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Is there a way ?

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Old 10-Dec-2003, 01:08 PM
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Is there a way ?

Is there a way to cheat the scantron card ?
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 01:12 PM
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 01:49 PM
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how do you mean cheat... like copy off someone, or???
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 02:52 PM
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i think he wants to know if you can like fill in all the bubbles for a question or use some sort of special pencil to confuse the scantron machine when its readin your answer card so you get it right.
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 02:59 PM
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nope unless you somehow get the answer key and you already know the answer perhaps one shouldnt study and devise a plan to steal the answer key
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:00 PM
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The Desk Scribble:
If you get a chance to study before you write the exam, scribble some notes in pencil on your desk. Use pencil cause it's not so obvious to see, and easy to rub out again.

The Calculator:
Use one of those fancy calculators that allows you to write text and store it in its memory. Many schools seem to have caught on and have banned the use of these calculators though... maybe you're lucky

The Calculator II:
For subjects like Science and Maths or anything where you're allowed to have a calculator with you. Slide open your calculator, and on the inside of it's cover, you can hide a piece of paper with notes on. Then every time you need to look, all you need to do is slide your calculator a little open and read.

The Calculator III: -(Conack)
Same as above, but don't use a piece of paper. Instead, write notes in pencil directly on the calculator's cover, or even all over it. If you have so many notes that you have to write on the keys as well, write them down on the question paper before you have to use your calculator, because it rubs off.

The Fingers:
Write inbetween your fingers. Then just keep your hands closed most of the time, and just open a bit when you need to read something.

The Sweet Wrappers:
Open up a few before the time, and write notes inside the wrapper. Close it up again. When you're writing the test/exam, open it up like usual, and sit with the wrapper in front of you. Of course if you're not allowed to have sweets with ya, this one won't work.

The Bottle:
If you're allowed to have cooldrink with you when you write: At home, scan in the label of the bottle. It helps if the label has a white background. Then rub out the ingredients section of the label. Type some crib notes, and get it to fit in the space the ingredients were. Use a small font so you can fit more in, and it will also be harder for anyone to see what's on there. Then print it, and put it back on the bottle (could take some trial and error to get the sizes right). Then just keep the ingredients side facing you. soccaplaya121 has a template for a coke bottle, and one for sweet wrappers.

The Bottle II:
Use a bottle of cooldrink, preferably one with a half-transparent label. Take off the label, write some notes on the inside, then put it back on. You should just be able to read the notes from the outside, and nobody else should be able to read it without looking carefully.

The Ankle:
Wear long socks. Write notes on your ankle where the sock will cover it. Sit cross-legged, with your one leg (the one with the notes on) sorta on your lap. When nobody's looking, pull your sock down a bit and read. If this is an uncomfortable position for you... use a different tip

The Eraser:
Use an eraser with a paper covering. Write notes in pencil on the rubber, underneath the paper covering. When you need to read your notes, just slide the cover off a bit. Pretend to be erasing your 'mistakes' while reading, to make it look less suspicious.

The Bathroom:
Stash your books and notes in the bathroom, during the test make a list of everything you DON'T know the answer to, then ask to go to the bathroom, look it all up (if you have a bad memory, write it down somewhere), then go back to the test and fill it all in.

The Ruler: -(Ryan Gearing)
Write your notes in pencil on your ruler. This works best with a wooden ruler.

The Shoe: -(snuff102)
Write all notes or whatever on bottom of your shoe with a pencil (so you can erase it later). Then when the time comes sit crossed-legged with the foot that you have the notes on in your lap. When no one is looking take a little quick peek.

The Legs: -(kevin)
Write your notes in small writing on a regular piece of paper. Cut off all the excess paper. On the day of the test while the teacher is handing them out, slip the paper out of your pocket and put it between your legs on the chair, and look down at it. If the teacher comes around, just close your legs to hide it.

The Zipper: -(max ******* murder)
If you are wearing pants with a zipper, place your notes on the flap facing the zipper, drop your pencil on your lap, flip the flap up, and take a good long look. The beauty of this one is that teachers can't check for it without being called a pervert.

The Magic Pencil: -(snuff102)
A pencil is a great way to cheat. Just take 2 pencils already sharpened and write all the notes you want on one of the pencils. Make sure the pencil you are writing with is really sharp so you can be more accurate. No need to hide the pencil when the teacher comes by. The notes will be so small that you have to look up close to see them.

The Pen: -(Guy)
Take an ordinary clear bic pen, and pull it all apart. Then, write out some notes on a small slip of paper, and slide it into the pen casing, and put it back together. When you need to see something, just turn the pen and read through the plastic.

The Watch: -(mark)
Write your notes on a piece of paper cut so it will fit on your watch strap. Tape it to the inside of the watch strap, and then undo your watch when you need your notes.

The Watch II: -(IRON FIST)
Use a watch with a dark plastic or rubber strap. Write your notes on the strap with dark permanent pen (the kind used for transperancies). It will be too dark for anyone to see, but if you tilt it in the right way, you can read it. Take the notes off with alcohol when you're done.

The Watch III: -(Jeffy)
If you always ALWAYS wear a watch, there's probably a spot on your wrist that's kind of marked? Well there you can write some small notes on your wrist, and then just slip your watch down to see them. Then when the teacher walks by, just slip your watch back into it's normal place. Just be careful not to let the ink run or smudge from sweat or water or

The Jacket:
If you have a school blazer or other jacket with an inside pocket, you can hide your notes on a normal A4 sized page in the pocket. Then when you get the question paper, make sure nobody's looking, and slip your notes inbetween the questions. After the test/exam, just slip them back in the same way, or if you're really spiteful, leave them with the questions if they take it in, just as long as nobody can trace it back to you

The Jacket II: -(misledyouth)
If you are wearing a jacket or an open button down shirt, simply tape notes on the inside of the jacket or shirt. When you lean forward you are able to see the notes and when a teacher walks by just sit up - the jacket or shirt closes and you go unnoticed.

The Cellphone: -(badja)
Write your notes in SMS and save them on your phone, then take it with you to the test/exam. If they don't allow you to have your phone with you... too bad

The Hair: -(Mister Anarchy)
If you have bushy or thick hair then take a small piece of paper and write notes on it, and fold it as small as you possibly can and stick it deep into your hair. Get it out under the pretenses of scratching your head thoughtfully.

The Skirt: -(purple)
Wear a skirt the day of a test and write the answers to the test on the inside of your leg. Then while taking the test just cross your legs so u can see your notes. If the teacher looks at your notes, say he/she is a pervert

The Music Player: -(David Ortiz)
Record your notes to a tape or CD/minidisc, and then play it while you're taking the test. CD's are better - put music tracks on as well, so if a teacher asks what you're listening to you can just change the track quickly. If the teacher won't let you use headphones during the test, wear something with long sleeves and slip the headphones down your sleeve, then lie with your head on your hands so you can hear - makes you look more casual. And if you get caught, before or after, just say that they were 'study notes' (they can be used to study too, just play them all day long so you can keep them in your head). Questions to:

Morse Code: -(Pig_Dog)
When you have to answer multiple choice questions in an exam/test etc, sit next to a good mate and work out a code: eg. 1 tap with your pen on the table/chair etc = answer A on the mutiple choice, 2 taps = answer B, 3 taps = answer C and so forth... make sure you don't tap or bang too loudy, and occassionaly change your code: instead of tapping you pen, cough or tap your feet etc so it doesn't look so suspicious doing the same thing.

The Tape: -(Untouchable)
If you have time, type up notes in the smallest font you can read on a computer. Print it out and carefully place clear tape over the notes (Best if done right after printing). Slowly and carefully pull up the tape and the text should be transfered onto the tape. Place anywhere,
because it is so hard to see except when up close. Dispose at your leasure. ***MUST HAVE GOOD VISION***

The Rolled Sleeve:
Roll up the sleeves of the shirt and put the paper with all of your cheats in it. When the teacher is about to walk by, just slip in right back into your cuff (rolled sleeve).

The Revolving Pen: -(Vaio)
This is sorta like the clear bic pen cheating method, however rather then using a clear bic use one of those pens that has a revolving thingy inside that sometimes holds the names of companies and logo's. For instance, in Virginia, the DMV (place to get your permit and stuff) has pens that have their address on it within the pen. When you click the clicker of the pen, the information inside the pen revolves, now all you have to do is write out or print a small piece of paper and glue it inside the pen. That way you can see everything on the notes just by clicking the pen, without being suspecious or anything.

The Imprint: -(Mike)
Before you take the test [preferably in another class], take out a few blank sheets of paper and line them all up on your desk in a stack. Take a ballpoint pen, and on the top sheet in a corner where you dont usually write on tests, write with a pretty good pressure what you need to know for the test [answers/info/etc.] to leave a blank imprint on the next page. Use that next page for your test. When your taking the test you can still read the imprint off the paper and by the time the teacher gets the paper, the imprint won't be noticible unless they're really looking for it.

The Double Boxers: -(matt)
This kind of sounds weird but it works, I was thinking where can I stick a cheat sheet and cant have the teacher get it. (Males Only) wear two pairs of boxers, type cheat sheet real small and type words up towards the waistband and put clear plastic tape over it. Wear real baggy pants and when the teacher isnt looking, unzip and you can see everything. The best part is your teacher cant go down your pants.

The Copying Eyes: -("BOB")
Cover your eyes with your hands. Make sure its done well with your thumbs on your temples for complete coverage from the teacher's eyes. After you've got your eyes covered, you can look to the left or right, and the person you're cheating off of cant see that your copying down their answers. Also make sure to do this constantly so that they don't realize that this is what you do when you want to cheat. And last, this is another one that you're not going to want to take to many of some ones anwsers, so that they can't figure out that you cheated!

The Forgotten Study Notes: -(Nick Sparr)
If your teacher allows you study time, after they ask you to put your stuff back away, place your books to the side of your desk on the floor with your notes sheet on top. Quickly glance at it during the test. A careless teacher won't notice a thing, and if they notice it during the test, good acting skills can convince your teacher you hadn't realized you put it there.

The Message Between The Lines: -(Chris)
Have a binder with a clear front. type a paper that looks like an essay, give it a wierd title or something. In between sentences, write the answers to the questions.

The Hoodie Cheat: -(Tom)
Make a crib sheet with all the answers you need, then print it out in a small font and put it in your hoodie pocket. When you sit at your seat you fix your pocket so you can see it just by looking down.

The Cough: -(Mandy)
Have a friend that needs serious help? In the middle of the test, have a HUGE coughing fit and cough the answers to them!

The White Out: -(Mandy)
A lot of people at my school like to write on their binders with white out pens. Write a lot on you binder, and then write the notes with it. It's hard to see!

The Scantron Pencil Breaker: -(Phil)
This works on scantron sheet tests, everyone needs a #2 pencil right? And they do break, when you don't know a section of answers just get up and go sharpen your pencil, don't look at anyone's paper yet, do it on your way back just slowly glace at the paper, and keep walking, and you can get about 4 answers that way. You can probably pull this off about 2 times per test. Try to space out your get-ups.

The Schedule Pouch: -(alltheway)
Most people have a pencil carrying case. Get a pouch that has a clear face and have schedule inside the pouch. Put little cheats in the corner of the pouch.

The Team Effort: -(BinBin)
You need 4 people for this cheat: first you make sure you have notes in your socks and that you're wearing pants too, so that it covers the notes. Make sure one group of two is sitting one side of the class (make sure left or right not in behind) then one group distracts the teacher with dumb questions while the other two cheat and then vice versa. Simple but yet effective.

· · ·

The Code:
Use with any of these other tips. Basically, you write your notes in a "code" that only you can understand. Of course this means you need to KNOW your code well enough so that you don't spend a long time figuring out what you wrote The best part about it is even if the teacher catches you cheating, they'll have no proof since nobody will be able to read your notes.

The Pencil Case Code:
This is used best when written in code, and if you really need a LOT of notes with you. Write all your notes, in code, with permanent pen or paint, all over your pencil case (those plastic Space-Case type things work well). Try to write in patterns in some kind of creative way, so if a teacher asks you what it is you can say it's just meaningless decoration or something. You can remove ink with alcohol to re-use the case for the next test. Just try to get the patterns the same again, or your constantly-changing 'decorations' could get teachers suspicious

· · ·

Other cheating methods
Drop your pen on the ground, and when you go pick it up, "accidentally" look at someone else's paper and get an answer from them.

Look around the room (if you're writing the test in the room you normally have the subject in). Posters on the walls, books, things like that might give you clues.

When you don't know the answer to a question (for like English or Humanities tests) - BE AS VAUGE AS POSSIBLE. This way the teacher can't count it wrong and you can explain your answer later when you know what it is. -(Liz)

Cheating Tips:
Make sure nobody is looking when you cheat.

Watch your teacher! When the teacher is turned away or occupied, do the cheat or whisper to a friend for help.

Do the cheat quickly without interruptions.

Don't look puzzled or confused, or the teacher might get suspicious.

Don't tell anyone that you cheat, except maybe really close friends.

Use notes you made yourself rather than other people's. The reason is that if you make them yourself, you'll know better where you wrote what, so you'll be able to cheat quicker instead of searching for stuff.

When you want to help a friend out whos sitting next to you, pretend to drop your pencil and when you lean over to get it, 'accidentally' push your paper to the end of your desk so your friend can see it without straining obviously. -(Liz)

If it's a big test and you need lots of notes, use more than one of these tips at the same time and ****** out your notes that way.

A teacher's response
I received this from my site feedback form:

name = A Teacher
email =
ratedesign = 0
ratecontent = 0
suggestion = Take your website off the internet.
textfield = You are right. Teachers are aware of these tips. I am one. The worst part think that you are helping students when all you are doing is hurting them in the end. It is because of people like you that the world is full of idiots.

· · ·

No, it's because of people like the ones who administer the people who administer people like you, that the world is full of idiots.

Government schools are designed to churn out idiots. Thankfully, it doesn't always work...
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:08 PM
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If you go to a catholic school you can hide it inside the bottom part of your tie. Or the pencil case trick is good too. But why? just study instead of watching tv or something.
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:09 PM
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hehe, wanna know something even better I have done.

Teacher says. There will be diagrams on the test. Make sure you know diagram 10.1, 10.2, 10.7, 10.8. Simply, write the diagrams out the day before on seperate sheets of paper. And the next day when the teacher says, take out some 3 ring binder paper to do short answer on, take out some paper with those pieces in the middle and you guaranteed alot of marks for those diagrams. It works well !
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:11 PM
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Originally posted by S2K KID
If you go to a catholic school you can hide it inside the bottom part of your tie. Or the pencil case trick is good too. But why? just study instead of watching tv or something.
I got to a catholic school and we dont have to wear any of that bullshit (ties). All we wear are these blue pants that are quiet comfy and a polo shirt or a sweatshirt. Its not too bad, somedays I dont even wear some things and never get into trouble
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:13 PM
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Well I wont even get into what me and my friends did before. Lets just say for the exam it involved scanning of my nice 90% and 100% tests and shrinking them and making copies.
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:13 PM
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someone has too much time .
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:14 PM
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Originally posted by S2K KID
If you go to a catholic school you can hide it inside the bottom part of your tie. Or the pencil case trick is good too. But why?
don't you go to hell for that

yo, he's right, just study man... quit whoring our site
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:14 PM
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that is useless on a final exam unless your allowed to have notes....
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:14 PM
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shuddup lol I killed that course I just didnt feel like reviewing the material from the start of the semester. It was OAC biology not like it was hard just couldnt bother with it.
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:16 PM
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only allowed a cheat sheet for oac physics nothing for calculus or bio or chem
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:26 PM
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Cheating is very very bad. So study instead of surfin the net, watchin tv, or going out!

I don't think its possible to cheat the Scantron system, unless you have the answer key.
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 03:43 PM
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or unless you are in a lecture room with someone smart beside you or someone who has the same version of the exam but for finals we get stuck in the gym or pavillion all spaced out and ppl walk around so cant do that.

oh yeah know anyone who wants the first year psych exam lol?
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 04:16 PM
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wow i wish i had this in highschool oh man..
i used to store everything in my calculator if i needed to, but that pop bottle trick is
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 04:41 PM
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Hey if u wanna cheat with a friend on a scantron test heres a simple way:

Make sure the smart person sits behind you so that she or he can feed u answers. On a scantron car theres about 5 different choices u can pick,well heres the trick,1 tap on the dance means A ,2 taps on the desk means B,3 taps on the desk means C and so on.

I did this trick on a final exam in french,went in with a 54% and came out with like a 68%....
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Old 10-Dec-2003, 05:47 PM
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another solid idea is to get a buddy to pull the fire alarm... say the test starts at 8 am... get him to pull it at 810 so you'll have had time to look over the test then while your waiting to go back in you know exactly what to study

i suppose that one is morally wrong but meh marks are marks
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