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Leeta 07-Feb-2003 08:51 PM

X Box vs. Playstation 2
k, guys I need help. I don't know whether or not to get X box or playstation. I've heard X-box was better by a couple people, but a couple say playstation....I have no clue. Are they that different? And what's a good price for them?

Oh and can I play DVD's on both of them?

Thanks for you help! :)

rce^rkt 07-Feb-2003 08:57 PM

they both have dvd.. i like playstatoin better , i hate the controls on x-box

90ls 07-Feb-2003 09:47 PM

i own both.

must admit that i love my Xbox a lot more then the ps2.

CiViC [-_-] BoY ™ 07-Feb-2003 09:48 PM

I have both the XBOX and the PS2 and both are very good

the XBOX does have a better graphic processor but not by much better then the PS2

i dunno what to say really
you pretty much just gotta look at what games are out there
there is way too many games for the PS2 cause its been out for so long and theres so many good titles

where as XBOX started off with really crappy games and now MAN the games ae ******* SWEET, i can't wait for HALO 2

as for DVD playing
the PS2 comes with DVD already, XBOX you have to buy the remote to play DVDs

XBOX internet ready just buy the software (some games cost some don't) $50 a year of unlimited play
PS2 not internet ready, gotta buy the hardware and software (some games cost some don't) don't know how much it is.

XBOX first controllers were and are big and bluky (but the RUMBLE is killer), the new controllers i hate. lots of buttons (can be good can be bad, just have to get used to it)
PS2 controllers same as all the other controllers from the very first playstation to now but has the rumble, pressure sensitive

PS2 Lots of different types of modding availible, APPLE 2, Messiah, stupid game shark one.
XBOX i know there is a modd chip for it but i don't know where to get ir or how much it is

Burning games
PS2 still plays all the PS1 games and since it plays the CD games you don't need the DVD games unless you want to spend the money on a DVD burner and have all the videos in like an RPG game of some type.
XBOX i have no clue what the format on these are since it doesn't play DVD untill you get the package

thats about all i can think of right now on them
all i can say is i love them both, im happy i have them :D
and its up to you on who to listen to (XBOX has more potential in my eyes)

h_accordexr 07-Feb-2003 09:51 PM

ps2 i think is better

90ls 07-Feb-2003 10:49 PM

i have both systems modded and i have to say Xbox all the way.. as for the dvd playback, both systems u will need to buy the remote.. also the xbos has the dual layer dvd playback rather then the signle on the ps2.

as for the mods, xbox gets expensive because u will need to buy a dvd burner and keep on buying dvd blanks.

CiViC [-_-] BoY ™ 07-Feb-2003 10:51 PM

you don't need the remote for the PS2
the controller does everything :D

90ls 07-Feb-2003 10:54 PM

Your right, for the ps2 u dont need to buy the remote for DVD playback , but u need it for all the other features.

The point is XBOX is better :)

CiViC [-_-] BoY ™ 07-Feb-2003 10:55 PM

yeah i never gotten around to getting the remote

is the DVD on the XBOX that much better??

oh yeah another XBOX pro
Built in hard drive so you don't need to buy memory cards and it hold music and you can listen to the music in your games (just like winamp :D)
and there are 4 controller ports where as PS2 only has 2 and no built in hard drive

90ls 07-Feb-2003 10:59 PM

The xbox has the dual layer dvd, which is better and faster playback.

The ps2 has the old single layer.

most dvd's are dual layer, the ps2 will read them but will take time , the Xbox will read them instantly.

Also 90% of the xbox games are dvd based, so they had no choice but to make sure they put the dual layer.

CiViC [-_-] BoY ™ 07-Feb-2003 11:01 PM

ah decent

imported_gatherer 08-Feb-2003 12:05 AM

XBOX just for Steel Battlion....

SilverCRXSi 08-Feb-2003 12:54 AM

PS2 IMO opinion is better. Besides its the market leader.

Hey Leeta if ya like stop my my work on Sunday and I can show the differences between the 2. Even if ya dont buy it from me I can show ya the differences by comparing the same games and you can check em out at the same time.

Civic Boy- The X-Box isn't exactly internet ready, you have to buy the kit for it (which is about $60-70) Bascially its the same as PS2.
How much will the online play cost after the 1st yr is anyones guess.

Another thing about X-Box, the so called "exclusives" are only for 3-6 months. Ex. Splinter Cell is coming out on PS2 and GC this spring.

Anyways if ya want to seem for youself you know where to find me.
Good luck.

cibs 08-Feb-2003 02:21 AM

XBOX! all the way!

not just the aforementioned qualities, but the size of the harddrive?!? wtf? i still have 50,000+ blocks, and i have like 10 full cd's stored on there, plus like every game i have ever rented, borrowed has saves on my hard drive... it's going to be a long time before i dip into that HD, the XBOX live thing is sweet, and if you don't like the shape of the controller get the controller type-s, it's smaller so people that have small hands... (and of course that means small you know whats... :D) can enjoy it too.....

i think XBOX has way more potential, better HD, better DVD playback, better Graphics Processor, better processor in general , i think ps2 runs like 233 or something like that while XBOX runs 700+.... :eek:

console wise i think XBOX is the best, ps2 is only the market leader cuz it's been around for a while and has a following from ps one which was out like what 6 years ago? or something like that, xbox has been just over a year last november, so they're starting to build a base with fans and game companies...

plus you can mod your xbox to use it as an everday computer and run linux! lol soo many options, only reason ps2 even compares is cuz of the amount of games out for it...

imported_Slvr-Bullet 08-Feb-2003 02:50 AM

I only have the PS2 but have played a few games on my buddy's XBOX. Although the graphics seems a little better on the XBOX, I wouldn't go out and buy one. But if I had to choose between the two I would go for the PS2:

1) because it's WAY more smaller. XBOX just reminds me of a freekin' huge VCR :p

2) more comfortable controller.

My $0.02

illmatic_si 08-Feb-2003 03:54 AM

true, true the xbox is massive unit but microsoft is soon releasing a scaled down version of the x-box (marketing gimmick)

with regards to modding your x-box.. the possibilites are endless:
-you can swap out the 6-gig drive, stick in your own 80 gigger and dump any game straight onto it. that means easily fitting 10-15 games at a time
-I've heard of guys installing the divx codec and wmp so you can finally watch your dvd-rips on a decent sized screen
-you can install linux (dont ask me why you'd want to do this) and even swap out the graphics card if you're a real buff
-check out the boards at for more info. some of it is pretty hardcore.. involves wiring your pc & xbox together

xbox definitely has the edge in terms of online gaming + graphics but I dont know about the longevity of the system.. microsoft is losing LARRRGE amounts on it, constantly annoucing recalls and bugs.. apparently the hd fails. however north american society is notorious for slow technology acceptance; time will dictate the outcome

imported_EG4door 08-Feb-2003 03:55 AM

I would go PS2, simply becuase it has a far better choice of games, and it has a better controler. I do have to admit that there are some better games on the Xbox compared to the PS2. Anyways I plan on trading my PS2 when PS3 comes out, which should blow the Xbox away.

sjwong 08-Feb-2003 03:56 AM

PS2 has better games right now...but XBox is better imo

CiViC [-_-] BoY ™ 08-Feb-2003 06:56 AM

see guy its mainly personnal likings

PS3 is coming out in like a year so ive heard but haven't heard anything if you can still play the PS1 and PS2 games on it and what the controllers look like
but the shell looks SWEET :D
its like a silverish

90EFHB 08-Feb-2003 09:39 AM

Ghost Recon kicks ass on Xbox.....still trying to get a handle on the mech assault.
Microsoft has gobs of cash.....and so does sony...hence why they are both losing money on the units.
Xbox live is the headset.
Xbox gets my vote

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