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wasted stories???

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Old 04-Dec-2003, 10:27 PM
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wasted stories???

I feel the urge to start a wasted stories tread, tell a story of your worst wasted story be it sex, puking, how much...crazy parties....

Mine is I went to this chicks Bday party and pre drank 1/2 a 26'er of vodka at her house..(keep in mind I was retarded for this girl) we get the "the bar" adn I grab a drink, beer (moose head) so I figure I'm gonna ****** Gi'ver tonight so I try a new way of chugging to were I can put back a full brew in liek 5-7 I do it worked great, the girls friend sees and wants me to do it agian so I grab another a do it again...and again....then we go sit down and am pretty drunk...buddies get a pitcher so I get acoupel glasses (all pounded back)...feelgin good partyign hard dancing sayign funny **** good times....then all the booze starts to hit eyes were crossed (have pictures to prove)...stumble to the washroom to take a ****...cant' remeber beign in it but come out with my jeans soaked from the knee down......Oh **** me I thought I jsut pissed on my own I stumble back and tell my freind that I think I peed my pants....then I made a joke outta it had some laughs...went home pasted out in my buddies car with my pee pants aroudn my ankles laying through the arm rest from teh back...

I felt like a tool cause I really was retarded for this girl....but she laughed about it....she was liek my best friend so she didnt' hodl it agianst me....all in all was a good night it was the most drunk I ever was in my life...and I've been real fucked befoer then......but I don't drink anymroe

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Old 04-Dec-2003, 11:11 PM
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question is did you get to date the chick?
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Old 04-Dec-2003, 11:23 PM
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Once me and my buddy killed two senior's with our motorboat..

The OPP dtermined they were to far in the channel for swimmers and let us go.

We were wasted when we ran them over..

But not when the cops questioned us.

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Old 04-Dec-2003, 11:54 PM
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wastin away again .... in margaritaville (sp)

ohh what a tune
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 12:03 AM
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Once me and my buddy killed two senior's with our motorboat..
^^wow man that is fucked I guess they drowned before you ran them over.....because it was fare from shore..???hehe everyone in boats are usually drunk or drinking......and no I didnt' get to date the girl.... big suprise eh.....but she is another story that I dont' wish to get into...

I have other stupid stories but I'll wait to here soem mroe of your guy's fucked stories...
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 02:19 AM
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 01:12 PM
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Time: 1993, on the Friday before March Break begins
Age: 18 in OAC
Place: Classmate's house, literally 2 minute walks away from my High School

A couple guys in our class were 19 so they bought the beer. It was the first season of Molson XXX (7.3% alc.) and just came out like a couple weeks. We got a 6 pack and gave it a try. We hung out at my buddy's place and started drinking. There were the 4 of us. We each took one and started drinking 3 in the afternoon after school. I done mine and 2 other guys said 1 bottle was enough, so I grabbed a 2nd one. And soon enough, I finished a 3rd one. But the other guy only done half and he didn't want it no more so I took it over.

After that, me and the other guy walked out to the gas station to buy some smoke. He was high already over 1 bottle and I was flying all over the place. We got matches from gas station but couldn't light it up. I was seeing double all the way. We crashed on other people's front lawn, pissed on the street and puked beside a car.

We finally made it back to his place and I puked again. We finally got sober around 6 pm and he drove me home.

Then I went to a fellowship after that...
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 01:24 PM
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New year's eve about 5-6 years ago:

Went to Limelight nightclub for their "open-bar all you can drink" new year's party. Had at least 15-20 rum and cokes. Danced with some ladies for awhile, and some time after midnight wound up in the washroom praying to the porcelain Gods.

I remember being in the stall and hearing a bouncer outside ask me if I was alright, the thing that blew my mind was how in the hell he knew my name. I was truly puzzled by this for some reason, not realizing one of my friend's was also outside and had told the bouncer my name. Anyhoo, I finished up my business and eventually we left. I think I must have fallen into just about every snow bank walking around outside after we left as well.
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 02:20 PM
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hehe fuckgin bouncers...molson XXX sounds liek poo...remember highschool drinkign with old English...hehe so cheap...
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 02:24 PM
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haha molson xxx is gross..but its that gettin rip drink so what do u exspect.. i downed a 12 pack last saturday..and i did not feel normal till tuesday
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 02:43 PM
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this one time in band camp.....
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 02:44 PM
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we need more stories....come on guy's I guess there are only 3-4 poepel here that have got retarded and did soemthign weird /stupid....stop begin *****'s and dish the goods....
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 03:49 PM
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I went to the Paul OakenFold Event at Government last year with some friends.. One of the guys is loaded, so he bought drinks and drinks and drinks.. I mean holyshit, must have been atleast 8 shots and 10+ Tonics.. When it hit me I was almost completely outta commission.. Me a buddy were completely shot sitting on those round red booths.. This is after making it down from skybar.. God knows how that happened the place was packed to hell and back that night.. anyways.. so my buddy pukes all over the floor.. I was trying to figure out where the hell i was..

All of sudden bouncers come and take us to the medics.. As were stumbling thru the crowd with the bouncers, we had to pass thru kool haus.. They were having a gay party (I think it was during pride week).. Men in shorts with no shirts.. I was freakin out cuz I thought the bouncers were gonna dump us in that party to get rapped or something.. THen a door openned with a half assed medic...

He's like can u take a cab? I'm like yeah, I'm ok.. he's like ok fill out this form for you and your friend.. get him to sign it.. we do as required and get escorted out a back door to a fukin cab.. I was like *** DAT! We planned to walk to the car until our friends showed up.. got to the car, in and boom passed out.. woke up at 6:30am with like maybe 5 cars left of people who passed out too! Our friends ditched us, they were too hammered and didn't know what happenned to us.. It was bad.. the hangover was just horrible..

I did NOT go again this year! hahahahah...

I drink responsibly now most of the time.. sometimes you think you will but it justs goes to hell..

This is # 2 of 3 really bad experiences..

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Old 05-Dec-2003, 03:56 PM
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#1 of 3. hehahah

First time I really drank, when I was like 17 I think...
Buddy was having a party.. Night was great.. lotta friends, lotta cousins and whatnot.. I drank like 8 beers in a span of mayyybee 1.5 hours.. Back then that was enough to total me!

So I was perfect for the most part.. I still remember this well. I was walking down the stairs, my older bro walks in.. I was like "HEYYYYY guy I drank like 8 beers... " He looks at me and is like " hahah YOUR F*CKED NOW! have fun puking.. " I was like whateverr... then BOOM! everything just hit me.. I couldn't function at all.. I managed to get to the washroom and parked myself! hahaha

I remember a few times when My bro came in and he's like yo this girls on the phone.. I grabbed the phone and I'm like " Hi, I'm drunk call you back K, bye! " and I didn't even hang up , I just dropped the phone.. My bro drove my car home with me in the passenger seat.. I tried to puke out the window but missed and puked all over my door..

That one taught me well.. Didn't go nuts for a few years after that..
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 04:01 PM
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#3 of 3 was actually quite recent. like last month..

Buddies' engagement party.. Now I haven't had a drink in like 8 months, atleast not more than 1 or 2 beers... Yeah for real.. I had probably like 8-10 drinks that night.. I was pretty good for the whole night.. Girlfriend drove home, I was hammered,, when I got home and tried to put my head down it was OVEEEEEEEER! I instantly had to puke..

Puking in the comfort of your own home isn't that bad.. its when your outside or at someone else house it sucks really bad..

Lesson to all - If your drunk, DO NOT try to sleep.... I REPEAT, DO NOT TRY TO SLEEP WHILE DRUNK!! Stay away, do something, move around, whatever.. If the party was going on for an hour more i woulda been completely fine but nooo, it had to end at 5:30am.. hahaah

That's enough of my stories..

Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did!
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 04:12 PM
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when i was 18, me and 3 buddies were tripping on shrooms and drinkin and decided it would be a good idea to follow our school bus to quebec city for the ski trip......

next day i work up in beauport (30 mins north of the city) with some strange girl i apparently met a bar.

sad thing friend informed me i drove the car all the way from TO to QC

long story short the car got impounded, we spent all our money, got kicked outta 3 hotels, and i ended up calling my mom for money to get home 4 days later (and i ended up with pnumonia)........

ahhh, the good times of youth
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 04:12 PM
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when i was 16, went to to a buddies party where there was a **** load of ppl. Brought a litre of vodka with me and after that i didnt remember ****, ppl told me there was a dog outside and i thought it was shitting on my buds front lawn so what did i do? went outside and kicked the dog (usually not like me). The owner freaked out and started chasing me but realized i was fucked so he let me go. Dont remember one minute of this party
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 04:20 PM
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ive led a pretty clean life, no drinking, no drugs, no partying

yep im a nerd
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 04:45 PM
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A buddy of mine is into photography, he always has a camera on him.... So we were at a freinds house drinking hard, a buddy of mine runs for the door, ready to peuke, spills a few mouthfulls in all our shoos, gets out the door, and lets her rip onto the walkway,( meanwhile other buddy with the camera drunk off his face also was right behind him,) he holds the camera without even looking through it, snaps the shot and Wham perfect picture of projectile vomit, im talking full streem from mouth touching the ground, the picture looked like he had a long tube in his mouth touching the ground!

it was classic, pic got passed around the whole highschool on monday... he was a celeb for about 2

Im gonna try and get a hold of the pic, scann it and post it...
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Old 05-Dec-2003, 04:47 PM
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Originally posted by loudsubz
ive led a pretty clean life, no drinking, no drugs, no partying

yep im a nerd

wow are you serious? u religious or something? I dont know what id do without all thos good memories of drunkenss
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