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Old 15-Feb-2005, 12:38 PM
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Recently I was asked in a PM to post the rules and regulations, as I see them, for dating. So, the following is a basic outline of how I recommend to go about dating.

The point of these rules and regulations is to get more punanny for less money, and to teach women how men think. These rules are not designed to get you a girlfriend or a wife, or to keep either. BUT, if that is your goal, there is still something to be learned from the following information.


- Three strikes, youre out.
This means that if a woman does not give up the gusto inside of 3 dates, youre out. There are far too many women out there that do fvck inside of three dates for you to waste your valuable time on the ones that dont.

- $40 limit.
No date should cost you more than $40 for everything (gas, parking, food, drinks, shows, tips, everything). This is to prevent you from falling into the trap of thinking that if you spend enough money on her, shell put out. Lets face it, if she wants to fvck you, shell do it without you spending a cent. But if she doesnt want to fvck you, no amount of money spent will change her mind. Keeping that in mind, $40 is your limit, less is better and if you can get her to pay, youre a pimp.

- Dates happen at night.
Do not accept lunch dates or coffee dates as they are designed to preclude the possibility of sex. If sex isnt an option, why the hell are you there?

- A round of drinks.
Women that dont drink are far less likely to put out. Society has taught women two things about sex.
1) Being easy is bad.
2) Saying I was drunk is an acceptable excuse for being easy.
Note: I do not recommend getting a woman drunk in order to fvck her. I am simply saying that by insuring that she has a few drinks you have provided her the necessary excuse to fvck.

- Be in touch with your inner A-hole. No, this does not read be an a$$hole. Being in touch with your inner A-hole is simply leveling the playing field. Refusing to do something for someone just because they dont have a dick. Examples: Dont open a door for her unless you get to it first, and you have the right to expect her to do the same. Dont offer to buy her a drink as a pick up line. (god that is so weak and it never works) Dont buy her things (flowers, candy, stuffed toys etc). Dont loan her your coat. And by all means, NEVER hold her purse.

- Sometimes dates go south on you, its just a fact of life. Once you realize that is what has happened, dont bother trying to recover the date, but theres no reason not to go for the gold. Just say to her; Look, I know tonight isnt going well. So what do you say we just go fvck, and then move on with our lives? Odds are low on this one but the risk is almost non-existent. Youre not gonna see her again anyway, so its totally cool if she hates you, and if you don't pull the trigger, theres zero chance youre gonna get laid. Think of it as a free shot on goal.

Tips for getting in touch with your inner A-hole:

- Eating a full meal before you go out allows you to order very little for dinner. Ill just have a side salad, thank you. Since women are so concerned about how they appear in public, its seriously unlikely that she will order more than you. This helps to keep the dinner bill down. Of course, youll need an excuse for only ordering a salad, try: Im trying to eat a bit more healthy so Ill look good for you.

- Coupons are great, use them. Due to the fact that women are generally gold diggers, if she sees you using a coupon, she will find you less attractive as it indicates you dont have the money that she is looking to siphon off of your wallet. So when you get the bill, you dont pay at the table, you take the bill and the coupon, to the register and pay there.

- Men and women are not friends unless one or more of the following conditions are met.
- He is gay.
- She is unattractive.
- Sex is a forgone conclusion.
To a woman, a male friend is a guy that provides the attention she desires, but has no right to expect anything in return. That being the case, under NO circumstances are you allow a woman think you are her friend. It is up to you to let her know that you have enough friends and that you are interested in her in a romantic sense only. If she insists that you are friends, then stop calling her.

- The bar is the most expensive place in the world to drink, and its a difficult place to actually fvck. So, try to keep your number of drinks in a bar to a minimum. Youre excuse for not drinking is that you want to get her home safe. Then you offer to take her back to your place for drinks. Remember, this requires that you have chick drinks at your place. Jagermeister, Goldschlager, Rumplemintz, Vodka, Canberry Juice and OJ should cover it, but keeping a bottle of white wine on hand is a good idea (most women cant drink red wine) but make sure you have wineglasses. Of course, youll need to have whatever you drink on had as well.

- Being a bit unreliable boosts your stock. Im not sure why this is, but I think women generally associate unreliability with the bad boy image and it makes them desire you. So, cancel a few dates, and cancel them as late as possible, like a few hours before the agreed upon meeting time. For the dates you show up for, show up 15 to 20 minutes late.

- If a woman begins to carry on a conversation on her cell phone while on a date with you, you can assume shes setting up another date for later in the night. In other words, youre footing the bill to provide her with a nice evening, and some other guy (probably me) is gonna get laid for your effort. So, if she begins to carry on a conversation on her phone, quietly excuse yourself and leave. When the two of you are out, you get to be number one, and if she cant give you that respect, you need to quite wasting your time and money. She can pay for dinners once she realizes youre gone.

- Women love to mark their territory. This is why women leave hair clips, earrings, underwear and tampons behind once they have spent the night. Gather all of these things up, and place them in a lost and found box. Whenever a woman asks if youve seen her "scrunchy" you simply tell her to check in the lost and found.

- Dont cuddle. Once you are done, one of you needs to leave. Cuddling leads to sleeping, sleeping leads to waking up with her, which leads to her thinking that you owe her brunch. Be very clear about this, and enforce it.

- Friday and Saturday nights are for women that you have a good chance for fvcking. First dates should take place on other nights of the week.

- You are not available to help them. (move, re-arrange the house, program the VCR, fix their car, etc)

- Ask her what her preferred form of birth control is. If she doesnt use one (a condom doesnt count) then you must assume she wants to get pregnant. Time to bail.

- If youre under 25, you dont need a girlfriend, you need to go and date more women so that you know what kinds of women are out there, and what kind works best for you. Until that is done, youre not qualified to determine who is the right woman for you.
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 12:38 PM
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- Never date a single mother. The reason for this is threefold.
1) You already know what she will do in the event she gets pregnant.
2) A woman with a kid is unavailable. You cant call her at 1 am and say "So whatcha doing?"
3) The #1 spot is already taken, and there is no chance that you can get it. Youre good enough to be #1 so she's beneath you.

- Never fvck without a condom.
Let me say that again, Never fvck without a condom. No matter how much she says, I just want to feel you dont fvck her without a condom. But, thats not enough. When you finish, you must dispose of the condom properly. At her house you flush it. At your house you keep a bottle of Tabasco in the bathroom and you put two drops in the condom, and throw it away. (you dont want to stop up your own plumbing with condoms)

- NEVER answer your phone on a Friday or Saturday night. These are prime dating nights and you must appear to be busy, whether or not you are. This is what an answering machine is for. That way you can screen your calls and pick up if its a buddy. Voicemail is a no-no.

- Never call a girl back the next day. 5 days is the industry standard, and longer is better. This keeps you from being needy and makes you more attractive as you clearly have other things going on in your life.

- Never pay a woman a real compliment on her appearance as it builds up her ego, and is likely to make her feel she can do better than you. Instead, you pay them backhanded compliments designed to attack their self-esteem. Examples: "I like a woman with a big ***", "Most guys dont like little *****, but I think they look great on you.", "I like a little meat on my woman." You get the idea.

- NEVER let a woman think she is the only one. I dont know why it is, but when women ask So, are you seeing anyone? Guys tend to immediately blurt out No, not me, I'm just dating you! I dont know why guys do this, but its shooting yourself in the foot. Let her know that she is in competition. Nobody wants to eat in an empty restaurant, and a competitive woman is an attentive woman.

- Any woman that says she only has guy friends is a problem. You can fvck her, but dont even consider dating her.

- Never date a woman you work with. When the relationship ends, you will have to see her everyday. And if it ends poorly, your job is at risk. Its just not worth it.

- Never go with a woman to a concert or show where one of her friends is performing. You are just along so that she doesn't have to be alone, and shes going to fvck him tonight, not you.
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 12:39 PM
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Tips for getting dates:

- Attempting to pick women up at bars is hard work, and a low odds proposition. Instead, approach women when they are not quite so prepared to say No. I find that asking women out in an assertive manner yields far better results. Examples: When pumping gas, look around, if you see an attractive woman, ask her out. When shopping, keep you eyes open. The key is, you have to pull the trigger. By being that assertive you are coming across as a self-confident man, and that makes you more attractive.

- Never give out your number, and never ask for hers. If she wants to contact you again, she will insure that happens.

- If you do find yourself approaching a woman at a bar, DO NOT buy her a drink. If you cant make first contact without bearing gifts, you need to work on your game.

- Dont try to chat her up, be direct and to the point. Would you like to go out Thursday night?, How about we get out of here?, Would you like to come back to my place for a night cap? etc.

- Look more affluent than you are.

- Feel free to lie about what you do in order to appear more affluent. "I'm an entertainment attorney for Brad Pitt and Lil Kim", this works even better if you can call Brad at home. (Make sure to discuss this with your buddy BEFORE you call asking for Brad.

- When considering a woman to run game on, you are looking for 2 factors. How attractive is she, and how is her self-esteem. If these two factors are expressed on a scale from one to 10 (10 being high) they can then be expressed as a ratio; (Level of attractiveness) / (Level of self-esteem). The resultant number dictates how your level of interest in her. Shall we do an example?

You start talking to a hot girl at the bar. While talking to her you discover that shes concerned about her weight. (Level of attractiveness) / (Level of self-esteem) = 9/3 = 3 Not bad, but we can do better.
A hot girl that will talk to you, but not look up from the floor = 9/2 = 4.5 Now were talking!
A super model that was raped by her uncle as she was growing up = 10/1 = 10 Hell yeah!
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 12:39 PM
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Things you should know about women:

- If a woman says youre a nice guy, or a friend she is not going to fvck you.

- Women dont know how to say No. So, anytime a woman says; Maybe, Well see, We can talk about it, or Ill think about it it means No.

- Women are the cheapest creatures on the face of the planet. (Why else are they gold diggers?)

- As a rule, the more attractive a woman is, the lower her self-esteem is. Remember, we are looking for women whose self-esteem is so low, that she will even fvck you.

- Women are like dog ****, the older they are, the easier they are to pick up.

For the Ladies:

- When we ask you out, its not because we think you did well on your SAT. We are asking you out because we want to fvck the hell out of you. So stop pretending that we like you as a person when we dont even know you.

- The longer you hold out, the lower our interest level goes. Think about it. We meet you at a party. We spend the evening talking to you. Through our conversation we discover that you are very cool and interesting. Obviously we find you attractive, or we wouldnt be talking to you in the first place (exclusions made for very drunk conversations) As the night comes to a close we take you home where you promptly fvck our brains out.

Now, heres the question; Do you really think we get up the next morning and think to ourselves Well, shes hot, shes cool, shes interesting, but I cant date her because she fvcked me when I wanted her to.?

If we don't call you back, its because we dont like you. Hell, if youre a good enough lay, we might even call you back when we don't like you. Fvcking us only improves your odds of a call back. Holding out makes you less attractive. Which is your preference? (No, there are no other options)

- When youre in bed with a guy, and hes not doing something right, don't just take it, and don't just avoid it. Tell us what the fvck you want. This may come as a surprise to you, but the same **** you dont like, was exactly what last nights girl loved. Newsflash; youre all fvcking different and unless you tell us what you like, we dont have a fvcking clue and were just running through our bag of tricks hoping to get lucky. Next time, you tell us what to suck, where to suck, how hard to suck, and for how long. Trust me, were okay with that.

- We know you like to fvck, and we know that you are conflicted by some antiquated rule that your mothers taught you, Something about, its not acceptable for you to just want to fvck. Trust me on this one, its totally okay for you to want to fvck, and we will help you out.

- When it comes to picking up a guy, it's really easy, all you have to do is communicate clearly. Damn, I'm sorry, I forgot who I was talking to. Okay, here is what you do. You find a guy and repeat this line to him:

"Hi, I find you attractive and I would like to take you home."

I promise that you wont have to say this line to more than two guys before you have what you want. You dont think so? Fine, try it, then email me at and tell me how wrong I am.

- Guys are very simple. When were thirsty, we want a drink; when were hungry, we want to eat; when were tired, we want to sleep; and when were horny, we want to fvck. Is that really so damn hard?

- Guys think that women who expect us to pay for dinners, drinks, movies, clubs, etc before you go down on us, are ******. We know this because we have had girls fvck us because they wanted to, not because we bought them off.

- Your ***** is no better than the one we had last night, so stop thinking youre special.
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 12:40 PM
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This is important, so read carefully.
It is very rare that a guy goes out looking for a relationship. This is just how we are different from you. This is how it works for us: We go out and date women. As we go about this we meet lots of different women, some we like, some not so much. The odds are that eventually we come across a woman that we really enjoy being around. Because of that we seek to spend more time with her. By definition, the more time we spend with her, the less time we have available to spend with other women. And then, one day, we wake up and realize we have a girlfriend.
What does this mean to you? Simple, it means that the best way to get a boyfriend is by being so cool, so good in bed, so fun, so sexy, so attractive that we want to spend more time with you. If you find that guys don't really want to spend that kind of time with you, it may be because you Cant Understand Normal Thinking. Consider making drastic changes.

- If youre gonna wear short skirts and low cut tops, expect us to look and don't b!tch about it when a guy you dont find attractive stairs at your *******. You are advertising in public, and the public is going to take notice, so shut up about it.

- YOU are responsible for your own orgasms. If youre not getting off, check yourself before you blame us. Sure, some guys are so bad, they cant get the job done, but lets face it, when youre laying on your back and were pumping away, youre not doing a lot for us, were doing all the work. So don't be shocked when we bust a nut and youre left wanting. Get your **** together and make sure you get yours.

Worse case scenario:
So, you slipped on by the goalie and you knocked her up. That sucks donkey dick. Before you take another breath you need to come to a very harsh realization: Women are the only ones that get to make a decision about making you a parent, you will be forced to fund it. So, what do you do?
Here are a few options.

- The straight shot.
Simply tell her that youre not ready to be a father and you would like her to get an abortion. When you do this you had better know damn well where to go, when it can be done, and how much it costs.

- The scare.
Borrow a young baby, and let her take care of it for 48 hrs during a workweek.

- The Hail Mary
Become her idea of a perfect boyfriend. Then let her know that you love her and that you want to have children with her, but that you want to do it right. You dont want to have to explain to your kid why it was born less than 9 months after the wedding. You dont even know where you can get a maternity wedding dress. Youre parents won't approve. Her parents won't approve.
BUT If the two of you wait until your careers are more established, you own a house and you can afford to do it right, then the two of you can have children.

If this works, take her down, get the abortion, and break up with her on the way home. You already know how she feels about having a kid and you don't need that **** in your life.

- Now lets say none of the above works and she decides to have the child anyway. First and foremost, DO NOT do the right thing and marry her. You didn't want the kid in the first place, marrying her wont make it better. You must still dump the ***** and never **** her again (see the single mother rule). Next thing you do, is you DO NOT sign anything relating to being the childs parent until the child has had a DNA test (the hospital will pressure you for this). It has been said that up to 30% of the men paying child support are paying for children they didn't father. That being the case, you must get the DNA test done in order to check if you are indeed the father. If you sign anything saying you are the father, you have just established paternity, and you would have to have a separate court hearing to disestablish paternity before you can get out of child support. Heres the catch, most courts wont hear these cases, so you can never disestablish paternity, and you will be paying child support for a kid that isn't yours.
Note: If you are not in good standing with the mother when the child is born, you wont know when it happens, and she will be allowed to establish paternity for you. Dont let that happen, make damn sure everyone in the hospital knows that you think you may be the father of the baby, and give them your contact info. If they can reach you, she is not allowed to establish paternity for you.

Note: the majority of these rules and regulations can be lifted directly from Leykis 101.
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 12:43 PM
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Someone asked you to post all this????

Old 15-Feb-2005, 12:45 PM
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Ya. I posted it somewhere else a long time ago. Someone was asking for dating tips, I figured I would share.
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 12:53 PM
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Then one day you will grow up, and realize instead of playing games, you can look for a girl who isn't interested in games either (that's the hard part).

When you find one, You'll get all the play you want, and you'll not only have the ability to be yourself and be truthful, but you'll actually enjoy it.
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 01:08 PM
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LOL that's some lengthy shiznat. . i'm with Bruce Fee though
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 01:30 PM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
Then one day you will grow up, and realize instead of playing games, you can look for a girl who isn't interested in games either (that's the hard part).

When you find one, You'll get all the play you want, and you'll not only have the ability to be yourself and be truthful, but you'll actually enjoy it.
Oh don;t get me wrong I totally agree with that. I have a great GF and wouldnt trade her for the world. I posted this for 2 reasons:
1. To help guys get laid (expecially the ones who really need to)
2. (the most important) For entertainment.
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 01:40 PM
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I gotta copy that down somewhere
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 01:41 PM
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Originally posted by gatherer
I gotta copy that down somewhere
gatherer you just gotta return to "YOUR HOME AWAY FROM HER"
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 01:45 PM
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sticky material
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 01:51 PM
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^ Is that supposed to be a Pun?
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 02:01 PM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
Then one day you will grow up, and realize instead of playing games, you can look for a girl who isn't interested in games either (that's the hard part).

When you find one, You'll get all the play you want, and you'll not only have the ability to be yourself and be truthful, but you'll actually enjoy it.
I must admit even though I think your out of this world. I completely agree with you ..

After all you are armenian
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 02:13 PM
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if you want to get laid, go to a club, step up to every broad you see, go for it like you don't give a fsck about anything.

a bit of liquid courage helps.

clubs can have 2000+ people plus. if you step up to 100 girls, you have a good chance.

what is becomming of me, people are agreeing with my opinion?

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Old 15-Feb-2005, 02:15 PM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
if you want to get laid, go to a club, step up to every broad you see, go for it like you don't give a fsck about anything.

a bit of liquid courage helps.

clubs can have 2000+ people plus. if you step up to 100 girls, you have a good chance.

what is becomming of me, people are agreeing with my opinion?

AHAHA that's also true....this man knows. . lol
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 02:39 PM
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i thnk it was halarious... i read the whole thing good stuff
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 03:09 PM
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Originally posted by ~ILLEST CIV~

gatherer you just gotta return to "YOUR HOME AWAY FROM HER"
dude I told you I ain't like that quit asking :P

Anyways for me it's simple... I'm attracted only to women ... however they are evil (I have the mathematical proof. so that leaves me with handela and palmala ok by my standards!

Mathematic proof that Women are Evil.

First off we all know that to keep a Women happy it takes Time and Money so:

Women = Time X Money

We also Know that Time is Money

Time = Money

So therefore:

Women = Money X Money

Women = Money^2

We Also know that Money is the root of all evil

Money = SQRT(EVIL)


Women = (SQRT(EVIL))^2


Women = EVIL

nuff said
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Old 15-Feb-2005, 03:21 PM
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I'm in agreeance and

Nobody spanks the monkey better then the zookeeper. . LOL
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