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Old 06-Jan-2005, 10:03 AM
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I believe the reason why politics don't work is because it is governed by human, and we have emotions, which then develop into selfishness and you will ultimately favour those who you find profitable and has an advantage of.

Fame and money come together. When you are average, you are after money. When you have money, you want power. That's what most politicians are after - they are rich, but they have no power. Hence, they wish to be elected so this can keep their money pile snowballing larger, and at the same time, have power to control a portion of the society, a country, or even, the world.

At the end of the day, it is always "What I Want" as oppose to "What Can I Do For You?" or "What Do You Want?". It is human nature to ask then give - even if you were taught as a kid to give, you will still ask because we as human, lack survival skills. It is not to say all of us are like that, but there is a good chunk of us that are.

I want this I want that, my wage isn't high enough, I am too poor, he is too rich, my car sucks, my house is too small, this weather sucks, USA sucks, Americans are stupid, we are better, my neighbour is an idoit, my boss is an *******.....

We complain, and we whine. We envy but we don't try. This never ends.

I am graceful for what I have and everyday, I can wake up, go to work and return home safe then go to sleep. For 30 years, I am in decent health condition and have a decent job. I work hard, pay my tax and let the government do their deeds and use the tax money as they see fit. I trust Canadian Government. Why shouldn't I? I am living in Canada, I eat domestic food, I drink domestic water, I work for a domestic company, I drive a car that is bulit in Canada. Last thing this country need is to lose my faith in its government, and every person counts.
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 10:04 AM
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Originally posted by bruceTree
they are all scum though. they're as bad as priests.
How many priests do you actually know? What a dumb comment. Some people figure they read three stories in the papers and they know something. Substitute "black people" for priests and you're a bigot, but somehow sweeping generalizations of priests are OK? Moron.
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 10:12 AM
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Originally posted by bruceTree
I never see fraud in politics a big deal. I just assume all of them do it.

gatherer, you paint a very grim picture of the average person.

1. parents don't care about their children as long as they aren't bugging them. Excellent parenting.

2. People assume they will never be in the hospital. I guess people assume they are immortal?

3. Canada is at peace, but our intellectually smaller neighbour down south isn't, and Harper supported Bush as I recall. The last thing I want to hear on City TV is about a Jihad or two in Toronto. I don't care about the rest of the world. Let them all die. Just leave me alone.

4. I don't follow the logic behind your gay marriage argument. I myself don't care about it, more importantly, I don't believe even 1/4 of the time spent on it should be spent on it. I am against the gay parade because it is does in such a tacky fashion. I support the rights of people with 'alternative' sexual choices to practice whatever they want that makes them happy provided they are not hurting anyone else. Instead of wearing chains, PVC, purple capes and running around half naked around downtown for a parade, maybe if they acted in a somewhat professional manner, something that would make people think they're idiots, they might actually get support.

If you are going to a business meeting, you don't show up drunk and violent if that's how you really are, you play the game, and try to impress and persuade.

Having a mustached man with a thick lisp in a black leather dress come to talk to me about his rights does not make me want to do anything out of my way to help.
well hey what I was saying is there are tons of married people unsure about their own sexuality that they want to hear about this. you obviously are secure... (since you don't care)

as for the stuff about America. your right thats a big point. harper was pro going in to help. the way I see the foreign affiars "voters" (those people that vote based on a leaders opinion of foriegn countries.) you have the I hate America and the I want to be America's bitch crowds... you have the 2 thats it there is no middle ground. personally I'm the type that would like to see us withdraw more and more world support and worry more about the defense of our homeland first and foremost.
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 03:23 PM
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kane2k, I know two priests, a decon, the arch-primate (or somethng like that) - the guy in charge of an orthodox church for all of canada.

I have known them all since they were Decons, except the primate who I knew since he was a priest.

The Decons have always been cool.. the deeper they get into the church.. the more corrupt they seem to be... being a priest is like being a politician.

I know one priest, who clears $100,000 year tax free, is married with kids and cracks jokes about god.

"How does the church plan on paying?"

"We will pray for you" (with a very solemn look) followed by light laughter.

church members = politicians = generally speaking, scum.

I have no problem being called a bigot.

I wouldn't call black people scum because I know black people who aren't scum. If I had known only 10 black people my entire life, and I thought they were all crap, I would say, generally speaking, black people are crap. As a joke, or seriously, regardless, it would be an observation.

No one ever said my reason was correct, nor that my opinion mattered.

I should add my mother has got awards from the church and whatnot. I know the church quite well. The orthodox church has not been responsible for wars as the catholics or protestants, nor have they changed their policies about god to meet the needs of the society (ie gay marriage), and they definitely still know how to make a buck!


gatherer, I agree.. As long as there are starving and homeless children in Toronto, I don't think we should be donating anything to other countries. I'd say the government should put more money into healthcare before providing other countries with health care.

I don't see why my tax dollars should help anyone but myself and my community. That's the whole point of taxes, is it not?
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 04:35 PM
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Originally posted by gatherer

as for the stuff about America. your right thats a big point. harper was pro going in to help. the way I see the foreign affiars "voters" (those people that vote based on a leaders opinion of foriegn countries.) you have the I hate America and the I want to be America's bitch crowds... you have the 2 thats it there is no middle ground. personally I'm the type that would like to see us withdraw more and more world support and worry more about the defense of our homeland first and foremost.

why do you all hate "america"?? i really dont get it... i understand if you hate bush, or our government, but do you really hate "america"? do you classify it a one solemn entity?

all in all, our government is looking out for #1, its citizens.
is that not just what you said you wanted your government to do? look out for your well being.

i think in a way all the "america" haters are just jealous. because our government is actually taking action. i dont necessarily agree with the action, but at least we arent sitting back and taking it in the butt.
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 04:44 PM
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how you look out for your citizens is the entire debate, is it not?

Seriously, what threat did Saddam pose to the US?

If Bush had said 'time to conquer', and he went to the front lines and led the army like a real leader should, I would respect him.

But saying he wants to promote freedom, when it's obvious it's about money and power, while sending the youth of his country off to war.... that's a different story.

You also have to keep in mind that the youth he is sending had joined up with the army of their own free will, so if they're getting killed, that's really their fault moreso than bush.

I'm not jealous of americans. education and health care are amazing compared to the US. Plus, their wide ****** propaganda and limited education in world affairs leads to amazing entertainment while on vacation.
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 04:47 PM
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i'm all for America you know that Jay, i'd eb down there in a second if i had the means to do so
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 04:54 PM
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in Iraq?
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 04:56 PM
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Originally posted by bruceTree
how you look out for your citizens is the entire debate, is it not?

Seriously, what threat did Saddam pose to the US?

If Bush had said 'time to conquer', and he went to the front lines and led the army like a real leader should, I would respect him.

But saying he wants to promote freedom, when it's obvious it's about money and power, while sending the youth of his country off to war.... that's a different story.

You also have to keep in mind that the youth he is sending had joined up with the army of their own free will, so if they're getting killed, that's really their fault moreso than bush.

I'm not jealous of americans. education and health care are amazing compared to the US. Plus, their wide ****** propaganda and limited education in world affairs leads to amazing entertainment while on vacation.

i know that... i must have been misunderstood... the point i was tring to make was it annoys the hell out of me when people hate on america, when its not the american people that you really hate... its the government. i would totally agree with you 100% if you said, "the american government blows" or waht not... just please dont generalize and say "america blows", it is very offensive
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 05:02 PM
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Originally posted by bruceTree
in Iraq?
haha no not in Iraq, in Cali ****
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 05:06 PM
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generalizations are fun!!!

of course not all americans are stupid moronic people.

they're 'normal'

it's just a lot of them are loud and obnoxious.

but i respect that.

i don't like war mongering idiots, especially when they have never been to war themselves. asking people to do something you wouldn't do as a leader is the first sign of 'garbage'
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 05:10 PM
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true to your last statement, so does that mean you would of preferred to see Kerry win, or maybe Gen. W.Clark up there instead of Kerry?
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 07:08 PM
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i also tatally agree with your last statement....

i think disputes should be settled in a cage, just let the leaders duke it out!!

but then we'd have jessy the body ventura type presidents
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Old 06-Jan-2005, 11:06 PM
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Originally posted by spracingsports

why do you all hate "america"?? i really dont get it... i understand if you hate bush, or our government, but do you really hate "america"? do you classify it a one solemn entity?
re-read my post again please. I said there were 2 types of people. those that hate America and those that want to be American, in this country.

See I don't "hate" Americans, I never said that. I went on to say that Canada should withdraw from world politics and take care of it's own...Thats not hating America that's being an Isolationist, of which I proudly admit to being.

Do I think we should close our borders to America. Yes At the present time it would be wise. Simply because they setup free trade with us then won't allow us to ship some of our goods into their country when there is demand for them. (namely softwood lumber and beef) And since they wish to break that part of the deal I see no reason to anything of their's into the country that we can make here.

(but free trade is a whole other debate)
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Old 07-Jan-2005, 11:53 AM
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i don't tihnk it matters much who won the presidental campaign... electing bush as a figurehead just tells the rest of the world they, as a people support the war. Electing not bush, would tell people the majority of them probably don't support the war.

If you look into groups that both Kerry and Bush are invovled in.. officially... not conspiracy theories.. you will see they are both within the same group... their external organization stems from Yale..
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Old 07-Jan-2005, 04:32 PM
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Originally posted by bruceTree
kane2k, I know two priests, a decon, the arch-primate (or somethng like that) - the guy in charge of an orthodox church for all of canada.
Oh OK, so you you know 2 priests, that certainly means that you know everything about priests.

Originally posted by bruceTree

I know one priest, who clears $100,000 year tax free, is married with kids and cracks jokes about god.
Except, apparently, for the fact that if they're married, they are not a priest.

Originally posted by bruceTree

No one ever said my reason was correct, nor that my opinion mattered.
Surely someone has pandered to you in your life and told you that you were right? Oh, sorry, I guess with all those priests you've been hanging around, you only get honest reactions to your idiocy.

So you managed to post a defence of your stupidity and ended up looking more stupid.

Keep digging up, I'm sure that hole will give up before you do.
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Old 07-Jan-2005, 04:44 PM
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priests can be married. It depends on the sect of christianity where this differs.

Archbishops cannot.

I know a priest and decon quite well. Not in passing.

Since you seem to be so knowledgable on this subject, I will say we should agree with have different views and part ways in order for a more friendly, happy, and wholesome torontocivics forum.

may peace and happiness go with you wherever you are, whatever you do, friend.

The digging I do is never for myself. Have a great weekend!
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