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Politics - democracy - Canada

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Old 05-Jan-2005, 11:59 AM
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Politics - democracy - Canada

I can see how 'democracy' is better than what a lot of other countries in the world have... but there are a lot of problems with it which I see.

the ignorance of a large group is somehow perceived as being better than the ignorance of a few.

most of us do not know what kind of laws will be good.. we are not experts, but we fight for subjects we know not much of... i am including myself.


the canadian parties suck

PC - bible thumping American *** kissers

Liberal - don't take a stance on anything

NDP - no concept of economics, way too much support for people who don't earn their keep

Green - one of their top 10 issues includes feminism (get a life, women can vote)


look at the last elections. people were more interested with homosexual married couples smoking pot than anything else.

Whatever happened to foreign affairs, health care, and education?

When did people start thinking that two men *** ramming eachother wearing rings they gave eachother was more important on their governments view on war?!?!?!?!

North America is going downhill...

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Old 05-Jan-2005, 12:18 PM
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I voted green yet I drive a car without a cat and pollute.. go figure
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 12:36 PM
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that's okay.. a friend of mine complains about gas all the time and wants to buy a new v8 monte carlo SS.

I told him he's an idiot.

maybe you should be a politician.
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 12:39 PM
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would you vote for a green party cadidate polluting the environment? hell I could be Prime Minister at that rate

Anyways I voted for them because they are different from the other parties. and I'm sick of the same stuff all the time...
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 12:46 PM
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i went to their website.... i was not impressed with their top 10 issues... only like 3 were important... everything else.. they were trying to grab minorities with very specific needs...

i think arnold should be prime minister of Canada.

he's the best.

Saddam, I'm coming for you!
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 12:54 PM
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Quite honestly I think Canada should adopt a new voting policy. I may be blasted for this, but I like the American system. Voting for local representation in the House should be separate from picking your leader. Then it is time to find a qualified leader, preferably not a Lawyer
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 12:54 PM
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Re: Politics - democracy - Canada

Originally posted by bruceTree

Whatever happened to foreign affairs, health care, and education?
simple .. Canada is at peace with the world... so foreign affairs ain't that big a deal. yes I agree that it should take a larger stance like this Beef crap from the USA or the softwood lumber trade. or any of the other issues where Americans are bending us over where is our back bone in the world?

as for education. most voters arn't in school and most Parents that can vote don't give a damn. so long as the kids ain't under feet and they can get thier work done. it doesn't matter to them. kids go to school, kids come home and visit the babysitter playstation.

Health care... well what percentage of the voting population actually got sick for an extended time and spent it in a hospital? exactly.. a minority.. so there goes talking about that.

Now Gay marraige? why would people be so interested? why would married Men and women alike wantto take an interest in this? most are insecure about there own sexuality... thats why... most are thinking could have fallen for such and such my best friend from school... they worry because opening this door opens up more what ifs for them. what if I married someone else? what if I married the dude I sit next too in my bar?

so this becomes center stage. people want to know how the candidates would vote. so they ask them .. they realize that they are being asked alot how they would vote. and therefore pass that on to their leaders to run on.
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 12:57 PM
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Originally posted by electronblue
Quite honestly I think Canada should adopt a new voting policy. I may be blasted for this, but I like the American system. Voting for local representation in the House should be separate from picking your leader. Then it is time to find a qualified leader, preferably not a Lawyer
while I agree that the Roman system is nice... (which is what the american system was based on) I see issues with it in the USA. however I think most of those issues are due to the 2 political parties they have down there. the other issue is the electorial system. the leader should be chosen by popular vote. of course keeping the representivitive and the leader separated
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 01:15 PM
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Re: Re: Politics - democracy - Canada

Originally posted by gatherer

simple .. Canada is at peace with the world... so foreign affairs ain't that big a deal. yes I agree that it should take a larger stance like this Beef crap from the USA or the softwood lumber trade. or any of the other issues where Americans are bending us over where is our back bone in the world?

as for education. most voters arn't in school and most Parents that can vote don't give a damn. so long as the kids ain't under feet and they can get thier work done. it doesn't matter to them. kids go to school, kids come home and visit the babysitter playstation.

Health care... well what percentage of the voting population actually got sick for an extended time and spent it in a hospital? exactly.. a minority.. so there goes talking about that.

Now Gay marraige? why would people be so interested? why would married Men and women alike wantto take an interest in this? most are insecure about there own sexuality... thats why... most are thinking could have fallen for such and such my best friend from school... they worry because opening this door opens up more what ifs for them. what if I married someone else? what if I married the dude I sit next too in my bar?

so this becomes center stage. people want to know how the candidates would vote. so they ask them .. they realize that they are being asked alot how they would vote. and therefore pass that on to their leaders to run on.
Foreign affairs is a very big deal in the global economy...Trade is the most important aspect the world is facing today. Even jobs are moving to lower economic countries to allow for businesses to thrive.

Education is very important...qualified people are required to run this Country when you are old a feeble. Plus, I think it is time to bring back the importance of the three R's in school because I am tired of being the one who has to teach these subjects when the school focusses on social development. Really I don't want the crackpot teachers teaching my child anything other than the core subjects.

Health Care...aging population and a failing system today...need I say more??
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 01:23 PM
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This past election I was very concerned with another issue that reared its ugly head. Can you say Fraud to the tune of billions of dollars. A Finance Minister who either co-conspired or was not qualified for his job, who is now the leader of the Country.

WTF, is wrong with this picture? And why is no one insisting that people be prosecuted for this and a diligent recovery of funds made??
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 02:05 PM
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Originally posted by electronblue
This past election I was very concerned with another issue that reared its ugly head. Can you say Fraud to the tune of billions of dollars. A Finance Minister who either co-conspired or was not qualified for his job, who is now the leader of the Country.

WTF, is wrong with this picture? And why is no one insisting that people be prosecuted for this and a diligent recovery of funds made??
It wasn't billions from what I remember, it was a drop in the bucket in terms of government spending. On top of that the issue wasn't that the sponsorship program was a fraud, just that it was administered fraudulently. Holding Paul Martin responsible is like holding the CFO of your company responsible because the secretary who was in charge of the Christmas party pocketed $20.
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 02:08 PM
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i'm not even gonna start
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 02:08 PM
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because Canadians are not Canadians ...

you ask someone what they are and they'll answer with where they are from...I'd answer Canada and yes I'm proud to be Canadian... and yes I was concerned about the fraud (and still am.) But how can people procesute them, they are the leaders of the country... as the government you can't have a trial, I can see it now. "the People vs. the Government." landmark case history will be made with just the title.

anyways yes I think the police should be given the ability to investigate this and arrest people. hell in the states they put their president on trial from letting an inturn blwo him... they look way more responsible. We need to protest more. seriously I want to start my own political party and get people ready to run to run in every riding. seriously I'd run on the following platform.

1) overhauling the law such that a division of the police will be set up and independantly funded solely to investigate and prosecute miniters at all levels of government that do wrong.

2) Change the way voting is done so that the person with the least votes is knocked out each time until 2 people remain then the winner of the seat is the one with the most votes.

3) over haul senate rules. there would be one seat in the senate per riding. a person would be voted in for 10 years or the remainder of their ability to do the job. they would be voted in from citizens in their riding. Also they would have to seat in session way more often then they do now.

4) The Prime minister of this country would be elected separately from the house of commons. he would have the ability to make and change laws and could be veto'ed by the house of commons (sort of the way the house of representative the senate and the president work down in the states)

5) You must vote or face a jail term. I don't want ***** footing around get informed and make a decision and cast a ballot no complaining your being forced to be apart of the process

6) Changing of leaders mid term. currently if the leader of a political party changes while that party is in power the Prime minister also changes without the consent of the people. This would stop. The People wouldchoose a new leader directly and immediately following the current leaders announcement to step down.

7) many more Ideas too many to type here
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 02:44 PM
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Originally posted by kane2k

It wasn't billions from what I remember, it was a drop in the bucket in terms of government spending. On top of that the issue wasn't that the sponsorship program was a fraud, just that it was administered fraudulently. Holding Paul Martin responsible is like holding the CFO of your company responsible because the secretary who was in charge of the Christmas party pocketed $20.
Duh, welcome to the wonderful world of accounting...yes the CFO would be responsible over company finances, and that includes all of them. The CFO is responsible to make sure that all internal controls are in place in order to maintain the integrity of the entire accounting system. One failure, large or small, in those controls is dischargeable.
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 02:47 PM
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BTW, I investigate fraud and money mismanagement for a living, and I can tell you that the sponsorship scandal is bigger than what we saw, and totally investigated inefficiently, or it has not been made public in its entirety.
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 03:25 PM
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I never see fraud in politics a big deal. I just assume all of them do it.

gatherer, you paint a very grim picture of the average person.

1. parents don't care about their children as long as they aren't bugging them. Excellent parenting.

2. People assume they will never be in the hospital. I guess people assume they are immortal?

3. Canada is at peace, but our intellectually smaller neighbour down south isn't, and Harper supported Bush as I recall. The last thing I want to hear on City TV is about a Jihad or two in Toronto. I don't care about the rest of the world. Let them all die. Just leave me alone.

4. I don't follow the logic behind your gay marriage argument. I myself don't care about it, more importantly, I don't believe even 1/4 of the time spent on it should be spent on it. I am against the gay parade because it is does in such a tacky fashion. I support the rights of people with 'alternative' sexual choices to practice whatever they want that makes them happy provided they are not hurting anyone else. Instead of wearing chains, PVC, purple capes and running around half naked around downtown for a parade, maybe if they acted in a somewhat professional manner, something that would make people think they're idiots, they might actually get support.

If you are going to a business meeting, you don't show up drunk and violent if that's how you really are, you play the game, and try to impress and persuade.

Having a mustached man with a thick lisp in a black leather dress come to talk to me about his rights does not make me want to do anything out of my way to help.
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 03:42 PM
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Originally posted by bruceTree
I never see fraud in politics a big deal. I just assume all of them do it.

OMG, I can't believe you said that

They should be accountable for every penny they spend, it is not their money, it is ours. You worked hard to give them the 17 - 48% of your paycheck.
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Old 05-Jan-2005, 03:50 PM
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they are all scum though. they're as bad as priests.

sure a few of them might be good, but it's easier to assume they are all corrupt and always lying to better them selves.

some people say i'm too cynical. i think people aren't cynical enough.
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 01:53 AM
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you shouldn't assume... it makes an *** outta you and me... lol

democracy doesn't work and never has, this is because your "elected" official is only concerned about the next 4 years... what happens beyond that isn't there concern, unless of course they are getting a second term...
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 06:56 AM
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