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... Sadam To Be Hung In 29 Days ...

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Old 28-Dec-2006, 01:36 PM
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... Sadam To Be Hung In 29 Days ...

surprised no one started this topic ... but yea its self explanitory ..

you guys think one of his 100's of clones will take one for the team ? or is this the real deal ?

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Old 28-Dec-2006, 02:17 PM
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obviously it's him, good...hope it takes a while too.
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 02:19 PM
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Originally posted by tuttle
obviously it's him, good...hope it takes a while too.
why is it obvious ?
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 02:31 PM
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The debate now is should it be televised and personally I think it should be.

I can't wait to see him swing for the things he's done
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 02:32 PM
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Just to let you know the correct gramatical thing to say is "Sadam to be hanged in 29 days"

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Old 28-Dec-2006, 02:35 PM
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i think he's more caring and honest than George Bush and deserves being punished far less than dubyeh
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 02:36 PM
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Originally posted by TuttiGirl
Just to let you know the correct gramatical thing to say is "Sadam to be hanged in 29 days"

my way sounds better .. THANKS ! Tuttie
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 02:37 PM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
i think he's more caring and honest than George Bush and deserves being punished far less than dubyeh

very good point ... why not hand bush for killing mass amounts of ppl during 9/11 ... that has my vote !
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 02:39 PM
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you all speak as if Saddam was a great humanitarian and a people person.
The topic is not Bush and what he has done
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 02:46 PM
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Saddam did what revolutionized a country with an iron fist... is that so bad compared to a lot of the other ****** out there?

what did they send him to court for, killing and attacking people who tried to attack and kill him?

Did these people never hear the phrase "mess with the bull, mess with me the horns"?

seriously, he attacked and killed a village that was opposed to him.. look at the region now, civil war... it is kill or be killed....

saddam wasn't in a position to go to camp david every other week and relax.... he had to be careful and guard his position...

he's not a nice guy, but he really isn't that bad.
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 02:47 PM
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Originally posted by JoonyaSI

very good point ... why not hand bush for killing mass amounts of ppl during 9/11 ... that has my vote !
lol let's not get into another 9/11 conspiracy theory debate...

like J said, it's about saddam not comparing him to other people...
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 03:06 PM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
Saddam did what revolutionized a country with an iron fist... is that so bad compared to a lot of the other ****** out there?

what did they send him to court for, killing and attacking people who tried to attack and kill him?

Did these people never hear the phrase "mess with the bull, mess with me the horns"?

seriously, he attacked and killed a village that was opposed to him.. look at the region now, civil war... it is kill or be killed....

saddam wasn't in a position to go to camp david every other week and relax.... he had to be careful and guard his position...

he's not a nice guy, but he really isn't that bad.
I guess you really do not know what he and his brothers have done? Educate yourself first if your going to debate this topic.
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 03:08 PM
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He's earned a painful and lenghty death, I'd rather see him get stoned by the people he has opressed.
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 03:21 PM
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btw he might not necessarily be hung that quick...
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 03:42 PM
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Originally posted by tuttle

I guess you really do not know what he and his brothers have done? Educate yourself first if your going to debate this topic.
i know a little bit.... i know he set a hit on his son because his son was causing too much trouble in his own country.

regardless of his evil, there are things about him i respect, he got to power on his own.. not through his daddy after failed attempts at running companies.

"humanity crimes" in the country where he was 'leader' are interesting, especially considering bush has been campagining for a law that would hold the president of the US exempt from being tried for war crimes.

what about rumsfeld, should Germany lock him up if he ever goes to visit?

there are a lot of world leaders who have cause far more damage and much less progress, yet no one is calling for their head.
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 03:59 PM
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Saddam consolidated power in a nation riddled with profound tensions. Long before Saddam, Iraq had been split along social, ethnic, religious, and economic fault lines: Sunni versus Shi'ite, Arab versus Kurd, tribal chief versus urban merchant, nomad versus peasant. Stable rule in a country rife with factionalism required the improvement of living standards. Saddam moved up the ranks in the new government by aiding attempts to strengthen and unify the Ba'ath party and taking a leading role in addressing the country's major domestic problems and expanding the party's following.

Saddam actively fostered the modernization of the Iraqi economy along with the creation of a strong security apparatus to prevent coups within the power structure and insurrections apart from it. Ever concerned with broadening his base of support among the diverse elements of Iraqi society and mobilizing mass support, he closely followed the administration of state welfare and development programs.

At the center of this strategy was Iraq's oil. On June 1, 1972, Saddam oversaw the seizure of international oil interests, which, at the time, had a monopoly on the country's oil. A year later, world oil prices rose dramatically as a result of the 1973 energy crisis, and skyrocketing revenues enabled Saddam to expand his agenda.

Within just a few years, Iraq was providing social services that were unprecedented among Middle Eastern countries. Saddam established and controlled the "National Campaign for the Eradication of Illiteracy" and the campaign for "Compulsory Free Education in Iraq," and largely under his auspices, the government established universal free schooling up to the highest education levels; hundreds of thousands learned to read in the years following the initiation of the program. The government also supported families of soldiers, granted free hospitalization to everyone, and gave subsidies to farmers. Iraq created one of the most modernized public-health systems in the Middle East, earning Saddam an award from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). [14] [15]

To diversify the largely oil-based economy, Saddam implemented a national infrastructure campaign that made great progress in building roads, promoting mining, and developing other industries. The campaign revolutionized Iraq's energy industries. Electricity was brought to nearly every city in Iraq, and many outlying areas.

Before the 1970s, most of Iraq's people lived in the countryside, where Saddam himself was born and raised, and roughly two-thirds were peasants. But this number would decrease quickly during the 1970s as the country invested much of its oil profits into industrial expansion.

Nevertheless, Saddam focused intensely on fostering loyalty to the Ba'athist government in the rural areas. After nationalizing foreign oil interests, Saddam supervised the modernization of the countryside, mechanizing agriculture on a large scale, and distributing land to peasant farmers.[8] The Ba'athists established farm cooperatives, in which profits were distributed according to the labors of the individual and the unskilled were trained. The government's commitment to agrarian reform was demonstrated by the doubling of expenditures for agricultural development in 1974-1975. Moreover, agrarian reform in Iraq improved the living standard of the peasantry and increased production, though not to the levels Saddam had hoped for.

Saddam became personally associated with Ba'athist welfare and economic development programs in the eyes of many Iraqis, widening his appeal both within his traditional base and among new sectors of the population. These programs were part of a combination of "carrot and stick" tactics to enhance support in the working class, the peasantry, and within the party and the government bureaucracy.

Saddam's organizational prowess was credited with Iraq's rapid pace of development in the 1970s; development went forward at such a fevered pitch that two million persons from other Arab countries and Yugoslavia worked in Iraq to meet the growing demand for labor.

In 1976, Saddam rose to the position of general in the Iraqi armed forces, and rapidly became the strongman of the government. At the time Saddam was considered an enemy of Communism and radical Islamism. Saddam was integral to U.S. policy in the region, a policy which sought to weaken the influence of Iran and the Soviet Union.[citation needed] As the weak, elderly al-Bakr became unable to execute his duties, Saddam took on an increasingly prominent role as the face of the government both internally and externally. He soon became the architect of Iraq's foreign policy and represented the nation in all diplomatic situations. He was the de facto ruler of Iraq some years before he formally came to power in 1979. He slowly began to consolidate his power over Iraq's government and the Ba'ath party. Relationships with fellow party members were carefully cultivated, and Saddam soon accumulated a powerful circle of support within the party.
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 04:15 PM
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Originally posted by tuttle

I guess you really do not know what he and his brothers have done? Educate yourself first if your going to debate this topic.
who are you? lol

first off none of us can really attest to his crimes and the pain felt by the kurds and shia (unless you have family whom were affected directly)

Secondly, watching CNN and other news channels describe the type of person he is; of course you will not like him.

But ask yourself this you feel Iraq is better today WITHOUT Saddam or 5 years ago with Saddam?

I think we both know the answer to that. As Bruce said, he held them with an iron fist; we now see that is the only way to contain the Iraqi people.

So before you march into this debate, I think you should go educate yourself; watching CNN and reading the newspaper means have to know and be part of that culture to understand the type of person he was and the REASON behind his character.
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 04:22 PM
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i know a couple of iraqis... none of them are fans of saddam.. but they surely have a lot of good things to say about him at the same time..

cnn is nothing but zionvision
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 05:19 PM
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Why hang him? Saddam was put in power by the U.S. in the first place. I guess he was a good guy when they were screwing him and his country. And to the person who said read up about him, well you should do some reading about the iran/iraq war. That's were the probs for the first Bush campaign (gulf war) started. And the States sending in their troops to "bring freedom" to the Iraqi people. Yeah right whatever! That's the first time I hear freedom coming in with guns from a totally different country, that's not even wanted there. Yeah he aint' getting my vote for a noble prize, yeah he might have run his country with a tight (barbaric) fist, but hey, our democratic way's arnt' for everyone. All I know is that when he was in power they didn't have tribal wars/civil war. No he's not the best person but for he's country, at the moment he was.
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Old 28-Dec-2006, 06:07 PM
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Originally posted by 1999blksi

But ask yourself this you feel Iraq is better today WITHOUT Saddam or 5 years ago with Saddam?
that is the whole jist imo....american/canadian and largely, the western foreign policy around the middle east is nothing but a failure over the years.

eliminating saddam will yield nothing....the zionist media here will portray it as a vicotory of the so called free nations and the massess will suck it up.

iraq is bush's long they stay there...they will continue to suffer as well as inflict un-necessary loss of human lives.

and i disagree with the notion that this is not a topic about bush and his bruce said....he is the bigger culprit and has damaged his own country's credibility.
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