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TCC Censorship rant...

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Old 29-Apr-2005, 01:08 PM
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TCC Censorship rant...

Ok, first let me say that I have nothing but respect for the owners and mod's of this forum and specifically this chit-chat sub forum. It's a thankless job but without the job that you guys (and gals) do, we wouldn't have a forum to voice our opinions. So... before I go any farther... Thank you for the job that you do.

Now... I have a beef.

It seems that everytime I log on to check a fun thread, it's been locked. I read through it and I see no questionable content, it's just plain closed. I *COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND* if it's closed because it is discussing illegal activities, or it has pornagraphic content. This is after all a "family type" forum. However these threads I'm talking about though sometimes immature, aren't really offensive. If I had to *guess* why it was closed, some mod has just closed it because he (or she) feels it just got plain stupid.

Here's why I have a beef...

Closing threads just discourages people from posting. Sure some posts may be stupid or poorly thought out, but it adds a nice flavour and creates an atmospere that is open fun and friendly. If people are having fun and staying within the rules... why close it? After all, though it is the mods job to keep things under control, this is NOT their forum. This forum belongs to the people who use it. This forum should reflect that. This is a medium that allows us to get to know each other, and continue our friendships outside of the meets. By controlling how and what we talk about, prevents us from actually getting to know each other. This goes directly against the whole point of having this club. This club was designed so that people who own and love civics could gather, share information and create friendships.

My suggestion...

I'm not one of those people who just spit forth verbal diarrea(sp?) and expect others to just fix things because I don't like it. I do have an idea. Every thread that I have seen closed for no aparent reason didn't have a reason why it was closed at the end of it. I think that any mod who closes a thread should post a short reason as to why it was closed. This would allow the general reading public to be more familiar with what is and isn't acceptable. It would also give those of us who truly enjoy posting a way to "constructively complain" to the powers that be. I mean, lets say I made a post about scatching my butt. Lets say that 7 people thought that it was the most funny thing, and continued to talk about me scratching my butt. All of a sudden it's closed. I was having fun talking about butt scratching and I want to ask why. So I send a PM to the owners, (likely michelle) and her response to me would likely be "don't know why it was closed, I'll have to look into it..." She is a fun and caring person, so she would have to make a post, then somebody would have to msg her... long story short, it's an incredible pain in the butt to find out why my butt scratching thread was closed. With my way, the mod would have to say "i don't like your thread for X reason and it stops here". I would be able to say "yeah, that makes sense" or "no, I don't agree and here's why..." If I don't agree, I can direct my opinion to the owners and steps can be taken from there whether these steps be directed at me or at the mod that closed the thread for the wrong reasons. It would just be much simpler for everybody involved. I also think that if certain mods have to speak up, that a lot less threads will be closed. Though I don't even pretend to know everybody or all the mods, I personally feel that there are outsides issues affecting why some threads are closed or deleted. I could be way out in left field on that point, but without knowing the reasons as to why some threads are closed, I have to assume that is a very real possiblity.

Well... that is my rant. Again I would like to thank the mods for the work they do. This rant was only posted with the hopes of improving the system, and not to point fingers or get people in trouble.
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 01:16 PM
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I have a beef.

People need to know that

- GUEST = people who browse forum without an account
- MEMBER = people who browse, and can post threads with an account
- PAID MEMBER = those who paid their 30 bucks and 10 bucks the year after

I am done.
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 01:19 PM
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you don't need teeth to enjoy my beef!

i support privatized censorship.
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 01:20 PM
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 01:49 PM
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Way out in left field!

I can see what you're saying, but it's just a thread...get over it.
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 01:54 PM
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Originally posted by GoldBadge
Way out in left field!

I can see what you're saying, but it's just a thread...get over it.
It's not "just a thread". It's many threads. And many aren't mine, nor have I posted to those threads. It's how things are done. I was raised to beleave that if you don't like how something goes, speak up, try to help fix it for the better. So that's what I'm doing. If you don't like it... get over it.
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 02:08 PM
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I think it's a maturity issue?...i think it was Michelle(electronblue)? who said it once...that if she's trying to get more business deals for the's hard to convience the owners to support what they see bein talked about on the boards....

i.e. if a certian wannabe affiliate comes and sees threads about sex drugs and alcohol? is that...i'd personally be like w/e these idiots aren't friggin mature enough, i don't wanna do business with ppl who are gonna talk like this or that and potentially do something to hurt my rep in the end or do something to my shop. . . or w/e it may be. . . .

As for the reasons for closing the thread.....that's a super duper idea.....i remeber Si Veloz use to give reasons why he closed a thread...haha even bbarbulo...haha they'd be funny great reasons.....and they'd close the thread off nice...and make me laugh. . lol they gave a reason though within the humour...which is a great way to close a thread.

But i've noticed what u've noticed now a days it's just a CLOSE no reason. . .

EDIT i think this would be better suited, if it were placed in the members lounge
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 02:13 PM
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Re: TCC Censorship rant...

Originally posted by Sabre
I was having fun talking about butt scratching and I want to ask why. So I send a PM to the owners, (likely michelle) and her response to me would likely be "don't know why it was closed, I'll have to look into it..." She is a fun and caring person, so she would have to make a post, then somebody would have to msg her... long story short, it's an incredible pain in the butt to find out why my butt scratching thread was closed.
Mental note to self...Block all future PM's from Sabre...he wants to discuss "butt scratching"

On I side note I agree with a brief description of why a thread was closed...that is the way it used to be done.
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 02:15 PM
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But you gotta love the way he sucks up to the mods first, then does his rant! lol

Steve, you always have interesting posts, thats for sure!
Old 29-Apr-2005, 02:24 PM
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Illest Civ, I kind of disagree with you.. sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll sell.
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 02:26 PM
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Originally posted by Double_B
But you gotta love the way he sucks up to the mods first, then does his rant! lol

Steve, you always have interesting posts, thats for sure!
I put a lot of thought behind my posts. I've BEEN a mod on other forums. I don't want to just up and start saying "you guys suck!" because they don't. I just don't quite agree with the method at hand. I feel that it is presently unfair to everybody that takes the time and effort to make posts. After all, if nobody takes time to post, this forum (and the club) would die. No if's, and's, or but's. This club is driven by the love of civicx and the friendships created by that. Kill the friendship aspect, and the club folds. Pure and simple. That does NOT mean that people can post anything that they please. There ARE rules, and these rules MUST be followed, other wise all the snot-nosed punks (aged 12-50+) would just ruin the dynamic and the club would die that way as well. I just want what's best for the group!
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 03:51 PM
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well i agree that there should bean explaination for closing, and i admit im guilty for not doing so in the past... but sometimes there doesnt need to be a reason... like when the thread turns into 2 people talking and no other posts from other members, i close it, thats what a pm system is for... or when a girl comes to the board and all the leg humpers out there start drooling and gawking, i close it... if you have an issue with a closed post, and thereisno explaination, pm the mods from the section... ill be happy to find out what happened... and I too will do my best to make a statement if i close the thread... but many times, its pretty obvious

Old 29-Apr-2005, 04:04 PM
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EDIT i think this would be better suited, if it were placed in the members lounge
Well, I'll be honest, I thought about that but decided that here was better, and I'll explain why. We have a number of "members" that post here that are not "paid members". I don't feel that only paid members' opinions should count in an public forum. Especially when the only reason some people are not paid members, is because they don't actually own a civic. There are requirements to actually becoming a paid member. Another reason I put it in public is because I feel that it affects everybody that posts here. It doesn't matter if they are paid or not. More traffic in our forums makes use stronger as a club. the more traffic we have, the more people that will actually become paid members. So, I put this where it belonged, in the place where the most people possible could put in their constructive critisisms. I realise that there will be a few ******* that are to lazy to structure a complete sentance, let alone a complete thought. That is the nature of the beast. But everybody else will add their two cents, and in the end the mods and owners look better because they will get the chance to give the appearence that they actually care ( sorry, had to slide that one in... you guys know you love me!)
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 04:15 PM
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like when the thread turns into 2 people talking and no other posts from other members, i close it, thats what a pm system is for...
The problem with a PM system is that it's private. By actually posting it, everybody else is welcome to add their opinion and join in. Some people (like me ) actually like to add a couple things in here and there. Plus, by allowing them to continue to talk, you actually get to know the person. Their personality is allowed to come through. You force a person to use a PM system, you limit the ability for friendships to form. If the members want to keep it private, they will use a PM. I know I use PM's a lot. Some things just aren't ment for other people. But if I post it in chit-chat, I'm not only hoping that people will read it, but get involved. The more the better!

I'm NOT saying that some threads shouldn't be closed. I just think that too many fun threads are getting closed for no reason. You give examples of horny leg humpers. THAT makes sense. But there are other threads (which I won't name because I DONT want to point fingers at anybody) that just up and get closed. There are people out there (like me) that truly enjoy watching people banter. I know for a fact, I'm not the only one, because I was discussing this issue with some people (who will remane nameless unless they choose to speak up) on wed's meet at timmies.
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 04:29 PM
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when i close threads i usually post up why it was closed as well, however if you have examples of what went wrong i don't see why u won't say which threads they were cuz i don't know which ones in specific you're talking about.
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 04:35 PM
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ill tell you the EXACT reason most threads get closed...

read gallaghers post..... see how it has NOTHING to do with the topic.....well that sums up the posts in almost all threads, it gets sooo off topic, they close it
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 04:36 PM
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Originally posted by Sabre

The problem with a PM system is that it's private. By actually posting it, everybody else is welcome to add their opinion and join in. Some people (like me ) actually like to add a couple things in here and there. Plus, by allowing them to continue to talk, you actually get to know the person. Their personality is allowed to come through. You force a person to use a PM system, you limit the ability for friendships to form. If the members want to keep it private, they will use a PM. I know I use PM's a lot. Some things just aren't ment for other people. But if I post it in chit-chat, I'm not only hoping that people will read it, but get involved. The more the better!

I'm NOT saying that some threads shouldn't be closed. I just think that too many fun threads are getting closed for no reason. You give examples of horny leg humpers. THAT makes sense. But there are other threads (which I won't name because I DONT want to point fingers at anybody) that just up and get closed. There are people out there (like me) that truly enjoy watching people banter. I know for a fact, I'm not the only one, because I was discussing this issue with some people (who will remane nameless unless they choose to speak up) on wed's meet at timmies.
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 04:53 PM
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Originally posted by SilverSiG
when i close threads i usually post up why it was closed as well, however if you have examples of what went wrong i don't see why u won't say which threads they were cuz i don't know which ones in specific you're talking about.
I could give a number of examples, however *IF* I were to point out said threads, it would point the finger directly at certain mods or one specific mod. I have no idea which mods closed what, and I have no interest in getting any body in trouble. Besides, threads that have already been closed have no real bearing on the issue at hand. They are already closed. I'm thinking more about future threads. It just really bothers me when people are chatting, posting and generally having fun without breaking any rules then all of a sudden, the thread is closed. I would say that a majority of threads that are closed, do not have a comment at the end stating why it was closed. I know a number of times, I've been scratching my head trying to figure out why. It's not as obvious to some people as it is to others. Not to mention that, some of those "obvious" reasons, I (or many members) may disagree with. How am I supposed to question a lock, if I don't know why it was locked or who to message to talk about it?

I *CAN* give an example. I once posted a moving picture of a guy snorting kitten up his nose like it was cocaine. I personally thought it was funny as heck. So did a lot of people. All of a sudden it was just plain gone. I asked a few people what happened to it, and nobody knew who or why. There was no drug use, there was no swearing, it was just funny. Now, I'm the first to admit it might have been pushing a border or two, but the point is, that there was no acccountability to who or why. I'm not upset that it was deleted. I'm more mature than that. I am concerned though that there was no way of being able to keep track. I appologised IN PERSON to the owners of this board, for posting it. When I did, nobody knew who deleted it, and to be honest, they weren't really sure WHY it was deleted either. It was just gone. THAT is the heart of the reason that I have brought this up. Not that one thread, but the fact that threads in general are getting closed that possibly shouldn't be. At least if there was a comment at the end by the locker, we would know who locked it and why. That would, as stated in my first post, allow the general board user to know exactly what the rules (both written and unwritten) are and *if* some mods are just power tripping, give the person who's thread was locked a chance to address it with the mod directly or take it up with the owners of the board. It's win win, for everbody. Mods do less work in the long run and the users learn the rules and shape up.
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 05:08 PM
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hehehe I think you made your point bud. I tried to post the same as you but I was ignored..

but mine was'nt a novel long
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Old 29-Apr-2005, 05:19 PM
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Sabre ===> you love to write or what

by the way, a reason would be nice
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