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... Marriage, Real talk ...

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Old 03-Jan-2007, 07:34 AM
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... Marriage, Real talk ...

was just listining to some stats ..... hear this

36% of Women would not get married if they could do it all over again ..


20% of Women are not happy with thier current husband ....


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Old 03-Jan-2007, 07:48 AM
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cuz once we get married we go to drinking beer and get a big beer belly


this stat was an american stat and the only reason they got married in the first place was because she got knocked up and the guy didn't want to pay child support
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 07:51 AM
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nah these were canadian stats ... and im sure ppl drink beeer b4 they get married ... maybe ppl settle way too often ?
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 07:53 AM
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Maybe a girl can justify these facts..........anyone ever been madly in love or married or currently married?
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 08:03 AM
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i dont get that .. but ok
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 08:15 AM
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I think alot of "girls" and I'm going to use the term "girls" become infatuated with guys, they get caught up with the idea of getting married, the day, the dress, the whole idea, but they dont want the responsibility that comes after that day....alot of them get married for the wrong reasons too, money, support, needy, no family, child out of wedlock, abusive home life, Im sure the list could go on. I just think and this is of course a very personal opinion that alot of girls and women sometime, dont think about after that day and what comes with it, some of them dont live with the guy that they are going to marry, maybe that has something to do with it. All I know is that it should be something that should be cherished and worked on, not something that should be taken lightly. If you have problems you work on them, you work on them till you cant anymore then maybe you say, you know what we tried everything, maybe this just isnt going to work. I dont think enough people do that though, it's easier just to say, this isnt working-see ya.

Again just my two cents
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 08:24 AM
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Yah that is true......girls do become infatuated with guys.......but how does that explain why they dont like them down the road?
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 08:38 AM
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Originally posted by Gallagher
Yah that is true......girls do become infatuated with guys.......but how does that explain why they dont like them down the road?
ah haaa ... were gettin somewhere now lol ...

thats true tho .. why all of a sudden (if what TuttiE is saying is true) do the women stop liking thier hubby ?

Some things she said are true tho .. alotta women just like the "title" of WIFE .... hence why im still single ... i can see thru girls in a way that alot of guys havent yet figured out ... (im being serious)

i can call girls out on little games the tend to play when dating/seeing eachother .. and ive actually had a couple girls say "i cant believe u called me out on that, not that ur wrong, but ive never looked at it like that"
ive straight up told girls that they need to relax, calm down and let things proceeed instead of rushing the title of "yes i have a boyfriend" as opposed to currently saying "im talking to someone"

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Old 03-Jan-2007, 08:47 AM
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I think they get tired of them, you know the fairytale wears off...I'm not saying thats how it is for all girls, but I think that's why alot of them get tired in relationships..that and they realize that they are going to be with that one person for the rest of their life, alot of girls now a days dont like that reality...I love it! I love knowing thats who I'll wake up too every morning , etc.. For example, I know a girl who's getting married in January... her and I were talking about clubbing and some how she started saying how she thought it was ok if she made out with a guy at a club, she didnt consider it cheating, even if she was married! To me thats a huge NO NO, she said she couldnt imagine only being able to kiss him for the rest of her life- I was totally shocked! Why get married if thats your mentality?
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 08:51 AM
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LOL MANDIE ! hahahaha

That girl is the type of girl I'd like to meet at a bar, J/K!

Yah thats a little weird, if I ever heard my g/f or wife say that, i'd flip!

Mandie when you going to hess again ?
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 09:10 AM
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this is funny ... keep goin guys ...
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 09:21 AM
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Terry whats your take on it? why do you think girls get tired? do you thinks it's the guys who change or the girls or both?

I think some couples get lazy aswell in relationships especially marriages, I think they get the idea in their head, he's married to me he wont leave, I can do whatever I want! Others let themselves go, they get lazy, they stop caring about their appearance-this goes for guys and girls, they get mouthy with their spouse b/c they have the mentality that they wont go anywhere b/c they are bound by that legal contract... I think alot of the people who get married shouldnt, I think maybe there should be a course or something, Im not really sure on what, but maybe to make them aware of everything to come...
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 09:27 AM
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im against underage marriage period ... and when i say underage i honestly think no one under the age of 30 should be married ... if u think diffrent then ur prolly in one of those %'ages that were stated above ...

look at it this way ... TuttiE ..

right now ur what 24 ... u been with marty for X years ... u decide to get married ... why ?

what makes getting married diffrent than whats goin on now ?

nothing .. u get a piece of paper to hang on the wall .. put in a drawer whatever .. u get a ring .. and u get the title of "WIFE" ... why cant that wait another 6 years if ur soo sure hes the one ?

ppl rush into gettin married period .. there doesnt need to be a "course" the course should be the time u spend and work with eachother B4 the marriage .. face all obsticles B4 marriage so that when they come up during marriage u can say we've already crossed this bridge ....

just my 4 cents (Joonya Exchange Rate In Effect)
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 09:30 AM
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I think that it gets boring after a while. You are stuck with the same thing, blah blah blah, neutral.....

Me? I need a girl that is spontaneous(sp?). Just loves to do everything and will try and explore new things, whether it is in the sack, hunting, fishing, skiing, etc. I am very spontaneous and do alot of things on impulse and it is hard for a girl to handle me. haha !

I am very adventurous to say the least. And if a girl doesn't like what I do and complains about what I do, then its hard. But she is not complaining and appreciates me for what I am, then its good.

Pretty much you gotta be willing to try new things and not keep doing the same ol' **** day in day out.

You know?
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 09:32 AM
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Originally posted by JoonyaSI
im against underage marriage period ... and when i say underage i honestly think no one under the age of 30 should be married ... if u think diffrent then ur prolly in one of those %'ages that were stated above ...

look at it this way ... TuttiE ..

right now ur what 24 ... u been with marty for X years ... u decide to get married ... why ?

what makes getting married diffrent than whats goin on now ?

nothing .. u get a piece of paper to hang on the wall .. put in a drawer whatever .. u get a ring .. and u get the title of "WIFE" ... why cant that wait another 6 years if ur soo sure hes the one ?

ppl rush into gettin married period .. there doesnt need to be a "course" the course should be the time u spend and work with eachother B4 the marriage .. face all obsticles B4 marriage so that when they come up during marriage u can say we've already crossed this bridge ....

just my 4 cents (Joonya Exchange Rate In Effect)
Reason? Its because GIRLS will wonder why the guy isn't asking. They will think that maybe he isn't serious. Maybe he is seeing somebody else. blah blah blah.

I think that girls are VERY insecure when it comes to what you just said above Terence
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 09:33 AM
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yea man i hear ya ... eating at the same places .. going to the same places ... talkin to the same ppl (mutual friends)

gets boring ...


anyone who is getting married has to have seprate lives ... none of this his friends are my friends and my friends are his friends .. that just leads to confusion down the road .. TRUST THAT !
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 09:37 AM
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Originally posted by JoonyaSI
anyone who is getting married has to have seprate lives ... none of this his friends are my friends and my friends are his friends .. that just leads to confusion down the road .. TRUST THAT !

Sure they can be their "friends" but that doesn't mean everytime I go out with MY friends, she is invited. I go out to get away, and when I say get away, it doesn't mean that I dont wanna be with you, its just that I wanna have fun with my friends. Then you hear "what? you cant have fun with me? Is that what your trying to say" "NO! I just want to go out with my friends! Go out with yours!"


its all about balance.
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 09:38 AM
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women have tricked men into this whole monogamous relationship thing.


i wouldn't be surprised if those stats involved the same group of women.

so the ones who wouldn't get married again would more or less also be the broads saying they weren't happy with their husbands.

then that number doesn't look so bad.
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 09:40 AM
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I also believe that this will help boring relationships and marriages! Even tho you may think it wouldn't, trust me, it would!

Click here
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Old 03-Jan-2007, 09:40 AM
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yep ... its all a setup man .. girls are always tryin to catch guys slippin even when they arnt .. dude .. i was in a 4 yr relationship and the chick was everywhere .. if i wanted to goto my boys to chill she wanted to come .. when i was goin to the clubs to DJ she had to be there .. the times i say no .. she thinks something is up .. its all about how u "train" ur girl ... and dont take that the wrong way im not callin women animals ..

i guess i should say its about how u "Condition" ur girl .. yea thats a better term

she needs to realize things from the get go .. if u have her chasing u around from day 1 shes gonna think its normal and will wonder whats up when u say no more chasing ..
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