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Old 11-Apr-2005, 03:29 AM
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Lets start with these emails....

Your first email to us:

Subject: pics of my busted tranny
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 6:30 PM
Here are some pics of my busted-*** tranny.
Look, i am willing to even just get the money from you and source the parts myself. I can't strees enough how much this effects me. I can go buy a tranny and mount this weekend and install it myself. I would greatly appreciate a speedy resolution as this is my only method of transportation

Our reply to you:
Sent: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 23:39:52

Sorry I could not call back. As I was saying on the phone earlier , we are quite busy here right now...hence the email I am sending to you at 11:30 pm.
We do have a couple of questions for you pertaining to the problem with your transmission and your rear mount.

1) Has any person(s) removed or touched the rear mount/bracket and/or the bolts that pass thru the rear mount/bracket since the vehicle was here in May, 2004?

2) We see that on April 6, 2005 , that you were inquiring about a rear mount/bracket for your vehicle. Today, April 7, 2005, you are now stating that now you require a new transmission also. What was the reason that led you to first believe you only required the mount/bracket, but not the rear mount bushing and not a transmission?

If you could please email us when you have an opportunity.
Thank you,

Your reply back to us:
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 6:03 AM
To answer your questions.
No, the rear mount has never been touched.
And i posted that post because that was the night (wednesday night) that i first noticed my shifter was moving an incredible amount while i was driving, but it was too late and too dark to go take a look under the hood. So seeing as the rear mount stops the engine from moving back and forth i figured it was a problem with the mount. Then, the next day, when i went outside and took a look for myself it was clear as day that it wasn't the mount that was the problem, although it is the wrong mount and only 2 of the 3 bolts that hold the mount to the tranny were used, as you can see the problem is clearly the tranny housing being busted.
"I need the rear mount from a 94-01 integra asap. All i need is the bracket, i don't need the cross member rubber mount.
PM me if you have one with your price and location. I am in Hamilton and local is preferred."

Now lets see...
Are you sure that you haven't touched that mount before?

So you believed that a steel brace that is only "1" of many parts that holds the transmission and engine in place was required without actually looking at the vehicle "it was too late and too dark to go take a look under the hood." , because "my shifter was moving an incredible amount while i was driving". I have been driving Honda's and other vehicles for a bit of time now and have had my shifter move on me while driving...and never before did I believe right away that it would be a steel brace and never before has it been..(In all reality, to be able to diagnose something like that just by driving it and never even looking at the vehicle, guessing it was something like that brace that was the problem. That it was wrong right away..whatever you do for a living, you need to change fields and go work as a diag. tech for a number of shops that would have you for that skill). You didn't think it was the shifter rods, the shifter bushing in the bottom of the shifter, the bushing or mount that holds the bottom of the shifter in place, it wouldn't be that the linkage themselves were an issue, or where it goes into the tranny, or even the rubber bushing on the rear mount, or one of the other several mounts....It was immediately the rear steel brace on the back of the engine? So without looking at the problem, you automatically guessed that the steel brace was a problem, posted on the TCC and tried to source one out...then when it was light out again the next day, you went outside and looked at your vehicle and noticed that you were right about the brace...and it was not one of the other 10 or so things that might have caused this concern?

Personally the first email really sounded to me like someone who did something wrong and needed some money to fix his mistake and us @ StreetWyze wouldn't think twice about trying to help you out if you yelled some more like the last times. (Because everyone prefers to lay in their driveway under a car on jack stands and do work that can be done by someone else for free...never mind trying to convince us to also give you the money to have another shop do the work for you) and you know what, if you were any other person on this planet, we probably would have jumped at the chance to assist you with your concern. Though as you can see, in the past you have not been at all courteous to us here..more or less right rude, so hence the hesitation at helping you out with your concern. Also, in the past...for all to see in previous posts, we have always tried to assist you, but no matter what we have done to try and make things right and see you as a customer happy, we fail every time (and it is not for a lack of trying). I am still not sure as to why with your history of "jumping up and down" on every little concern with this swap (and you have), this was not brought to our attention when it was discovered when your clutch was done...or not done as you told me on two different occasions (lying to us as a matter of pure provable fact). "I had the clutch done, by my trust worthy mechanic, a few months ago and he pointed out to me that one of the bolts were missing from the rear mount and that the holes didn't line up, but i figured if the shop who did the swap left it like this it must be ok, because what kind of shop would knowingly install something incorrectly?" <----You have said from day one we are "hacks" and have "no clue" what we are doing.So again, why wouldn't you call or email us? ..A little conflicting wouldn't you say?!?!
Now seriously, a mount was not installed properly and you though it was ok?!?! Lets review your comments above and then lets review your history here with you complaining about us here on this site.....
Examples: <----This was due to the hanger bearing cover being bent. (By Zeeman, and this is true for the fact of when I showed him the hanger bearing at the shop when he came to pick it up, it was ok, he inspected it, said he was going to install it himself and leaves, bends it some how, has a fit, calls us to yell about it, then realizes that its about 1/4mm thick and it can be bent back into shape the same way he bent it out of shape) <---- This post was about the water pump he refused to replace when the swap was done. But was happy enough to slander us for his "hack swap" and the reason of him not wanting to or for some reason thinking that an engine that has been sitting for a couple of years and is used the water pump etc, would be ok?!?!?!

So your saying that you went through all of what you have with us....and you forgot to mention about your broken shifter boot, your wrong mount, and the couple of other things you claim we did wrong on your vehicle before this thread started?

To continue.

"3) instead of going to Honda to buy the proper 19mm bolt that holds the tranny to the mount (this is related to number 2) they used a 18mm bolt that is shorter and should be a 19mm bolt."
So your trustworthy mechanic put the wrong ones back in to the vehicle? Looking at those pics you have posted, I'm curious as to how we did that in the first place. The one bolt you say we used that was wrong, does not even look like it would thread through the nut more then 2 threads on the other side of the bracket. If that was the case, how is it that you still have that bolt, and it did not just back out and drop away?!
As a side note; the head of a bolt does not ever dictate the thread, length or pitch of the actual bolt.
Also as you say:
""oh when your mechanic did your clutch he probably cross threaded the crap out of the bolt" Even IF thats true, which it is not b/c i still have the bolt and its in perfect shape and the threads in the tranny which are now exposed are fine, that still wouldn't cause this to happen."
You just cannot help yourself to always take what is said and twist it - can you?
I said " two of the many POSSIBLE causes for your case breaking is if that bolt was installed and either cross threaded or the wrong one - one of a longer length was used. Cross threading could have caused that by it binding up on the threads and causing undo stress on the case half and cracking it inside and working its way out over time. Or if a longer bolt then suggested is used, it would push into the end of the hole in the case half and bind up and also can cause a crack and again work its way out over time. Either of these two examples are 100% possible (and were only possible examples when I was speaking to you), and you stating here that a tech said that there is no way this would have happened...seriously, I just cannot see a person with any history of working on vehicles day in and day out saying that this is "impossible" , unless he is worried that this might have occurred when it was done by himself. With the way you speak to people, I am having a hard time believing that this guy wouldn't lie to you to keep you off "his" back.

As for professionalism, you cannot be serious....I have never in my life been as verbally threatened by someone as much as I have been by know exactly what I am talking about....and then finishing our phone conversation by saying "**** you, you dushbag". Well I know for a fact that I have never and would never speak to a customer like that, as for the fact of me having two people standing and listening to our phone conversation we had, they would agree with me on the threading and name calling factor of our conversation.

I just cannot get over knowing all the mods you have done to your vehicle - either by yourself or some other garage...and you have never come across this lie/concern you have with the rear mount and you never once called or emailed us about it....just even the fact that you say you and your mechanic thought it was alright this way........

In all reality I could continue on and on and on with this spat, but I just do not have the energy to debunk all of these either twisted lies / half truths you create.....but I have shown you are a blatant liar.
Again, as always, I am very sorry we could not make you happy and that you feel you have to continuously "slander us" to other people for either honest mistakes made by us concerning other things here or factious slander (which means to lie or create untruths - which this whole situation is) created by yourself.

P.S. If you do feel the need to contact the papers etc, (which is your god given right - as I said to you on the phone - as well as to take us to small claims court and I in no way would try to stop you from doing that) I really don't think Street Wyze is the person/company that is going to look like "a$$" after we continuously show them emails and posting from you about these situations and the lies and half truths. Andrew, I do nothing 1/2 way when it concerns I said, emails, posts, overheard phone conversations....come on, when I have someone as pathetically manipulative as you, I will always cover all my bases.

Have a nice day
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Old 11-Apr-2005, 04:20 AM
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first of all
Do you think that i am stupid?
If i told you that i had the clutch done you would automatically deny all responsibility...which you did. Plus its not like you haven't lied to me before....Does this sound familiar.
"oh i gave you a Hondadata computer for free" Hondadata? This was while you were trying to resolve the whole ecu problem we had post-swap.
I pretty much knew the rear mount was the problem b/c at that point i knew the wrong mount was being used. And if you saw how much the shifter moved back and forth you would guess the same thing, knowing that the rear mount stops the engine from moving back and forth i think its pretty logical.
Well you obviously thought installing the wrong mount was ok, b/c you did it.
I wasn't trying to get money from you for someone else to fix my car....all i wanted was the proper parts, which i paid for the first time.
Verbally threatening? Why b/c i said i was going to the threats, just promises. And i said "have a nice life, douchebag".
Well i would hope you wouldn't talk to someone who is going to give you money like that, but for someone who has already given you a lot of money and you are not willing to help, different story.
Lies and half truths....kinda like the ones you feed me.
Well bottom line is I have given, what 11 examples of your shotty craftsmanship and all you can do is bring up past posts of mine?
But i guess you failed to mention why you cut so many corners.
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Old 11-Apr-2005, 08:12 AM
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this is a gool leson 4 everybody geting something done from somebody they do not know how good they are record all phone conversations and ceep all paperwork and anything at all u are given and told make noted just inkase u bump in2 some guy that tries 2 **** u over !!!!!!

i am on nobodys side u duno eather party at all and i think if u take your car somewere 2 have something done it should be done corectly with all the corect parts.

its prety oviouse that the wrong parts were uses so what does it matter that he had another guy change the clutch? would u go back 2 somebody that has ****ed u over be4??? no that would make u a moron!!! no?????

its like hitting yourself in the face then doing it again 2 see if it hurt as mutch as the first time ?
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Old 11-Apr-2005, 10:19 AM
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nicely said. i dont see what the point of streetwyze writing all that was, i mean in the end, they still used the wrong parts... i dunno am i missing something?
posting shi+ will not change that so why bother?
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Old 11-Apr-2005, 02:52 PM
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Originally posted by VikJae
nicely said. i dont see what the point of streetwyze writing all that was, i mean in the end, they still used the wrong parts... i dunno am i missing something?
posting shi+ will not change that so why bother?

StreetWyze used wrong parts which created problems..... therefore they should repair all parts damaged ..... I think its as simple as that.

Whatever happens one thing's for sure .... A LOT less ppl are goign to use this shop.......
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Old 11-Apr-2005, 04:07 PM
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Originally posted by $PH!NX

StreetWyze used wrong parts which created problems..... therefore they should repair all parts damaged ..... I think its as simple as that.

This is the issue at hand here. It is a simple as that.

I don't even want him to do the installation, all i want is for him to pay for the parts. He says something about that in his post, about why would someone prefer to lay on the floor of their driveway over having a shop do it for free. Because wouldn't i be incredibly stupid to let them touch my car again?
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Old 11-Apr-2005, 04:09 PM
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Originally posted by doggy69247
its prety oviouse that the wrong parts were uses so what does it matter that he had another guy change the clutch? would u go back 2 somebody that has ****ed u over be4??? no that would make u a moron!!! no?????
That indeed would make me

Originally posted by doggy69247
its like hitting yourself in the face then doing it again 2 see if it hurt as mutch as the first time ?
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Old 11-Apr-2005, 05:12 PM
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Originally posted by StreetWyze
....and that you feel you have to continuously "slander us" to other people for either honest mistakes made by us concerning other things here...
So you admit to making honest mistakes, yet refuse to do anything about it.
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Old 11-Apr-2005, 07:04 PM
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Originally posted by zeeman

So you admit to making honest mistakes, yet refuse to do anything about it.
Yes we admit to making honest mistakes in the past - but that whole comment was completely aimed at your comments about having the wrong timing cover side engine mount in stock for your vehicle, and having to get the right side mount in your vehicle (and the reason being is the side timing cover mount is differnt for a 95 as opposed to a 92-94). The broken evap (that I told you about - and had a new one coming for your vehicle). etc.
And simply put, why would we believe you when you tell me that we used the wrong mount, when I know that we didn't and you lie to us about certain things concerning you and your vehicle. I asked you an honest question and expected an honest answer....That I never got.
And as for the keep going on and on was $3800.00 you paid for the swap...gimme a break...Like I get to keep the tax that is on that! (I wish, but no, I collect that money for the goverenment, which I have to file and give to them every month) You got exactly what you get for that money and much more as far as swaps go....Call around and ask them if you get new axles, new linkages, new sensors, etc....They will tell you no..If they say yes, let me know.
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Old 11-Apr-2005, 07:24 PM
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why dont you just give him the parts man, then this will all be over.. simple as that. You own a business that improperly installed his motor and if i were u, i wouldnt make my business look like crap and just get him his b series engine mount and new tranny casing. Look at the business you will be losing now because everyone on tcc has seen the crappy installs you do. Im sure the money in business you will be losing far exceeds the price of the mount and tranny casing. YEESH! I dont think that is the proper way to run a business at all.
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Old 11-Apr-2005, 09:58 PM
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Originally posted by StreetWyze
And simply put, why would we believe you when you tell me that we used the wrong mount, when I know that we didn't and you lie to us about certain things concerning you and your vehicle. I asked you an honest question and expected an honest answer....That I never got.
Did you not lie about using new from honda axels? Did you not lie about me keeping the a/c. I treat people how they treat me.
Plus, i've offered to bring my car to you so you can see that clearly the wrong rear mount is being used. There's nothing wrong with the timing belt side mount. Isn't that the mount that you got that was the wrong one, but then ordered the right one?
And do you honestly think that i would change out the rear mount and put the wrong one in there, just so i could blame you for using the wrong mount?
I've talked with my mechanic about when he replaced my clutch and he put it back just how it was. At first i think he thought that i was blaming him for this, but in no way was i doing that. Because he told me that the mount was missing bolts, i think if you would have told me when i paid you that the wrong mount was in there, you could deny responsibility. But you didn't, so wouldn't that be lying to me?

Well, if you care about this at all, i am pretty sure that i am just going to get the casing welded and drill and tap a new hole. I've already purchased the 94-01 integra rear mount.
So, its not even going to be THAT expensive of a repair, since i am doing the work myself....that way i am the only one at fault for doing shotty work.
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Old 11-Apr-2005, 11:19 PM
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One unsatisfied customer tells 3 people, who tell another 3 people who tell .... you get my point.
Make this guy happy, and perhaps you can undo alot of negative feedback here.
.... as for me, I'm sticking with the affiliates page.
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Old 12-Apr-2005, 12:40 AM
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StreetWyze sure F***K this one up

as my dad being in a buisness for over 11 years, if i were them i would do whatever a valuable customer would ask me to do and that sounded fair "as in this case" and never try to aruge with a customer, because if you do and you were wrong

**********THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS*********
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Old 12-Apr-2005, 03:23 AM
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^^^^^yup. My mother always said don't rest until you are satisfied. I promised steve (streetwyze) that i would be the biggest pain in his a$$ until this was resolved.
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Old 12-Apr-2005, 08:13 AM
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this wil be a pain in something close 2 his *** his wallet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

these places need 2 me finger pointed at so that others can avaid simular situatios !
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Old 12-Apr-2005, 12:01 PM
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why the fu(k would Andrew (Zeeman) change the engine mount on his car? what does he have to benifit from that? really why would he do that..... to give himself more problems?
StreetWyze just give him the parts....
as the guys above'll lose a lot more money if you don't..... try to undo some of this negative feedback you're getting....
I hope you do understand how many ppl go on TCC daily..... that number + all of thier friends....... that's how much you would be loosing.....
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Old 12-Apr-2005, 03:24 PM
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well so far this thread has 699 views, so i could imaging how many people now know what kind of work they do.
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