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Old 02-Sep-2009, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by josephkuhr
You're cooked, and anyone who agrees with bruce is also cooked. It sounds like bruce is being sarcastic, but if hes being serious...and you guys are agreeing with his twisted rationale...well then that's just minus points for the human race.
I'm being literal. What you see as twisted is an example of the definition of free society with independent thought. we all have different opinions.
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Old 02-Sep-2009, 04:32 PM
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Several individuals in this thread need to refrain from drinking bleach.
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Old 02-Sep-2009, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by bruce fee
I'm being literal. What you see as twisted is an example of the definition of free society with independent thought. we all have different opinions.
Certain opinions are very dangerous, as illustrated by the **** party and their actions. Yes freedom of speech and thought are a constitutional right and should be so internationally. But the **** opinion is downright wrong in the eyes of human welfare and should be corrected accordingly. Your logic is twisted, because it justifies genocide, racism, discrimination, autocrasy, and an entire world of hate and wrong doings (in a practical sense, not some philosophical existentialist sense) by disguising it under the mask of 'free speech'. Your argument a.k.a twisted rationale is more of an argument for hate and injustice. Its good that you have your own opinions, but you should be open to the possibility that your opinion can be wrong, otherwise its just dogmatic and detrimental to the advancement of human nature's well being, as such it is in this case. The war and the **** movement should have provided a lesson to be learned by the rest of the world on how meaningless and destructive hateful ideologies can be. The post war motto was to be 'never again' and yet it seems like on both a national and personal level, people continue to makes the same mistakes that have been made throughout history over and over again. Learn from your mistakes, and contribute to the productivity of society's psyche. Your current point of view is seriously dissapointing and id encourage you to seriously reconsider your logic before promoting it any further to those who may also not know any better.
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Old 02-Sep-2009, 04:41 PM
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Originally Posted by josephkuhr
Certain opinions are very dangerous, as illustrated by the **** party and their actions.
Also illustrated by religious ******** in the middle east who kill people who say they are atheists or who want to snort a line of coke. Allah forbidding cartoons is a dangerous idea as well. I don't see people complaining about that anymore.

Originally Posted by josephkuhr
But the **** opinion is downright wrong in the eyes of human welfare and should be corrected accordingly. Your logic is twisted, because it justifies genocide, racism, discrimination, autocrasy, and an entire world of hate and wrong doings (in a practical sense, not some philosophical existentialist sense) by disguising it under the mask of 'free speech'.
I can say the same about Islam. I'm referring to the Hadith.

Israel is currently doing the same thing the **** party was doing only they are going about it with more tact and not as efficiently. Is the Israeli flag not the same?

Canada and USA reamed out the Natives, is they flag not a sign of putrid evil?

Sure the ****'s killed a bunch of people, but the Soviet's under Stalin's rule killed more than twice as much people. The USSR flag isn't so villified, yet Stalin was worse than Hitler. The Warsaw Uprising museum in Poland agrees with me.

Some idiot has a flag of a failed ideal on his arm. Who cares.

For true freedom of speech to exist, you must protect the rights of everyone to speak, no matter how much you disagree with the statement itself. If you disagree with that, you don't understand the concept.

Originally Posted by josephkuhr
The war and the **** movement should have provided a lesson to be learned by the rest of the world on how meaningless and destructive hateful ideologies can be. The post war motto was to be 'never again' and yet it seems like on both a national and personal level, people continue to makes the same mistakes that have been made throughout history over and over again.
The war and the catholic crusades should have provided a lesson to be learned by the rest of the world on how meaningless and destructive hateful ideologies can be. The post war motto was to be 'never again' and yet it seems like on both a national and personal level, people continue to makes the same mistakes that have been made throughout history over and over again.

see it works for religion also. yet you don't complain when you see a cross.

Originally Posted by josephkuhr
Learn from your mistakes, and contribute to the productivity of society's psyche. Your current point of view is seriously dissapointing and id encourage you to seriously reconsider your logic before promoting it any further to those who may also not know any better.
So if people learn from their mistakes, they will not be persuaded by some moron's tattoo to do anything, and they will feel shame if they are associated with him.

Your current view of control and censorship is disappointing and I'd encourage you to move to Malaysia or Saudi Arabia where you can fit in with those who may also not know any better.

Last edited by bruce fee; 02-Sep-2009 at 04:51 PM.
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Old 02-Sep-2009, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by bruce fee
I can say the same about Islam. I'm referring to the Hadith.

Israel in currents time is doing the same thing the **** party was doing only they are going about it with more tact and not as efficiently. Is the Israeli flag not the same?

Canada and USA reamed out the Natives, is they flag not a sign of putrid evil?

Sure the ****'s killed a bunch of people, but the Soviet's under Stalin's rule killed more than twice as much people. The USSR flag isn't so villified, yet Stalin was worse than Hitler. The Warsaw Uprising museum in Poland agrees with me.

Some idiot has a flag of a failed ideal on his arm. Who cares.

For true freedom of speech to exist, you must protect the rights of everyone to speak, no matter how much you disagree with the statement itself. If you disagree with that, you don't understand the concept.
To compare evil as worse or better is redundant. A disgusting individual encourages the crippling of society on whatever level his means allows. Be it 1 or 1 million people influenced negatively, it is significant. The **** flag has become synonymous with evil, and anyone who sports it today fully understands what it is that they are trying to promote, or are otherwise ignorant to what it represents which is also unacceptable but needs to be corrected. My point in the previous post was that the mistakes made in the past shouldn't be repeated today because we know better. To make the same mistakes over and over again just shows that we are unwilling to progress as a society. At this point in humanity, those who have the means to educate themselves, yet choose to live in allegory, choose to blindly follow the ways of the old even though it has already been established many times over that those ways are wrong. I also didnt
say that i disagreed with freedom of speech, again you are trying to pinn (or confusing) the disagreement with the **** opinion for the disagreement with the freedom of speech. I said and will say it again, that its good that we all have our own opinions, but dogmatic opinions that promote injustice, hate etc. contribute nothing good to society and need be corrected by those who understand, and who also have the right to freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech is great. Hate and its associated forms however, are unacceptable, regardless of its level of exposure to the main stream. Im not condemning people for expressing their opinions, but for blindly holding on to them when they serve no purpose to the advancement of the human psyche towards good, further promoting the mistakes made a million times over in the past. Knowing about evil is necessary. Believing in it is stupid. Promoting it is disgusting.
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Old 02-Sep-2009, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by bruce fee
Your current view of control and censorship is disappointing and I'd encourage you to move to Malaysia or Saudi Arabia where you can fit in with those who may also not know any better.
I apologize if you interpreted my ideologies as a view of 'control and censorship', that isn't what im saying or trying to encourage at all...if there are parts of my post that give you that idea, please quote them and i will clarify them for you.
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Old 02-Sep-2009, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by josephkuhr

Freedom of speech is great. Hate and its associated forms however, are unacceptable, regardless of its level of exposure to the main stream. Im not condemning people for expressing their opinions, but for blindly holding on to them when they serve no purpose to the advancement of the human psyche towards good, further promoting the mistakes made a million times over in the past. Knowing about evil is necessary. Believing in it is stupid. Promoting it is disgusting.
So what about all the religious people who hate those that don't believe the way they do? Should they not be allowed to display their symbols? One could say that blinding holding onto your faith in god serves no purpose to the advancement of the human psyche. History has shown us a million times over that fighting and killing over religious principles is a mistake. Its recorded fact that between the catholic crusades (as Bruce mentioned) and the European conquest of South America the church not only destroyed cultures and their history, but also killed and tortured millions. So one could say that the cross represents evil. Or the Islamic faith and their repeated Jihads, and suicide bombings now and in the past against those who don't believe in Allah. So shouldn't we ban the display of the cross and Islamic symbols as well? I agree that Nazism was wrong, a evil and a dark chapter in our history, but people should have the freedom to express their beliefs. To ban the display of one symbol opens a slippery slope. If your were to ban the display of swastikas then you shouldn't you also ban the display of the confederate flag, the soviet flag and others? Didn't the evils done under these flags only differ in degree to the *****? In order to have true freedom all people must be able to express their opinions. Now if buddy with the tattoo was going around beating up Jews or other "inferiors" that would be a different story....
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Old 02-Sep-2009, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by bruce fee
good. why do you breathe so hard when you type? i don't think we've ever debated. it's more of a who can **** further type of competition between two morons.
I just wanted to point out the bruce called himself a moron....and bruce u say ure all for freedom of speach right. Then why are you so supportive of Hitler a man that wanted to have full control of any and everything. I guarntee if things went the way Hitler wanted you would be the first to complain, i highly doubt he would a flying f*** about your freedom of speach. And no kind of hate religious, personal or w/e else is ok and to go around pointing fingers at everyone who did something wrong in the past is a waste of time, the point of those mistake are to learn and grow. As for the fighter he got a tattoo that is more than just an ordinary symbol and people find it offensive and the only reason he would not be allowed to fight is because no business (such as the tv stations that play these fights and ultimate fighter) want to be associated with that nonsense, and they have the FREEDOM (as bruce likes to talk about) to do that! End of discussion
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Old 02-Sep-2009, 10:27 PM
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I think it's important that anyone reading my posts doesn't mistake me for some religious die hard fanatic. That isnt the case at all. Im not a poster boy for any ideology specifically, but only ideolgies that promote positive phenomenoms.

In response to the previous post, the difference with the ***** and the **** symbol is what they and that symbol represent absolutely. Hitler, the **** party, and their followers were responsible for the numerous atrocities that occured and the negative mentality created in conjuction. That is, the people were responsible. Hitler and the **** symbol (the swastika) are representitive of this and the people who sport the swatistika do it conciously as a decision to promote hate, not as an image for positive enforcement. This is where the difference is clear between **** symbolism and religious symbolism.

I agree that there have been similar injustices as the result of misinterpretation of religions that should not be ignored or be littled. I also agree 100% with the both of you in your pointing out the injustices that have also occured as the result of religions. However those injustices (like the **** injustices) too are the result of poor ideology and the people who promote them, not the religion its self. Both nazism, and its symbol are consistent with each other without interpretation because of hitler who outlined objectively the role of the ****'s ( being the holocaust, racism, intolerance, violence etc. as a falacious means to bring his people back into prosperity) . In contrast, The symbols of religion represent just that: religion. It does not represent the subjective interpretations of poor ideologists.

When it comes down to it however. Be it religious, or political. Negative promotions have no place in the advancement of the human psyche, as stated before. Which concludes the reason why sporting a swastika is a problem that shouldnt be lazily guised under freedom of speech because of what it represents on an objective level.
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Old 03-Sep-2009, 12:17 PM
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Originally Posted by josephkuhr
Believing in it is stupid. Promoting it is disgusting.
I agree with your statement above.

I think men kissing is disgusting, but I wouldn't be opposed to that tattoo on his arm.

I think believing in religion is stupid. Promoting it is disgusting.

If Hitler had won the war, the human society on Earth would be singing a different tune.

You think Hitler was any different than Dick Cheney, Saddam Hussein, or Ayatollah Khomeini?

The Ottoman Turks massacred everyone they came into contact with, yet their flag is acceptable and the **** one is not?

I don't think so. It's all the same.

One idiot nationalist over another.


Originally Posted by BLAKOUT88
I just wanted to point out the bruce called himself a moron....and bruce u say ure all for freedom of speach right. Then why are you so supportive of Hitler a man that wanted to have full control of any and everything.
I'm a moron, for a great many reasons.

It seems I'm not the only one in this thread either.

I'm not supportive of Hitler, I'm supportive of a man having any tattoo he wants regardless of how stupid/offensive it may be.

Originally Posted by josephkuhr
When it comes down to it however. Be it religious, or political. Negative promotions have no place in the advancement of the human psyche, as stated before. Which concludes the reason why sporting a swastika is a problem that shouldnt be lazily guised under freedom of speech because of what it represents on an objective level.
I could not disagree with you more.

The world treated Germany like **** after ww1 and we got Hitler.

Hitler treated Jews like **** and we got ww2

the Jews are treating the Arabs like **** and we've got what we have now. The semites will battle amongst themselves dragging the rest of the world into the conflict.

Some retard in a ring isn't going to change anything.

Some retard crying about political correctness and promoting censorship to block everything he/she finds disgusting, isn't going to change anything.
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Old 03-Sep-2009, 12:37 PM
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The similarities between ottamans and ***** is that they both were expanding their empire.

The difference is that the ottamans were more interested in converting people to Islam rather than wiping races off the face of the planet.
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Old 03-Sep-2009, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by shlammed
The similarities between ottamans and ***** is that they both were expanding their empire.

The difference is that the ottamans were more interested in converting people to Islam rather than wiping races off the face of the planet.
if it wasn't for the Ottaman empire, we wouldn't have the luxury of the ottaman....i love my relaxing to kick your feet up while sitting back.....
so be thankful to the Ottaman empire for this great invention....
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Old 03-Sep-2009, 12:40 PM
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man i love mine too

perfect for xbox
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Old 03-Sep-2009, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by shlammed
The similarities between ottamans and ***** is that they both were expanding their empire.

The difference is that the ottamans were more interested in converting people to Islam rather than wiping races off the face of the planet.
unless you were greek or armenian. i think you're more ignorant than me!
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Old 03-Sep-2009, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by bruce fee
unless you were greek or armenian. i think you're more ignorant than me!

Did the Ottaman's have any affect on the country where you or your parents came from?

My roots are in the Balkans and if the Ottoman Empire simply wanted to exterminate everyone, there wouldn't be Bosnian Muslims.

Bosnian Muslims are those who were converted from Catholicism (Croats)or Orthodox Christianity (Serbs) by the Ottoman Empire. Those who didn't convert during the onslought were those who fought back.
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Old 03-Sep-2009, 02:20 PM
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But hey, look on the bright side. If the Ottoman Empire didn't rule 75% of the Balkans, my dad wouldn't love his Baklava and Turkish coffee so much.

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Old 03-Sep-2009, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by shlammed
But hey, look on the bright side. If the Ottoman Empire didn't rule 75% of the Balkans, my dad wouldn't love his Baklava and Turkish coffee so much.

dude...baklava is the mother****ing best!
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Old 03-Sep-2009, 02:45 PM
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baklava is ****...actually its kinda good
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Old 04-Sep-2009, 02:01 AM
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Originally Posted by bruce fee
I agree with your statement above.

I think men kissing is disgusting, but I wouldn't be opposed to that tattoo on his arm.

I think believing in religion is stupid. Promoting it is disgusting.

If Hitler had won the war, the human society on Earth would be singing a different tune.

You think Hitler was any different than Dick Cheney, Saddam Hussein, or Ayatollah Khomeini?

The Ottoman Turks massacred everyone they came into contact with, yet their flag is acceptable and the **** one is not?

I don't think so. It's all the same.

One idiot nationalist over another.


I'm a moron, for a great many reasons.

It seems I'm not the only one in this thread either.

I'm not supportive of Hitler, I'm supportive of a man having any tattoo he wants regardless of how stupid/offensive it may be.

I could not disagree with you more.

The world treated Germany like **** after ww1 and we got Hitler.

Hitler treated Jews like **** and we got ww2

the Jews are treating the Arabs like **** and we've got what we have now. The semites will battle amongst themselves dragging the rest of the world into the conflict.

Some retard in a ring isn't going to change anything.

Some retard crying about political correctness and promoting censorship to block everything he/she finds disgusting, isn't going to change anything.
You are so lost, i dont feel like wasting my time writing anymore mini essays in retort to your negative, heavily convoluted perspective. And no thats not a statement to try to make myself come off as the better man, its really not. There is no 'winner' to this discussion, it doesnt seem either of us have gained much of anything enlightening from this thread aside from historical information. Tends to happen as the result of arguments fought to be won opposed to being resolved. Its a shame, but I guess if you really do feel the way you do it will take something a lot more significant in your eyes to seriously take into consideration an alternative view.
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Old 04-Sep-2009, 11:12 AM
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[QUOTE=josephkuhr;1422458]You are so lost, i dont feel like wasting my time writing anymore mini essays in retort to your negative, heavily convoluted perspective............QUOTE]

You'll learn that Bruce has some strong ****ed up opinions....sometimes they are so absurd and others might somewhat make sense if you were baked and reading them....that's just his personality.

Weird little fellar.
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