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Leeta 08-Feb-2003 09:41 AM

Thanks guys.

I'm still extremly confused! But that's okay, I'll just toss a coin.

SilverCRXsi: I can't come in on sunday. Do you work this week?

cibs 08-Feb-2003 12:23 PM

Originally posted by 90EFHB
Ghost Recon kicks ass on Xbox.....still trying to get a handle on the mech assault.
Microsoft has gobs of cash.....and so does sony...hence why they are both losing money on the units.
Xbox live is the headset.
Xbox gets my vote


they make their money on the games they sell.... imagine buying a computer with the same specs as an xbox.... you wouldn't be paying 449 like you were originally... like i did :( :p
and you definatley wouldn't find it for 249 like you can now.... ps3 might be better but it's going to be like two or three years younger, plus when it comes to actual computer stuff i'd pure want microsoft more, cuz they invent all of the stuff that sony ends up using! :wink: XBOX is the future! lol Plus i've heard rumours, dunno if they're true or not, that when it comes time to upgrade your XBOX you'll be able to buy parts or take it in or something, instead of buying a whole new console... cuz remember they lose money on the consoles why would you want to make them buy a new one? just upgrade the one they have and then they can buy more games.... that's the real company thinking.... :D just all you ps2 people wait and see!

OverKill 08-Feb-2003 01:54 PM

I'm an Xbox player myself...

I find Sony to be a dying breed however in Sony's favor they do have more games than Xbox (currently).

However, with games like Halo, Hitman, Rallisport Challenge, GT2002, Blade II etc. you just can't go wrong.

Also, Bill Gates has ordered his henchmen to begin purchasing the licencing to "Resident Evil" games which means they will be coming to Xbox as well.


SilverCRXSi 08-Feb-2003 04:42 PM

hey Leeta,
I work Tuesday and Fridays this week(From now on anytime after 4) and Sundays too but not the 16 (goin to Auto Show)
Just stop by whenever you can. I'll show ya the dif's b/w the 2 systems. Hell if ya want we can even toss in the 'Cube and then you see which is the best one.

PS3 won't be coming out for atleast 2 yrs. Game systems have a lifespan of about 4-5 years since its so damn expensive to launch a new system!

Microsoft is losing money on X-Box's (I think its like $50 on each console) but they make up the money on games.
Sony isn't losing money, I read a report (we get info at work) that they're actually making money on the PS2.

Resident Evil is NOT going to X-Box, Nintendo has the exclusive rights for it, so if you're a Resident Evil nut you have to get the GameCube, BTW Resident Evil: Zero is amazing!
The exception is RE: Online for PS2.

Basically it comes down to which system has the games you like more. The X-Box is geared more towards the PC crowd (hence the style of games) while the PS2 is more mainstream.

Personally the X-Box doesn't have enough exclusives to make it worth it.
In terms of potential the X-Box and the GameCube have the most potential, but just because they're newer doesn't mean they're better. Just look at the N64/PSX war. We all know who won that one.

labatia 08-Feb-2003 04:50 PM


SilverCRXSi 08-Feb-2003 11:32 PM

Yes, the NES rules!
GBA baby!

Gallagher 09-Feb-2003 02:23 AM

nothing beats NES. Blades of Steel, best game. Classic is the way to go. Or sega, dont you remember sonic, or MORTAL KOMBAT 3 ! Those games are champ. Johnny Cage, Sub Zero, the list goes on. But back to Ps2 and X-Box

PS2 cuz it has Madden 2003 and that game is sick !
X-Box you need to have extra big hands to fit that controller in your hand. X-Box to me is a computer (N) I dont like it. GO FOR PS2 and get Madden 2003

night_sleeper 09-Feb-2003 07:51 AM

I was in the same situation as you were last summer. To be honest both systems are safe. What I would base my decision on is what most of your friends have. The reasons .... 1. you can borrow games (indefinately :D ) 2. If you decide to play online you know who you can team up with.

Tish 09-Feb-2003 08:41 AM

IMO, PS2 is better....I love MKDA(even though I usually get my ass kicked by my hubby) .....but ya, that's just my 2 cents.

Leeta 09-Feb-2003 09:08 AM

Sorry, but what's NES?


imported_EG4door 09-Feb-2003 10:05 AM

Nintendo Entertainment System

90ls 09-Feb-2003 10:51 AM

A freind of mine is a manager at EB he says that Resident evil and grand theft auto , will be available on all 3 systems next year.

Originally posted by OverKill_Si
I'm an Xbox player myself...

I find Sony to be a dying breed however in Sony's favor they do have more games than Xbox (currently).

However, with games like Halo, Hitman, Rallisport Challenge, GT2002, Blade II etc. you just can't go wrong.

Also, Bill Gates has ordered his henchmen to begin purchasing the licencing to "Resident Evil" games which means they will be coming to Xbox as well.


cibs 09-Feb-2003 12:02 PM

yeah but who wants to buy a game almost a year after it comes out?

plus for all you people against the big ass xbox controller, they have a small one available for you little people, but for big people like me it fits perfectly! playing with the ps2 controller is like playing with a little kinder egg toy for me, just doens't work too well!

OverKill 09-Feb-2003 02:23 PM

Originally posted by SilverCRXSi
Resident Evil is NOT going to X-Box, Nintendo has the exclusive rights for it, so if you're a Resident Evil nut you have to get the GameCube, BTW Resident Evil: Zero is amazing!
The exception is RE: Online for PS2.

I beg to differ Sir... the Resident Evil licencing, which is currently on contract from Capcom to Nintendo, expires shortly.

Microsoft is already in contract negotiations with Capcom to acquire the licencing for the present and future Resident Evil titles.


CiViC [-_-] BoY ™ 09-Feb-2003 02:58 PM


man CAPCOM vs. SNK is going to RULE!!!!!!

SilverCRXSi 09-Feb-2003 05:04 PM

Well the last report I read said that Nintendo has the exclusive rights, hence why Zero and RE:4 are only coming out to GC.
As for the future, who knows, but it won't be until probably next year.

I too have heard about GTA coming out on Cube and X-Box sometime next year, but I don't know if thats true...

It's pretty much about which one has the games YOU want. I went the GameCube route.

T-Shirt Ninja 09-Feb-2003 07:25 PM

I'm gonna say xbox too, theres lots of goods games out for it now. And the people who complain about the size of the controller, there is a smaller one available (comes with all the new systems) IMO the new controller ownz j00 lol. If you can get the xbox with the 2 free games pick that up, that way you can play it out of the box w/o buying any more stuff.

HitMan 09-Feb-2003 11:59 PM

I have both XBox and PS2 and I prefer X-Box, but just by a slim margin.

I don't find the X-Box controller that tough to use, and its hardrive is awesome for saving games. But what gets me is the 4 player option. I have 4 controllers, and inviting 3 buddies over, you can spend hours playing all kinds of Halo 4 player games.

For PS2 I bought it for Vice City, and it was worth it. Incredible game, great soundtrack too.

But the edge goes to X Box

SilverCRXSi 10-Feb-2003 12:04 PM

I'm goin out on a limb here but I'm gonna say the GameCube.
Best 1st party games hands down.
Now if Nintendo could get their act together and start making some online games...

imported_Torrey 10-Feb-2003 04:05 PM

I have an xbox. I hate the wimpy PS2 controller and surprisingly like the XboX controller.

No-one can beat the original Nintento controller though. LOL

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