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Saddam Hussein Sentenced to death

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Old 08-Nov-2006, 11:13 AM
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some people are clueless about reality.

i am referring to nicko.
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 01:05 AM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
some people are clueless about reality.

i am referring to nicko.
am I Nicko?

You got me, I guess I should back up my arguements. To do that might mean single out one person and insult them. Do I want to do that? not today, I am feeling nice.

Please don't call me Nicko, it hurts my feelings
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 01:17 AM
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I suppose if you want my opinion, you have to recognize the reason Hussein even entered leadership was through a Baathist coup, largely supported by the US for its secularism. The US was also very influential in funding the Iraqi side of the Iran-Iraq conflict.

Donald Rumsfeld, once CEO of a Swiss nuclear armament company (ABB), attempted to aid Iraq in aquiring nuclear technology.

So what is this justice some of you people are talking about? Is Saddam getting his?

What is justice?

(Bruce, why am i out of touch with reality any more than you seem to be?)
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 02:04 AM
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Originally posted by nnniiiccckkk007

(Bruce, why am i out of touch with reality any more than you seem to be?)
zing lol
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 09:46 AM
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cause you're a jesus boy and all religious people of any organized religion are out of touch with reality.

what's the difference with a broad statement you made and a specific one on my behalf? I'm not worried about offending?

If you say "there are a bunch of idiots here" or "person A is an idiot" I don't see the difference other than one is more specific. The message and level of 'rude' is still pretty much the same.
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 11:00 AM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
cause you're a jesus boy and all religious people of any organized religion are out of touch with reality.

what's the difference with a broad statement you made and a specific one on my behalf? I'm not worried about offending?

If you say "there are a bunch of idiots here" or "person A is an idiot" I don't see the difference other than one is more specific. The message and level of 'rude' is still pretty much the same.
Bruce, settle down fella,

First you call me a Jesus boy, and then you suggest I am an idiot.

Perhaps the latter is true, but not the former. LOL

Bruce, you are accusing me of the exact same "tounge in cheek" BS you post on here. Listen my friend, I think that if you were put in a room with a duplicate of yourself you would probably kill each other arguing.

I think you are upset that someone is challenging you. Maybe not enough people do, and that is why you are so prideful and arrogant.

Why can't we just be friends?

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Old 09-Nov-2006, 11:01 AM
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Originally posted by nnniiiccckkk007

Bruce, settle down fella,

First you call me a Jesus boy, and then you suggest I am an idiot.

Perhaps the latter is true, but not the former. LOL

Bruce, you are accusing me of the exact same "tounge in cheek" BS you post on here. Listen my friend, I think that if you were put in a room with a duplicate of yourself you would probably kill each other arguing.

I think you are upset that someone is challenging you. Maybe not enough people do, and that is why you are so prideful and arrogant.

Why can't we just be friends?

Mr.Fee has no friends ... only zombies .... dont try .. i did .. and all i got was a lousy DVD ..
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 11:02 AM
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(I don't believe in Jesus, where is this coming from? I worship my TV set and money.)
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 11:13 AM
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Mr. Fee I think I deserve an apology.
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 11:19 AM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
cause you're a jesus boy and all religious people of any organized religion are out of touch with reality.

what's the difference with a broad statement you made and a specific one on my behalf? I'm not worried about offending?

If you say "there are a bunch of idiots here" or "person A is an idiot" I don't see the difference other than one is more specific. The message and level of 'rude' is still pretty much the same.

I agree with the statement about people of a organized religion being out of touch with reality.

IMO, I have no problem with religion just my opinion is that religion is for insecure people who are insecure about themselves and believe they need a higher being to help them.

Its hard to explain what I mean, hard to put into words that thats the best I could do right now. I hope I dont make lots of enemies lol.
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 11:25 AM
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Originally posted by climax

IMO, I have no problem with religion just my opinion is that religion is for insecure people who are insecure about themselves and believe they need a higher being to help them.

if god was as powerful as some make him/her out to be there would be no disease... no poverty ... no war ....
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 11:28 AM
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Yezzir, I agree with that to, wouldnt be so much poverty.

A buddist may argue (I think, im not to knowledgable about the religion) that the people who are suffering are suffering because of a past life and what they did.
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 12:11 PM
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i wasn't referring to you as an idiot, but that was an example. but my opinion really shouldn't matter, cause i'm an idiot.

i would like to travel back in time and fight myself. what a good test that would be!!! (of what i'm not sure)

you mistake my comments as anger... i'm laughing most of the time.

i also have no pride. haha

if you want an apology, go demand it from your parents.
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 12:22 PM
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Originally posted by Bruce Fee
i wasn't referring to you as an idiot, but that was an example. but my opinion really shouldn't matter, cause i'm an idiot.

i would like to travel back in time and fight myself. what a good test that would be!!! (of what i'm not sure)

you mistake my comments as anger... i'm laughing most of the time.

i also have no pride. haha

I am really sorry Nick. I apologize.

I like your style Fee. I accept your apology.
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 12:24 PM
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are you a spy for saddam? i heard they don't have the real one, but one of his doubles.
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 08:26 PM
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Originally posted by climax

I agree with the statement about people of a organized religion being out of touch with reality.

IMO, I have no problem with religion just my opinion is that religion is for insecure people who are insecure about themselves and believe they need a higher being to help them.

Its hard to explain what I mean, hard to put into words that thats the best I could do right now. I hope I dont make lots of enemies lol.
Who gives you your health? Do YOU give yourself strength and good health?

Organized religion is such a term that is vague. Be more specific.

People of the Church (Christians, Messanic Jews, anybody who believes in Jesus) are not out of touch with reality. YOU ARE out of with reality.
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 08:31 PM
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Originally posted by JoonyaSI

if god was as powerful as some make him/her out to be there would be no disease... no poverty ... no war ....
That my friend is for later on.

For those who choose to believe in Jesus, God's son to this world, whom died for all your sins to reconcile yourself to God.


Revelation 21

1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 09:30 PM
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arrrr I knew someone would get upset about it.

So because I do not believe in a supreme being im out of touch with reality? whatever you say.

Do I give myself strength and good health, yes I do. I go to the gym, I play sports and I eat healthy. Im lucky that I was born healthy (I have my fair share of phsyical problems but overall I can not complain) but that does not mean Im going to beleive some supreme being made me that way.

If thats true, why is there so many starving children and so many disabled people.

I have been to church when I was younger and I choose what I chose for a reason.

I am going to say there is nothing wrong with being religious its the choice of the individual, this is just my opinion. Also by saying out of touch with reality, I should add that I mean the ones who are very extreme to the religion.

I really do not think Im going to get into this but thats my thoughts.
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 09:35 PM
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down with organized religion up with organized rhyme...check the o-r you like it so far?
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Old 09-Nov-2006, 09:41 PM
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Originally posted by climax
arrrr I knew someone would get upset about it.

So because I do not believe in a supreme being im out of touch with reality? whatever you say.

Do I give myself strength and good health, yes I do. I go to the gym, I play sports and I eat healthy. Im lucky that I was born healthy (I have my fair share of phsyical problems but overall I can not complain) but that does not mean Im going to beleive some supreme being made me that way.

If thats true, why is there so many starving children and so many disabled people.

I have been to church when I was younger and I choose what I chose for a reason.
Good question. Why is there so many starving children and disabled people? It's something that I cannot answer. There is a reason. Maybe its because we have a choice, a calling to reach out to the hungry, the naked, the poor. NOBODY said life on this Earth would be easy, not even God!

My grandmother had a massive stroke. We took care of her for 5 years, 24/7. My whole family was exhausted, there were many times we exhausted and wanted to give up. But by the Grace of God he gave us the strength carry on 5 years straight.

I am just saying that we don't give ourselves things, we don't give ourselves our strength, our health, because our health and die away just in an instant. It is by the grace of God we are given them. Some have good health, some have bad health, but we all should be thankful for both. Why accept the good and not the bad?

There IS a God, and He is real. Hopefully one day you may realize that!

God Bless You!

Edit: Why do you guys hate religion so much? Specifically if Christianity makes me try and be a better person. Wouldnt you like it if there was more good people on this earth, than evil?

You guys are like "*** thieves" yet you say down to organzied religion, a religion like Christianity which teaches its followers to do good, and ONLY GOOD. Real followers don't steal, we don't kill, we don't rape, we don't strap a bomb to ourselves.

I am wondering. Is it because you guys REALLY want a evil world? It seems very contradictory.
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