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Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (L.T.T.E) aka Tamil Tigers

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Old 29-Aug-2006, 01:15 AM
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Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (L.T.T.E) aka Tamil Tigers

So with the recent changes in the declaration of the tamil tigers as an organized ********* group whats everyone's take on this? I dont know if anyone here follows that part of the worlds problems or even has enough info about it. But to the ones that do please share....

Recent arrests in the United States claiming the tamil tigers wanted to purchase weaponary and yesterdays arrest in sauga are interesting topics to discuss about aswell.
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 01:28 AM
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bull**** arrests
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 02:29 AM
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US = Best Bullsh!tters.
I don't follow the news, it's always a biased point of view. Eff it.
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 04:50 AM
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the war on terrorism is the new pink popup collar, texas holdem and big sunglasses.
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 08:02 AM
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biggups big sunglasses and pink shirts
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 09:00 AM
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one person's ********* is another persons freedom fighter.

thats my take on it. I really don't know enough about whatis going on down there to have anything more intellegent then that to say.

at one time I remember the tigers were considered Rebels, freedom fighters. wasn't a ceasefire declared a few years back? why did hostilities start up again?

Has the Tigers changed tactics to more ********* methods as opposed to the guerrilla warfare style they had previously been fighting with? like I said I really don't know enough about this conflict.

with that said I think once being declared a ********* organization it's impossible to wipe that stain off your image.
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 09:59 AM
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"At least 29 countries have listed the LTTE as a ********* organisation. [44] [45] [46] As of July 2006, these include:

* India (since 1992)
* United States of America (since 1997) [47]
* Malaysia [48]
* United Kingdom (since 2000) [49]
* Canada (since 2006) [50]
* European Union (since 2006)
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 10:04 AM
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just listen to some guns n roses - sweet child of mine and everything will be ok
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 10:12 AM
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so if they want an independent jaffna province in the north, why cant the government give them a political role to play through local elections? it has been over two decades and this voilence should stop...but i guess...easier said than done.

those who fight for their due independence are not terrorists in my opinion.

Sri lankans are very friendly ppl in general...ive worked with them in Colombo for a brief period of time back when i was with KPMG Consulting.
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 10:37 AM
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I really don't know enough about it
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 10:45 AM
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well after reading the wiki on the tigers. I must say they are a rebel group not a ********* group. This is clear to see with there actions.

of course the use of displacing people from the region they control and the use of Child Soldiers are crimes in my opinion. but what army hasn't committed crimes?

as for why it doesn't stop... no one wants to lose. if the Sir lankan government gives them the Jaffna area they are losing. so long as you continue to fight, no matter how bloodied up and how bad it is, you haven't lost.
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 10:52 AM
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tru say jason
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 11:14 PM
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just some background info....

tamil tigers vs. sri lankan army basically means

tamils vs. singhalese

tamil population of sri-lanka has no rights in sri lanka basically, even the most educated tamil person cant get into parliament even if they had the man power simply because the singhalese claimed the land theirs first back in like 3 B.C or when ever. They feel that this gives them the right to choose who controls what.

The tamil population is heavy around the edges of sri-lanka and the singhalese population is more in land. Now back in the 80's tamil women would get raped, kidnapped by singhalese men and no action would be taken about it. Tamil men used to get robbed, killed, heavily beaten by the police (which consisted of singhalese only 99 percent) and again no action would be taken against it.

Soon after all the minor violences started to become more and more and tamil people started to rebel against it by starting small small groups in their towns ie. L.T.T.E, E.P.R.L.F, V.V.T, BLOODS (sp?) etc...

once the sri lankan gov't started seeing this as a thread the army started to invade the tamil populated cities and violence erupted on an enormous scale.

At that time the tamil population was fighting the army litterally with sticks and stones and the small groups would attack the army squads and rob them of their army trucks, weaponary etc so they can use it to fight back.

However as the years went all the rebel groups started to either break up, loose, or die. However the LTTE was the only one still standing strong and other group members joined the LTTE for more man power.

that was a basic run down of how the LTTE and why they exist.

now this is what the LTTE wants:
an independant state with their own laws. simply because a "tamil" in the eye of a singhalese has no influence on how things should run and has no proper jobs ie. police, army, doctor etc...

here is the problem that the sri lankan govt sees: tamils live on the edges of the country there fore they control the sea and anything that is imported into the country if they were to seperate, all the good agricultural land is in those area's, fishing industry is there, they no longer will control the 4 sides of the island.

now the liberal gov't has been under alot of pressure for YEARS from activists telling them to ban the tamil tigers yet they choose not too simply because they didnt feel the tamil tigers where terrorists.

no ********* group/orginization looks out for its people in times of need. when the tsumani happened within a matter of hours LTTE ships left the harbour to go to India and pick up emergency supplies to support the entire Tamil population, LTTE soldiers immediately rounded up all the missing and lost people and set them up in temporary shelters, LTTE set up schools for kids to study in, orphanages for kids and elders without anyone, etc....

I cant see them being a ********* group. Yes i am tamil and yes my statements may be biased but all i am doing is stating facts.

yes some of their tacticts are a bit on the extreme ie. suicide bombers etc but do you think they like doing that? What you got to understand being attacks like these is why they are being done in this way.

1 you cannot enter COLOMBO in a vehicle or with weapons simply because COLOMBO is a peace zone and because its the capital and where all the singhalese are.
ALL THE ATTACKS ARE happening on TAMIL populated lands. The only way to get into a singhalese populated land is to sneak soldiers into the city disguised as regular civilians and only then can they plan out an attack in the singhalese area. Now since guns are not available how else can they attack? simply by making bombs. Bombs as we all know are easily made using house hold items. Now a bombs entire point is to blow up that being said just setting up a bomb to explode gives it a high rate of failure in terms of killing ARMY OFFICIALS. so they strap it on themselves and disguise themselves as civilians and walk into army camps etc and blow them up this ensures atleast 1 person dies because all they have to do is grab them.

The tamil tigers have a record in the guiness book of world records as the most organized rebel group. They are not just a bunch of people getting together and shooting at innocent people and the army trying to get them to seperate. The tamil tigers are one of the most advanced form of rebel group. They have 3 divisions within their group. Tamil Tigers, Black Tigers, Sea Tigers each whom have their own uniforms that they were into battle, each who are trained vigourously, each who are doing it not to get paid but to perserve their land, each who are equipped with full weaponary. This doesnt sound like a regular group to me this sounds like an actual army which makes perfect sense as they are trying to help their people not fight for their own benefit.
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Old 29-Aug-2006, 11:22 PM
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also the arrests in the states is a little on the "BULLS*IT: side to me.

why would the tamil tigers purchase weaponary like missle's, ak47's and infa-red goggle's from the states?

sri lanka is located in the middle of the indian ocean. its neighbours are india, japan, australia, etc...

oh lets not forget china and russia.

do you not think it would be easier for them to deal with russia, china, india for their armory, weaponary?

it is only faster to get it, cheaper to get it, and they have been doing it for 20 years why stop now? plus its easier to pay off the officials there with bribery to smuggle it across the indian ocean then through the united states.

it simply is the most stupidest thing the tamil tigers can do. oh and lets not forget the fact that america is a super power and has a 0 ********* acceptance policy. its like walking into a police station with a gun in your hand and expecting everyone in there to be cool about it and not shoot you. the tamil tigers arent stupid they know that if they slip up especially with U.S they will have to face a super power which OBVIOUSLY they cant. Plus why do you think the tamil tigers have not taken over sri-lanka but maintain to keep only the land they are settled in right now? They have the power to overtake the sri-lankan army right now yet choose not too because it would cause global attention and other nations will get into it and then the entire cause would be lost.

The tamil tigers made the Indian army (a super power now) special forces IPKF retreat back to india how hard would it be for them to take over sri-lanka?

Its all common sense but its easier to blame things on terrorism because the tamil tigers are now on the list.
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Old 30-Aug-2006, 02:00 AM
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damn, thx alot Jay, i really learned alot after reading some of the posts. much appritiated.

i knew they exist and all, but i didnt know the story behind it.
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Old 30-Aug-2006, 10:01 AM
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very well described Jay and i totally agree with you here on the point of the govts. and media blowing the 'terrorism' horn all the time.

what is most important for ppl to understand the reason behind the such conflicts. It is very imp. to observe that Tamils do not have any passion to take over mainland Sri Lanka...they just want their own piece in the north and thats it. I remember reading an article sometime back which talked about their willingness to accept a concession from the Sri Lankan Govt. that they follow certain govt. rules but then there were blasts the same week and the talks ultimately failed.

these arrests in the US sound fishy to me too...why would they go buy weapons and stuff there when they can be sourced locally. Its all US propaganda so that they can sell more weapons to Sri Lanka in the name of national security and influence the balance of power in the region.

Conflicts over land are the worst....the muslim community faces the same dilemna...and i see all this hatred every time there is a story in the media but not alot of ppl are willing to think and understand as to what is the problem and who is at fault.
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Old 30-Aug-2006, 10:19 AM
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a few other points.
when the cease fire occured one of the main points stated out in the rules was the sri lankan gov't was that the tamil tigers were to NOT purchase or restock any weaponary until ceasefire agreements where ended yet the army still has the right to continue stocking up. Talk about unfair. Guess what the army was doing when the ceasefire was occuring they were using the time to restock their inventory so they can attack again.

all the attacks that occur on sri lankan soil are 99 percent in tamil populated area's. Now other then the odd bombing here and there in the army occupied area's its tamil people that are dying. I think man/woman has the right to defend themselves and i think that is exactly what they are doing.

And if the tamil tigers were a ********* organization who are trying to kill others to benefit themselves how come 99.5 percent of the tamil's through out the entire world supporting them? does that make us ********* too? could it be that our organization of terrorists is so large that we are in every part of this entire world.

And unlike ********* and normal rebel group's the tamil tigers have full fledged funerals for soldiers lost in battle. I have yet to see another organization that is not funded by the gov't do this. If you were to die in battle they have a complete funeral for you, give aid money to the family that you are leaving behind and cover your family's shelter and food supply. heck they even have a memorial day certain days of the year.
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Old 30-Aug-2006, 10:36 AM
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some pics:

tamil tigress

sea tigers

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Old 30-Aug-2006, 10:37 AM
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tamil tigers

black tigers

(these are the highest ranking in the tamil tigers)

press meetings/peace talks

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Old 30-Aug-2006, 10:37 AM
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looking at those you really see these guys being "TERRORISTS"??? If someone showed me those pics I would think they are a gov't funded army. Do terrorists even bother with parades, uniforms, shows, etc??? Looking at those pics its telling me these guys are full out in the open unlike terrorists who are always hiding (perfect example bin laden).
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