening at schools, its happening at a lot of places where upset italians are taking out they're anger and mistreating korean people. I just think its really ridiculous and very sad. Just shows how many sore losers are out there.

Originally posted by OverKill_Si

However, as for Korea.. ROFLMAO, who do you think went over there and fought a war for them.. Canada...

Thats right folks! They might be able to play soccer, but they can't fight worth **** and when it comes down to it, soccer is just make believe battle...

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Old 21-Jun-2002, 12:32 PM
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If I was mod. here I think now is a good time to shut this down because a fight will begin if it has not already.

There was a forum like this before....... hmmm.... who was it..... OH ya me and Overkill back in the day. HA HA!!! now that I think about it, it was funny. You know we went to PM and it was over fast and now it doesn't happen I have my opions and he has his, we could argue forever in public but sometimes as he said to me you should settle it in private.
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Old 21-Jun-2002, 02:40 PM
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What fight.... as far as i see it.. ther isn't a fight....


all i gotta say is... WATCH OUT FOR SENEGAL!!!

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Old 21-Jun-2002, 09:23 PM
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(smiles and grins) yep S@TURN, you are absolutely right and I stand chastised by my own words to you.

Please forgive my momentary outburst of meaness, its just that I think children who act like children should be scolded but your right I should not stoop to their level, even if its to prove a point.

This is the same thing that happened before and no amount of talking will solve the issue, via PM or otherwise.

SiR-Racer: If you wish to continue this discussion please feel free to PM me otherwise I will let the matter drop and continue to voice my opinions, just as you do yours.

(yawns) Wake me when its over.

On a sad note I watched the England game today and man I tell you I enjoyed the hell out of it and it wasn't cause england lost but it was a hard fought game, both teams played some rock solid D and they were movin the ball fairly well in the 2nd half.

Kudos to England and we'll see them in 06.

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Old 21-Jun-2002, 09:31 PM
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04 first. The European Championships are first and usually a better overall tournament.
Old 21-Jun-2002, 10:18 PM
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Originally posted by OverKill_Si

SiR-Racer: If you wish to continue this discussion please feel free to PM me otherwise I will let the matter drop and continue to voice my opinions, just as you do yours.

thanks for the offer but i've made my point. i have nothing further to discuss about the matter.
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Old 22-Jun-2002, 05:25 AM
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Originally posted by SiR-Racer
thanks for the offer but i've made my point. i have nothing further to discuss about the matter.
Excellent... I do but will await another, more convienant time.

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Old 22-Jun-2002, 05:26 AM
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LOL!!! SPAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 22-Jun-2002, 08:24 AM
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damn, every one is "voicing there opinions" and ****...I think I'm gonna join too...

-it doesn't matter who Korea beat this time or who beats who because Brazil is gonna take the cup

-cops suck *****....they suck sweaty ***** in 35 degree celcius Toronto weather. a nice big sack for toronto and surrounding region cops.

-I think Korea is doing so well because:

1. they play hard and always atack when in possesion of the ball instead of passing it back and forth and so on.

2. they are playing at home for the world cup! if that's not motivation than I don't know what is...a big thumbs up for the Korean team

-it was excepected that the Italians would not take the loss lightly. after all, soccor is the country's "official sport". the day the italians lost I heard the news on the radio. I stopped at a gas station to grab a pack of smokes(******* 6 bucks for a pack of 20 )..on my way out this guy comes up to me, italian of course, and asks me "do you know the score?". I replied "italy lost, I just heard it on the radio". the look on the guys face was like I had just told him his grandmother died or something. he immediatly started saying "the game was fixed, the game was fixed..bla bla bla".

Italians are very pationate people, but being too pationate about a sport is what makes them sore loosers. This is simply an observation and I'm sure that I'm not the only one who's noticed.

-in other news, the B20B powered 93 DX hatch broke an axle(which is two months old) on friday. hmmm...defective axle? or to much torque? I'll let ya'll decide.

-and last but not least: Brazil is gonna teach the game of foot ball to the remaining nations
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Old 23-Jun-2002, 01:56 AM
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Originally posted by T.O.tegs
damn, every one is "voicing there opinions" and ****...I think I'm gonna join too...

-it doesn't matter who Korea beat this time or who beats who because Brazil is gonna take the cup

-cops suck *****....they suck sweaty ***** in 35 degree celcius Toronto weather. a nice big sack for toronto and surrounding region cops.

-I think Korea is doing so well because:

1. they play hard and always atack when in possesion of the ball instead of passing it back and forth and so on.

2. they are playing at home for the world cup! if that's not motivation than I don't know what is...a big thumbs up for the Korean team

-it was excepected that the Italians would not take the loss lightly. after all, soccor is the country's "official sport". the day the italians lost I heard the news on the radio. I stopped at a gas station to grab a pack of smokes(******* 6 bucks for a pack of 20 )..on my way out this guy comes up to me, italian of course, and asks me "do you know the score?". I replied "italy lost, I just heard it on the radio". the look on the guys face was like I had just told him his grandmother died or something. he immediatly started saying "the game was fixed, the game was fixed..bla bla bla".

Italians are very pationate people, but being too pationate about a sport is what makes them sore loosers. This is simply an observation and I'm sure that I'm not the only one who's noticed.

-in other news, the B20B powered 93 DX hatch broke an axle(which is two months old) on friday. hmmm...defective axle? or to much torque? I'll let ya'll decide.

-and last but not least: Brazil is gonna teach the game of foot ball to the remaining nations
good points. agree with everything you said there.
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Old 24-Jun-2002, 08:37 AM
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Sorry for interupting

Happy pls check pm thanks
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